Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mothers day card?

can anyone help me think of what to say on my card to my mom?

i love her but im not a very good writer and dont know the best way to put it into words


Mothers day card?
I had my kids at work put together collage cards that said something meaningful about their mothers.

My favorite one was a cut out of each word that went like this:

Q: What would I do with out my mom? (outside flap)

A: Nothing! (inside)

There were pics of mom's and daughters and flowers and other things that were special to her. Very Cute!
Reply:moms will pretend that they like your card when they are really thinking, "Wow, a card, thats all he got me, after i changed his diapers for 5 years"

get her some roses or a gift basket.......

that what i did
Reply:you can pretty much make anything that you think looks good your mom will luv it

Mothers day card?

can anyone help me think of what to say on my card to my mom?

i love her but im not a very good writer and dont know the best way to put it into words


Mothers day card?
I had my kids at work put together collage cards that said something meaningful about their mothers.

My favorite one was a cut out of each word that went like this:

Q: What would I do with out my mom? (outside flap)

A: Nothing! (inside)

There were pics of mom's and daughters and flowers and other things that were special to her. Very Cute!
Reply:Dear mum:

I was trying to think of what I could write for you for mother's day, but I couldn't come up with anything. Nothing I could say could express how much I appreciate you and love you. I don't think it's possible for me to put that into words.

Truly, [you]
Reply:****Moms love you for who you are.

Your answer is in your question:


I love you more than I'm able to express in writing!

TRY IT, She'll love it!


If your mother ignores you should you still send her a mothers day card when your the one having to live with

her dad? He will get so angry if I don't. Still my choice right?

If your mother ignores you should you still send her a mothers day card when your the one having to live with
i would because that would show her your the bigger person.and make you feel better.but yes its your choice at the end of the day i would think about it first.
Reply:Send it to her anyway. You only have one mother whether she was good, bad, or indifferent. Just send it.
Reply:I would say that you should only send her a card if you choose to do so. And I don't see why your grandfather (if I am reading this right) should get mad as he is raising you and she isn't.

I would get him a card, like a thank you or something, for being there for you when you need him.
Reply:Send her a generic card...You will feel better then.

My father was the same way for many years...after he divorced my mom. I still sent him a fathers day card and birthday card every year.
Reply:let me ask you this

would you want your daughter to send you a card if you guys were fighting??

I mean if anything ever happend to where you were having a hard time with your kids when you have some and they didn't send you a mother's day card or birthday card?

Maybe sending her one will make her relize what a wonerful daughter you are and she will come around

if not that is yout choice no one can make that choice for you

good luck
Reply:Your choice, yes, but put your foot in her shoes. She was the one that brought you into this world -- you owe her "at least" a card to acknowledge that fact. She deserves that one iota of respect no matter how cruel and unjust she was to you when growing up or even more recently (picture the cruel stepmother of Cinderella). Remember, people can change their behavior, but they can't change who they are %26amp; where they came from.
Reply:Yes you should. It doesn't have to be a really sentimental card. Just something that says Happy Mother's Day, I love you. Which I'm sure you do.
Reply:She still is your mother .
Reply:that depends on what you mean by ignoring? dont you have any contact with your mom? If you could send a greeting card reminding her that she's a mom. be kind.

it will make you feel good too.
Reply:It will create less stress on you and others if you just find a generic card and give it to her. It doesn't have to say much of anything and then you aren't in trouble with anyone. You might be upset in having to "play the game," but in the long run it takes much less energy to walk the high ground.
Reply:Still your choice. It is hard to fathom someone holding a grudge against his/her mother.
Reply:Hey... She is your mother after all......

and the ONLY mother that you will ever have....

Be nice,,,, just do the right thing.. you will be happy..

take care..

I'm looking for mothers day card I once saw where she is a "star" in a show?

it makes you think she is taking off all her clothes but she's actually ironing.

Do you know where to find it?


I'm looking for mothers day card I once saw where she is a "star" in a show?
It's a little late now, isn't it?
Reply:google search

Would it be wrong if i get some kid to make a Mothers Day card for MY mom?

And i'm not going to pay the kid neither..Is it wrong that i'm cheap and lazy??

Would it be wrong if i get some kid to make a Mothers Day card for MY mom?
Why not? I'm paying some guy to take my step mother out to dinner. He's going to bleach his hair and wear my clothes. Out of this he's getting a New York quarter, a lovely scarf, 3 bottle caps, and a kazoo.
Reply:Yeah, it's cheap and lazy but in a loving way!

For all you know this could be an amazing learning experience for the kid (lesson: always ask for cash up front)
Reply:It's the thought that counts,eh? And at least you gave it some thought which is more than...........ummm well at least a few.=p

Reply:I'm sure your mother loves you, cheap and lazy and all. Kids drawings are cute.
Reply:Girl you are so bad. You would have no problem having sex today right ? Plenty of energy for that right lol !
Reply:yea try dead wrong.... wht you don't like your mother or something
Reply:I sure hope that's not wrong...
Reply:mmmm,could be
Reply:i hope not =S.
Reply:no, it would be smart, lol.
Reply:i think your on the right track here, at best two wrongs make a right in my book...i only wish my kids loved me as much~
Reply:Not at all. Sweat shops should bring jobs to this country.

Should I Send my dads fiance A mothers day card?

My dad is engaged to a great woman soon to be my stepmom but they arent getting married till June. Im not sure If i should send her one, cause I know she would absolutely die if I did,but Im not sure If I should....Cause she isnt my "mom" yet.....

Should I Send my dads fiance A mothers day card?
There are cards for almost every occasion these days. Maybe there's one for "mother-to-be" (that doesn't sound pregnantish). Look around - in different stores, online - maybe there's one that's just right...

You could ask your Dad, too, for his advice. :)

HERE'S AN IDEA!! Make her one!! By hand or on your computer - with drawings or clip art. Say what you want (like "I couldn't wait to say it!!!" on the outside; inside, "Happy Mother's Day!") I think it's be EXTRA special if you made it yourself!!

If you've already accepted her as your "mom", it'd be great to let her know it now!

P.S. In looking around Hallmark's website ( with your question in mind, I noticed they have an article about writing personal notes. I didn't go in, but maybe you can get some ideas from it. Take a look at cards - any - to get ideas for what you want to say. [You'll have to click around for that article; I didn't make a note as to where I found it.]
Reply:I think you should not send her one because 1:she is not your mother 2:thy aren't married or even engaged

You can send her a friendship card then you told the truth(you gotta be friends w/ your dad's girlfriend) and your dad and his girlfriend are happy

everybody wins!
Reply:yes you should, if you do she will think that you respeck her.
Reply:You need to do what is in your heart. I have sent mothers days cards to women whom I was not even related to, but they were like mothers to me. If you feel you want to, then just do it! It would be a sweet gesture and a nice way to welcome her to the family.
Reply:Why not send one of those friendship cards like a "you're special" card or something like that.

If you think she would like it then send a mothers day card it will make her feel wanted by you and may stop any worries she has about how you feel about her
Reply:If you feel about her as a "mom" then what can it hurt? She will probably appreciate the gesture. I often think of mothers' day as a day that honors women as nurturers, not just "mom's" - so if she is a good person that has been there for you and your dad, why not show her you appreciate her?
Reply:Of course you should, it would absolutely make her feel like a million dollars. Show her how much she means to you. I think its a great idea! Bless you for thinking of her :)
Reply:Why not send her a friendship card instead. It would make her day and get you brownie points with your dad and her.
Reply:Sure why not, I am sure it would make her day. It would also show her that you are accepting of her!
Reply:that's up to you and how you feel. they make cards for step mothers also. try one of those.
Reply:die in a good way or bad way? i think u should 2 show her u appreciate her and tell her im glad ur my stepmom. but it is very nice that u r thinkin of her
Reply:You can just get a blank card and write in it that you're glad she's going to be your stepmother ...
Reply:If you think she is like another mom to you, then I think you should. I'm sure it would make her happy too.

Reply:if she is a mother most definately. they have cards for stepmoms...
Reply:well, shes gonna, so why not?
Reply:Send her a card to show that you're happy she's with your dad, and you will accept her as a second mother.
Reply:I would say no...especially if your mother is still alive and even more so if she is in your life. Next year will be the right time, when she is officially your stepmother.
Reply:It depends on how close you are to her. They have "other mother" cards to send. My Dad has been with his companion since 1991. She was my Mom's best friend since 4th grade and we are even closer than I was with my Mom. I always get her a card and a gift.
Reply:i agree with BESTY ROSS and YOGI, but hey do what feels right to you

Send her a card and say how excited you are that she will soon be your mom!

She'll love it, and it'll make you feel good too :o)
Reply:send her a card saying :wishing you a happy mothers day -have a great mothers day.
Reply:if she has kids then it would be a nice thing to do .

if you really like her do it. i give my step mom a card and gift on mothers day even though they got married after i was 18 and she did not mother me.
Reply:I think it would be a nice thing to do.
Reply:well it's totally up 2 you. do u and her get along? if u have a decent relationship, then wish her happy mothers day,and u can always add in the card that u think alot of her.
Reply:Maybe you shouldn't send her a mother's day card. But maybe you could get her like some flowers or something. So that it is not necessarily a Mother's Day thing, but still its a nice gesture

shoe buckles

What should I say in my mothers day card?

You should just speak whats in your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for that she does for you and put it into words. Or, think of some special memories you have and thank her for them. Its really not that hard. She will cherish the card forever

What should I say in my mothers day card?
Reply:Don't think about it just write, and it will come to you. Tell her thank you for all she has done for you, and I love you.
Reply:That you love her most in this world ... and thank her that she gave you birth ... and you will try not to upset her no more and try to be the perfect son / daughter ! :)

Something like that i'm gonna write ! :)
Reply:mmmm.. :D:D:D:D:):):)
Reply:maybe you cuold write a little poem i mean you could spell out her name and with every letter you say something good about her or the good that she does, eg. K-for the kindness you show each and every person you meet, A- for .... and at the end say i love you and happy mother's day
Reply:i love u mom
Reply:tell ur mother how much u appreciate her and love even though u don't tell her all the time and add a little personal touch trust me that's the best mothers day present u can give her
Reply:Even I dunno wat to say...

Who are you suppose to send cards and presents to on mothers and fathers day if you don't have parents?

Like to a grandmother? husband? to anyone you know?

Who are you suppose to send cards and presents to on mothers and fathers day if you don't have parents?
i send cards to the men and women who have had a strong influence in my life, who have treated me like their own, who have shown me honour and respect and who i love dearly!
Reply:I try to always think of my friends that are single parents. Oftentimes the children are too young to purchase gifts themselves and no one thinks to do it. My friend's husband passed away on last year and she called me in tears when I sent her a text message for Valentine's Day with a note saying that I had left a gift at her house. It was nearly 10 P.M. and I was the first person to remember that it was her first holiday alone!
Reply:If Both your parents have passed or Not in your life then you can send a card if you choose to someone who helped raise you like a Grandma or Grandpa or a aunt or Uncle.It's always nice to send your Husband a card to let him know you appreciate and love him.
Reply:whoever supported you thru the years... either financially or... you know, could be someone who guided you... or even 'bailed you out' of messes while you were a teenager... lol I can think of a few people on top of my parents who i should thank.
Reply:You could send it to your grandmother/grandfather or husband/wife if you dont have parents. Really, you could send it to anyone.
Reply:Very good question, sorry for your loss. I would look back and pick out someone who has been a good mentor and thank them, at the same time wish them a happy day.
Reply:How about sending cards to someone that is like q mother and father to you?

Will someone make me a mothers day card please, that i can print off?

give me a link please x

and i'm not being lazy or unkind!! i am rubbish on the computer and she will like a really nice one. thank you

Will someone make me a mothers day card please, that i can print off?

Need clever saying for my mom's mothers day card...?

It is a silhouette of our german shepherd in black. I'd like a clever/funny saying in the front.

Need clever saying for my mom's mothers day card...?
roses are pretty and violets too but they are nothing compared to u

for shoe lasts

Whats the best e card website I can use to either buy or get for free for a nice (step) mothers day card?

Too late, but next time try Hallmark!

Would the text of Leviticus 18:6-18 make a nice mothers day card?

If your mom can take a joke, sure.

Would the text of Leviticus 18:6-18 make a nice mothers day card?
Sounds more like a prevent-an-inbred-porno card.
Reply:nothing biblical makes a nice anything, save for bathroom tissue or rolling papers
Reply:LOL very nice.
Reply:I guess if you feel the need to warn your mother not to commit incest.
Reply:Hahah yess
Reply:It is speaking of blood relatives in verse 6. The rest of it deals with incest.
Reply:I guess so!
Reply:Y, Is your mother hitting on you?
Reply:And what it says again?

Where can i find a 4 1/4x5 1/2in. mothers day card at in gainesville?

you could make one...

Where can i find a 4 1/4x5 1/2in. mothers day card at in gainesville?
Walmart ?

Does Anyone Have A Good Mothers Day Card To Write?

Thank you mom! Only you could love a face like mine!

Does Anyone Have A Good Mothers Day Card To Write?
Hey Ronnie... That Was A Pretty Funny Answer. I Used That For My Mom And She Was Laughing. Thanks Again Ronnie!!! Report Abuse

Reply:The support you gave to me through the years has helped me tremendously. Your loving ways give me that quiet strength to handle things that come along. It is a great gift to have such a wonderful mother as you by my side. I will always love you and will be by your side whenever you need me......

Graphics software

What do i write on my Godmothers mothers day card?

BTW, she dun even remember she's my godmother....

What do i write on my Godmothers mothers day card?
tell her that, thnx for being my godmother and say "happy god mother's day"
Reply:Happy Mother's Day!
Reply:just happy mothers day.

What is a nice message to write in a mothers day card?

my idea

dear mama

whenever I have a problem

you're always here for me

people come and people go

but you always stay by me

Today is your official day

and the day of all the mothers on earth

with this card I want to thank you

for all you did for me

and wish you that you dreams come true

just like you wish it for me

What is a nice message to write in a mothers day card?
Thanks for popping me out. I know it was tough, but it made my day!
Reply:thank you for being an anti-abortionist, they should call it mothers anti-abortionist day.
Reply:tell her what you love about her and thanks for what ever she did.
Reply:Mom, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. I love you! See, short and sweet. All Mom's want is to know they are appreciated and respected.
Reply:Hey,come on!!Do you want to impress her with some fancy words?or you want to express your real love?

For former...sorry

For do what you really feel from your heart!
Reply:Write -Happy Mothers day!! I hope everything in life is good! I love you with all my heart!!!

Then ur name

What should I write in my Mothers Day card?

You should write exactly how u feel about ur mom and the words will flow easily when the come from ur heart.

What should I write in my Mothers Day card?
roses are red violets are blue i thank god every day for a mother like you
Reply:for a start you can tell your mother how much you love her and how much she means to you. then you thank her for all she has done for you all these years. That she cared for you (and your siblings). you can apologize for being ungrateful sometimes or disrespectful if you like. oh, and tell her you love her veggies or potatoes or something like that!! hope i could be of some help!!

Funny Mothers Day card ideas?

What's a homemade card I could make that says something funny on it? I want to draw on the front too. I'm 14 so nothing too sketchy, and I don't want it to be to "emotionally feely"

Funny Mothers Day card ideas?
Go to%26lt;%26gt;; I sent one this morning !!

graffiti tags

Where can I find free Yahoo Mother's day cards?

Mother's Day Cards

Where can I find free Yahoo Mother's day cards?
try yahoo shopping
Reply:I use this site and it's free.

Hope it helps!
Reply:i don't think you can!!
Reply:go online and print one out, or you be creative and make your own. I'm sure your mom will love it either way.

Instant Spa Gift Card for Mothers Day could be redeemed in other Country?

Where could I buy a Gift Card for Mothers day coming , My Mother is in Australia and I want to send her for Pampering in a Day Spa, or a Resort/Hotel Spa.

Instant Spa Gift Card for Mothers Day could be redeemed in other Country?
I can suggest a great website go to they have so many Day Spas, Resort Spas %26amp; Hotel Spas where you can redeem the Instant Gift Certificate or a Gift Card sent to the recepient via email.

It is the easy way to send gifts to your family and Friends worldwide.

These Gift Cards could be redeemed for skin care services or to stay in a hotel or resort.

I hope this will help you to save time %26amp; money.

Bedrest on mothers day?

My mom is on bedrest, so my siblings (me and 4 others) are having to make her have a good mothers day anyway (my dad doesn't do that stuff well). So anyway, my sisters (8) and I were brainstorming, and we came up with a bunch of ideas to get her (my dad already got her a ring big whoop though she can't wear it). Anway we came up with the idea of having things to make her time spent in her room more enjoyable. What do you think of us putting together a basket with some entertainment things it it? What else besides 2 Danielle Steel books, the new Peoples and Housekeeping magazine, and 2 new movies we haven't picked yet. Plus I found this framed picture she wants for the wall (only like $25) and some flowers.

I also want to make breakfast in bed for my mom and dad. I decided that tonight I will get all the kids to make my mom a mothers day card. Then tomorrow morning I can get up at about 7:00 and start beakfast. My sister (8) can get the kids up and play with them......

Bedrest on mothers day?
Excellent plan.

Make something that suits your mom's situation (pregnancy) , a simple breakfast in bed would do just fine.

You should also get one those baskets to put in all the stuff that has a big bow on top - they're very cute.

God I admire you so much (from your previous questions n stuff !!

Great going , gal !!
Reply:aww! I have to tell you as a young mother and knowing your other questions how hard you have had it...I have to say I am soo proud of you! You are going to be an excellent mother or just super great with kids when you get older! With that being said..unless your mother is on a strict diet with her pregnancy..maybe some eggs and grits and toast..or something along that lines..better yet ..make something that won't cause alot of mess in bed LOL...And other than that your idea is awesome!!

My daughter sent me a mothers day card which said?

i was the most annoying mother in the world but keep up the good work, is that a compliment or what

My daughter sent me a mothers day card which said?
It is a humorous card. Obviously, she knows that the reason you are so annoying is because you love her!!!
Reply:I am sure it is meant to be funny. Take it with a grain of salt.

A mom's job has to be annoying. It's annoying for me to be a mom at times. I mean many times do we have to repeat ourselves in one day? How many times do we have to ask them to do their chores? I know that my kids feel as if I nag them all the time by asking, "have you done your homework, how much homework do you have, is your room clean, hurry up you are going to miss the bus...the list goes on. It is our job to stay on top of things and it can get annoying for everyone involved. But focus on the "keep up the good work" portion of the card. She cares enough and loves you enough to even send a card to begin with so that says something right there.

If you are still upset about it then you should ask her and talk it out, but honestly I really think it meant as a joke.
Reply:That's a compliment. 'Annoying' simply means 'naggy' in this context. But at the same time, she acknowledges that even though you are naggy, you show her care and love.
Reply:Yes it is a compliment "keep up the good work" means you nagged her,and now she can see why...its cool
Reply:What exactly do you think?
Reply:Read some of the questions from teenagers on here and you see that 99% of them think their parents are annoying. It's probably what you thought of your mom at one time or another, when you were her age. Don't take it personally, just be glad that she took the time to get you a card and thought enought of you to lighten the mood, instead of being mushy. Some teens don't know how to express their true feelings, they don't do mush!
Reply:I think that's very funny, does she have a dry sense of humour?
Reply:to me it sounds like sarcastic type humour.....
Reply:She loves you...if she didn' wouldn't have gotten a card.
Reply:no its not a compliment

but then she mite b joking

ask her
Reply:heck yeah take it as a compliment! It means you're doing you job as a mother and she appreciates it. Just make sure you give her a great birthday card!!! LOL
Reply:I would take it as a compliment, she likes the way you keep on her even though it is annoying she knows that your not dismissive of her.

Keep up the Good Work
Reply:why u feel what she is feling

u will always remain the mother

do one think send him some card which must say that although i may be annoying but u will be the best daughter in the world as whenever i annoyed i only annoyed to make your future better as i hope that u are on the way to securing that

so let her judge the way she feels

just send him the answer as sometimes kids need to know ahat is right.

take care

u will remain the mother
Reply:Sounds like something I'd send my mom, but she'd know I was playing!! All moms are annoying, as I'm sure I am to my kids, but they respect us and love us.
Reply:Yes. It means you are being effective. It means she knows you do things in her best interest and while she gets annoyed by it, she recognizes that you love her and you are doing your job as a mom. Your daughter loves you unconditionally, so you did it right. Good for you!
Reply:Its a compliment she is being funny.

She knows the only reason you annoy her is because you love her and want to be involved in her life.
Reply:try to find out what did you do. you probably have done something that hurt her.


Im making my mom a mothers day card what should i put on it either than happy mothers day?

Something that comes from your heart will be the best thing.

Let her know how much you appreciate her not only because it's Mother's Day but being there when you needed her most.

Im making my mom a mothers day card what should i put on it either than happy mothers day?
hap......hap.......happy mother's day. if you didn't like it i am sorry .i kow it it's a funny topic.

Do you ever give someone a mothers day card whos not a mother?

but married lets say to somone who is? like my talks like a parrot stepmother haha

Do you ever give someone a mothers day card whos not a mother?
Not exactly sure about your situation, but I give a Mom's Day card to my aunt almost every year. She can't have kids of her own and I know that it breaks her heart, but she treats all of her nieces and nephews like they are her own. I have kids of my own now and she is wonderful to them, she buys them things and takes them places with her and just generally spoils them, so the answer is YES, definitely.
Reply:no, i don't give a card to any mother so never mind one who is not a mother. traditionally, u only give a card or gift to your own mother, but hallmark decided to create cards that can be given to any woman u know that is a mother. its a way for them to make money.
Reply:I have before. I have my kids give my sisterinlaw mothers day cards. Also, because I am an extreme dork, I have given friends Mother's day cards from her dogs. LOL

If your in a fight with your mom on mothers day, how are you supposed to make it all better...?

i got into a really big fight with my mom, today, which is mothers day, what am i supposed to do to make it all better... this is what happened... :

she wanted me to go with her and she was gettign super impatiant , but i wasnt goign cause i was making her a mothers day card... and then i go i nthe car and shes like " get out. " and im like " **** fine, sorry for trying to make you a ******* mothers day card. " then shescreams otut the window " I DONT WANT YOUR ******* MOTHERS DAY CARD ".

If your in a fight with your mom on mothers day, how are you supposed to make it all better...?
Try to apologize. She's supposed to be the adult but sounds like a child in the way she reacted to you. Sounds like there's more than you being slow that's bugging her. She needs a hug.
Reply:To be quite honest that is the most horrible scenario, especially for mother's day.

She does sound like she's got some "issues" and she's taking them out on you.

I personally wouldn't even try to "make it all better" cause it looks like you both are still pretty sore about it and talking can only make it worse, leave the card on her bed for her and she'll be by herself thinking on how awful she treated you and will most likely apologize tommorrow :)
Reply:oh crap

well give her the mothers day card and an apology letter in it for her to find with dinner made for her or something sweet like that. you probably shouldve made the card before actual mother's day. and from now on when shes yelling at you to go somewhere, especially on mother's day, go and finish what you're doing later.
Reply:UM? I don't really know my mom left me when i was 3 i made her one card she ripped it up and threw it away.I did nothing wrong. So don't come over here and start griping at least your mom luvs you.I never knew my mom so shut up and get along
Reply:Hopefully when she gets back, the dust has settled. Just try to apologize. It is after all, like you said, Mother's day. But if it were up to me, I'd keep you from cussing your mom. Even if she does, you. =) Goodluck! Hope you turn around the day.
Reply:Try apologizing to her. Try to hug her and give her a kiss.
Reply:Give her the card or leave it where she'll find it. I hope it works out ok. Sounds sad.
Reply:one word, apologize
Reply:Bake her a cake [:

Question T\to gays that adopt a child. To whom will the child give a mothers day gift to? Epically if the?

adopters are both male. How would this make a child feel on mothers day? Who does he or she give a mothers day card/gift to?

Question T\to gays that adopt a child. To whom will the child give a mothers day gift to? Epically if the?
If the child's parents are both men, then a "Mother's Day" gift would be inappropriate...unless it's a family tradition the child has initiated.

My son, although not adopted by my partner, does give a "Father's Day" gift to my partner...but he calls it a "Step-parent's Day" gift.
Reply:My father died when I was four and I never had a stepfather. I gave my father's day gift to my grandfather. A child in the scenario you mention could do likewise, or give one to any other female they wanted to, if they felt they wanted to do that.

There is never any guarantee that a child is going to have two parents, much less two different-sex parents. Should my mother have been forced to remarry so I didn't have to feel left out on father's day? Maybe father's and mother's day should be abolished so no child ever has to feel left out. You can show appreciation for the people you love without government-created holidays that probably exist for no reason other than to sell greeting cards and other merchandise.
Reply:Well the child wouldn't, the child would give the 2 male parents gifts on father's day.

To say they're lacking something is foolish, just because they don't engage in this commercial holiday. If you judge them, as you imply they'll somehow feel bad, then how do you judge people who's mothers have died?

The child also has another option, to give a gift to his/her grandmother.

Even if you argue that the child is missing something, the child would have a doubly fun father's day to make up for it.
Reply:Epically? Why can noone spell on here?! I don't see how this would be any different to a divorced/widowed male/female raising kids on their own - they wouldn't celebrate the day of the parent who is absent either. Why does it matter neway? They can just have double the fun on Father's Day.

choosing shoe horns

Help with mothers day present!?!?!?!?!?

I want to make my mom a mothers day card and I know exactly how I want it to be but I cant put it into words


well, i want to make a little card with a picture of her on it and (this is where i need your help) i want it to be like a dictionary definition for The Perfect Mom, but i dont know what to say

i want it to be something like ... who has always been there... you know something that is really hearty and stuff


Help with mothers day present!?!?!?!?!?
I'd just like to elaborate on Vick's answer (which *is* perfect).

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copyright: [child's name], year

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Perfect Mom-

Reply:mom you know i love you cause i say it everyday but now i will give you the true defintion today.

Perfect Mom means i'll always be there for you no matter what you do. Everyday I'll pray for you cause I know how much you go through. We've had ups and downs and twists and turns but there are so many things I have learned. The best way to show the real definiton of Perfect Mom is on Mother's Day.
Reply:Just say I LOVE YOU, Thank you for everything.
Reply:Someone that loves unconditionally. Someone who has always been there. Someone that looks out for their loved ones. Someone who always cares. The most special person in my life. A person I will love until the end of time.

Reply:I can wait to tell you the new things in my life

I only trust you with my most personal issues

All of my friends tell me I'm lucky to have you

I don't have to worry that you'll quit loving me
Reply:a perfect mom is you

Cute phrases for mothers day??

what are some cute phrases for a mothers day card

Cute phrases for mothers day??
"God, please tell me my angel's name."

"You will simply call her, 'Mom.'"
Reply:"If I could have chosen my own mother I would, without doubt, have chosen you. or/ and "You are the pefect mother for me."

Hope this helps you out.
Reply:If all mothers are made of stones..

then you would be a diamond..

Mothers day help...HELP ME PLEASE!?

well i didnt get my mom a card 4 mothers day and i was going 2 get 1 off the internet and then my computer got screwed up and i lost it it was like the prefect card. n e ways will n e body show me a link 2 a mothers day card please best 1 gets best answer or first 1 please thanx

Mothers day help...HELP ME PLEASE!?
if you can't find a card online, why don't you just make her one. She might like it even more if you made it yourself! Just whip up some markers and a piece of computer paper. You can do it!!!


you have to join and they have some AWESOME ecards..I used this for my sisters
Reply:Jacquie lawson does really exquisite animated greetings cards, she has some lovely mother's day ones. Her address is:
Reply:a link? You are kidding! Shame on you. You should had bought her one or made something for her.

a mom
Reply:Go out and buy her flowers and just TELL her happy mother's day.
Reply:most moms love the hand made card that what i had my little girl do for my wife and she loved it.
Reply:Try american greetings they have very kool ecards

Is this a good mothers day card poem?

you cook you clean and you work

and i never said thank you

well now is the time to say it

thank you mom for all you do

i never say i love you

although i lnow its true

i know you love me too

you loved me from the start

and all through the years

but i never showed i love you too

i love you mom for all you do

sometimes you yell

sometimes you cry

but all through the pain

you love me every day

i never say goodbye

when you leave for work

i never say goodnoght when

i go to sleep

i never do anything

to show how i love you

but today is the day

to show you i care

today is the da to say

i love you mom

all through the years

Is this a good mothers day card poem?
That's a really nice poem, and I think your mom will like it. But now that you realized that you could say more to your mom. Start saying something nice to her everyday, because it isn't easy being a mom. And one day when you have kids you will look back and be glad that you were nice to your mom...
Reply:it doesn't rhyme and to me it just sounds like butt kissing....

however I'm not close with my mom so I'd never write her a poem. I'll buy her a card and whatever else...I spent good money on her though... :)
Reply:Its good but doesnt that show you just how much you take your mom for granted??? If i gave my mom that it would show her I'm sorry for that but it'd make me feel kinda crappy
Reply:ANY mother would adore that you even wrote a poem. It's beautiful! Leave it the way it is!
Reply:its good but you should rewrite a lil bit of it put a lil more love in it
Reply:I am a mother and I think that is a excellent poem except you just need to go back and correct your spelling for the word "good night." The poem is beautiful and I'm sure that it will mean the world to your mother. You are putting this in your own words of how you feel about your mother. That is more appealing then any card that you may find in any store. I am a poet myself and I will recommend you to send your poem off to get it published.
Reply:It comes from the heart %26amp; those are always the best kind.
Reply:yes because it came from your heart
Reply:well i'm a mum a it brought a tear to my eye. she will love it, don't change a thing. you sound like a great daughter.
Reply:It's okay .. use it if you want ... but you might want to try something else that really shows her that you care.

Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two and family would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.

Reply:Thats Great. God bless!
Reply:straight from the heart! what could be better. It,s excellent!!
Reply:it started really well then went on and on and on and on and on

choosing loops

What are some mothers day poeams and things to say for my future self?

I need help to write a great mothers day card?

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

so it is a mothers day card from me when i was 16 for when ever i have my first kid

What are some mothers day poeams and things to say for my future self?
There are some great books about mothers which you can help you. The second book I've cited below ("I Love You Mom") is a compilation of many famous people's mothers. You can get some inspiration there.

There is even a "Chicken Soup" book for mothers. Just start searching online or at your library. Good luck with your project!

Have a polite day.

Mothers Day?

What do you do on Mothers Day besides visit her with card and gift? I never know what to do I live with my mother and I am a mother my self with 2 girls whose father is deceased so no dinner with him. Give me some ideas?

Mothers Day?
Take her out somewhere nice or make her a nice dinner.
Reply:Hang out and talk. That's what I'll be doing with my mother later on..
Reply:If it's just you an your girls then everyday is mother's day. My mom and I just talk, or watch movies. You don't have to run around town for it to be a special day. (sorry about the girls' father)
Reply:spend time with your kids

a cild

or ure two daughters have to spend time with you

its a tradition in my family.

i'm not with my mohter righ now

she in bed


What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?
Please refer to the response I gave to your other SAME question.


Have a polite day.

Mothers Day?

Okay, for Mothers day I got my Mom,

A Set of Sunflower Hand Towels (She LOVES sunflowers), Sunflower pot Holders, 4 Pillows for the Living Room Couch (All with help from my 2 siblings) a singing mothers day Card, and we also went to the Mall and got her Personalized Charm Pieces to her Braclete, the little Charm peices has our Names on it and our Birthdates... and Also my sister and I are making her a Cake with Fondat and really Cute Flowers on it...

So what I was wondering, Should we offer to take her out to eat also?

Mothers Day?
Do it while you can, I lost my Mom over 2 years ago and I wish that I could have spent more Mothers Days with her doing those things. She will appreciate whatever you do for her, but for yourself and your sisters do as much as you can with her while you still have her.
Reply:Is she hungry? Try take out? She sounds neglected. I answered another Mothers day question. The person asking the question had NO money, she didn't know what to do either.

Whats the deal, it's not the money, or things. that's all crap. Do you love your mom, then tell her. everyday. If they expect things, then something else is wrong. Keep it simple!

good luck.
Reply:yes because you think of all the things your mother has done for you and sometimes in life we are to busy to notice that all moms good or bad are the backbone of the family. so show her some appreciation for everything she has done for you because one day you might not be able too be live me i know.


Mothers day cards?

do you buy mothers day cards for your mum and other members of your family? or friends.

Mothers day cards?
no i make them and the reason why is because while Ur making it Ur putting extra love and care into the card and it looks more original
Reply:well i buy mother's day cards for my mum my grand mum and my aunts,,,{those i know and those close to me}
Reply:Just for my Mum. One from me %26amp; from my kids to her.
Reply:I buy my mum one and i give both of my son's nan's one from him.
Reply:Just one for my Mum and one for my Mum in law.
Reply:I buy my son's god mothers one, nanna's and mothers but nobody elses mother ie friends or aunties
Reply:yea its nice to give a card to anyone who is a mother that you know whether its a sister or a sister in law but i generally keep it in the family otherwise id be broke lol

What are some mothers day poeams and things to say for my future self?

I need help to write a great mothers day card?

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

so it is a mothers day card from me when i was 16 for when ever i have my first kid

What are some mothers day poeams and things to say for my future self?
look up "rumi" he is an amazing poet
Reply:My Gift

When I found out the news of being a new mother,

I was so nervous, But I knew we would love each other.

You would be my precious bundle of joy,

Not knowing if you would be a girl or boy.

I dreamed of frilly dresses and you with cute curls,

Hoping to see you one day play in my shoes and pearls.

As I wait for 9 months, my wish came true

Out came my gift, and I finally laid eyes on you!

March 25th was the day you came to be,

Now I'll give you all my love unconditionally!

Dedicated to my daughter Andrea

By Geelaporn Pennington

One Perfect Baby

Two little feet,

so tender and sweet

That have walked with the angels

On heavenly streets

Ten little fingers, and ten little toes,

With every new day continue to grow.

One little mouth that sings to our Lord.

And two little ears to hear His word.

One prefect baby for us to love,

With wisdom and guidence from our Father above.

dedicated to: Rease and Helena

Kelly Maloney
Reply:I like this assignment. I think it probably helps teenagers to appreciate their mothers and the job they do.

So I am not going to do your homework for you, but I think you should write yourself a card noting the qualities you want to have as a mother and the things that you will have done in your life to acheive them by the time you have your first baby.

So, if you value education and want to teach your children that, maybe you will have completed your MBA or something before you had a baby. Maybe talk about how commited you and your husband are to each other and to being parents and how you prepared to become parents, that sort of thing.
Reply:I have found that being a mother has given me a sense of hope and joy. watching my child grow has taught me to appreciate every moment of my life. I have heard your first words. Watched your first steps. worriedly waited for you on your first day of school. Watched your mind and body grow into an adult and cried the day you graduated. I admire the strength that I have shown you and hope wonder if you know that you will always be my baby...and just like the first book i read to I will continue to tell you "I love you forever and like you for always as long as I am living my baby you'll be !"


What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?
Sounds like a really personal thing. One suggestion is how proud you are of yourself for making it through the pregnancy/labor. Try to envision yourself as a mom someday, how it will be, and write about that. It will be interesting to see how different things might turn out to be.
Reply:awh that sounds like a good project. think abbout how old you want to be when you start having kids. and write about your plans and how you want to raise your futrue kids.
Reply:I am actually shocked that a school would encourage kids to even put this thought in their head. Sure you will be a mom someday (Most likely) but I guess I find it shocking the teacher is encouraging you to think about this a age 17. I would hope they would encourage College first.

What are the boys in your class writing about?

Mothers Day Card.. Any Ideas??

I would like to make my mum a mothers day card this year as i don't have enough money to buy one.

Any ideas??

Is there any websites where you can make them on, and get templates etc??

Thanks :)

Mothers Day Card.. Any Ideas??
americangreetings has a print feature, but i think you might have to pay for it.

A cute idea I saw for a mothers day card once, was to get some silk flowers, kind of small and flat, and glue them to some pretty cardstock, and make a card that was 3 dimensional, with flowers all over it. Cheap but very impressive looking!

A few ideas are here, with some examples of flower cards:
Reply:If you have MS word or publisher you could download some pictures or clip art and make your own card.

One of the best cards I ever received was one made by my daughter with her own words on it.
Reply:try american
Reply:Family Fun web site has a lot of free printables.
Reply:Here's one I've made. Open a new microsoft word document. Click the insert tab, then click picture, then from file. You can insert any pic you have saved on your computer (such as one of you and your mom). Once inserted, you can move it around or resize it, etc. Then you can type in any message you want to say, give it fancy font or anything you like. I printed it on a piece of colored construction paper, folded in half and voila - a card!
Reply:go to

here u can find some stuff to write down and to make also for ur card
Reply:well eather get here a cheerful singing one from hallmark stores or get here a $60,000 necklace.

Where can I find free printable mothers day cards?


Some are nice, but alot of them are cheesy. But hey it's free!!!!

Where can I find free printable mothers day cards?
Usually or a similar site will have a couple you can print for free.

Mothers Day?

do i buy my ex wife, which we are friends, a mothers day card from me or just my kids

Mothers Day?
I'm the ex-wife, my ex usually buys one from just the kids and a small gift from them as well. She knows the gifts are from you. (Smiles for having a good relationship with the ex)
Reply:do one from you and one from the kids
Reply:Hey if you have that good of a relationship with your x, then by all means show her you are greatful to your kids mother. That is great to hear.
Reply:Just the kids she's your X
Reply:just ur kids
Reply:just from your kids. It's their mother. And throw in a nice gift, too, that the kids pick out for her.
Reply:just from your kids.

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Mothers day cards?

This is my first mothers day and i am curious if people buy cards for thier babys grandmothers from the baby. like a seperate card just from the baby? or if not, what do you do?

Mothers day cards?
You can get a seperate card to grandma from baby.. but im just planning on signing my baby's name to the card I got for my mom.

I did buy seperate cards for her daddy's birthday and her poppa's birthday that will be just from her though.
Reply:My husband always bought cards for his grandmother on mother's day - I never understood why, and used to tease him about it. Then lo and behold I have my first baby %26amp; I'm rushing out to buy a card for my mum! lol, typical eh.

I did tell her it was a one off though, I just wanted her to have a keepsake
Reply:I did (it's my first one too..), I also got Great Grandma ones from my babe!!!

Happy Mothers day to you!! Enjoy!!!!

What should i write on my mothers day card?

- im 16

- she just got a new really Good job

-i can trust her with anything

- shes my bestfriend

- and way more

help me?

What should i write on my mothers day card?
You should tell her exactly what you just wrote.

"Happy Mother's Day. I'm so proud of you getting (whatever the new job is)! I love that I can trust you with anything. You are my best friend, and way more."

That is pretty much the sweetest mother's day card ever. Remember, mom's love the cheesy lines ;)
Reply:Say something like,

'Have a lovely day today, enjoy yourself'

And if she's got her job recently, say congratulations, too!
Reply:at the end write "P.S. i love you"
Reply:you're 16, figure it out yourself!

Mothers day question...?

I know mothers day is coming up here soon and I need some help... I want to write my mom a little note in a mothers day card I'm going to give her but I'm quite lost in what to say, so I was hoping you could help me... I want to tell her how much I love her in one sentence and sound sincere about it...

Mothers day question...?

mom i cant say how much i love u i am at a point where i can even express it. You have been that one person that i have always felt save and protected around i know that i may not show it but i want u to know it I LOVE YOU and i thank you fro everything there is no one moment where u dont seem like the perfect example of what i want to be
Reply:well i dont know if i can explain it in all one sentence but heres just a few suggestions

1. mom, i love you with all my heart and since you have always been there i want you to know that i love you very much.

2. you have always been there for me and i hope you always will be my best friend and i love you very much.

hope you liked my suggestions and if you did then youll vote me the best answer
Reply:Think of some time/event in the past that included the two of you and make it one that relates to your life today.

Although you want that in a single line, on the back of the card elaborate the relationship (from the past to the present) referring to things she would remember.
Reply:Just say how much you love her. Tell her how greaful you are for everthing she has done for you.
Reply:Recount a childhood experience. This should be an experience where Mama really excelled at being a good mother. I'd pick something that she remembers as being cute but that you at the time did not think was cute. Make her laugh and cry at the same time. Use the story to illustrate to her that you now realize how wonderful she is and you understand where she was coming from back then. Keep it focused on her though...if you get self-centered about it, it will lose its intended effect.
Reply:I know I don't always say thank you, or say thank you at all, but I just wanted to say that I'm always thankful for everything you do, even if I complain about it.

I also write something like that.

What should I put on a mothers day card if it is blank?

We are not close. Are relationship has ben kinda weird. She tottaly ignores me.

What should I put on a mothers day card if it is blank?
Sorry you feel that way, I do understand where you girls are coming from. I always had to remind myself that she just didn't know any better way to be a mom. Try to pay her a compliment, maybe she will have one for you. If not, just know you've done the right thing.
Reply:Well if I was not close with my mom and she totally ignored me, I'd leave it blank and send it to her.

But I guess you could put soemthing like "This day is yours to enjoy. Hope you live it up. Happy mothers day."
Reply:mine ignors me too. just write happy mothers day.
Reply:Then just write happy mother's

buy web hosting

Guilty on mothers day for no reason?

My mother adopted me as a single mother when I was an infant and allowed me to move out on my own at 16. She was never effectionate or showed a strong interest in my interests. If we were a couple we would have been divorced years ago. Every year I try an find a mothers day card for her and the sayings in the card are so far from the mother she has been to me. A blank card leaves me lost for words. I find her to be very toxic in my life, I'm not ready to let go but she upsets me so much when she calls or wants to see me and my daughter.

Mother's Day has always been hard for me and I feel so depressed about it. Why am I so conflicted, guilty and not angry?

Guilty on mothers day for no reason?
Because you are still yearning for the mother you thought you should have, and the mother you think everyone else has, and the mothers they show on TV getting lovely gifts from adoring daughters. That's not you, but you wish it were.

I suggest you get a blank card and just write' "Wishing you a happy mother's day" and leave it at that.

read "Bad Childhood, Good Life" for better perspective.
Reply:My Mother passed away 2 years ago and I had this same relationship with her...I know what you are going through...But, let me say this to you...If the relationship isn't healthy for you or your daughter then know you are backing away from it with good intentions for you and your daughter. I never could find a card that fit my mother, they didnt have them for you are so " rude and hateful " so I would just give her a simple one or just a phone call. That is ok for you to do that. I dont know the whole story between you and your Mother but it doesn't sound healthy for you. Please do not have guilt, just know that you have given it your all and you are not able to change her. You can love her and not like her. She will not be here forever, so make sure your guilt is gone before she is. Best of luck to you and your daughter. Keep your head up high and know that everything will work out for the best.
Reply:If its been so bad why do you even come around?
Reply:You have a right to be upset, and you feel guilty because the typical mother daughter relationship did not occur. Of course that isn't of your doing. Does your mother recognize what she has done? Maybe she is harboring some guilt privatley. You should confront her about it, but remember what is done is done and she can't go back and change it and neither can you, but both of you can work on building a better relationship. If your daughter sees the relationship between you and your mother it could be only a matter of time that she uses it againt you. Maybe for mothers day you and her can start counseling and monthly talks and work your way towards a better relationship. Maybe in your blank card you could write your ideas, she may get defensive and she may even get upset, allow that and let her stew on it. After a while bring it up to her and let her know that unless she is willing to better your relationship it maybe best to keep visits to a minimum. Good Luck and remember you still have a mom (good or bad) and there is always hope to hang on to, also don't waste your energy on anger, guilt or depression you, yourself have a daughter to put that energy towards.
Reply:She might not have been the best mother but how did you turn out? Something taught you how to be you. You might view her as toxic but I promise turning your issues inward will really help you move this relationship to a better space. It's sad that she wasn't affectionate or as interested in your life but she still made sacrifices to adopt you and raise you. Do you know the circumstances of your adoption? Maybe there are things that you don't know or understand. Pick out a card that is nice and sweet, treat her how you'd like to be treated. This is one day a year, reach out a little. Let her know you appreciate what she did for you even if it wasn't exactly perfect. Do you know how many people have perfect childhoods? Hmmm let me one. Look beyond what happened and find how it has let you become who you are today. Stop and think about those things for a while and I think you'll realize that she did more for you than you realize. Good luck :)
Reply:Forgiveness is the key here. Stop feeling guilty and depressed because of your Mother. Forgiving her is going to be liberating. You don't have to tell her and you certainly will never forget. Stop the cycle now and be the best Mother you can be to your own daughter and so when she grows up she will not have the same worries. Her only worry on Mothers Day will be....... what to get the best Mom ever.
Reply:I think that these issues with your mother are definitely stronger than that of a mothers day card and the only way you will ever resolve them is by talking to her. Don't ask us here on yahoo answers what to do because I think deep inside you know exactly what you need to do. Be strong and good luck!
Reply:You are guilty and conflicted because you love her despite the things she did or didn't do for you. When we love people forgiveness is automatic. See, you are guilty because you haven't take the step to forgive her. Hey remember that mothers sometimes make mistakes too. If you could buy a blank card and write something like this.

It's Mother's Day. A day to show love and honor toward a mother. For the past (?) years, I have searched high and low for the words and for the way to express the way I feel. We have a had a rough and rocky road. There were times I was unsure of our relationship. I was unsure if we would speak. I was unsure if you loved me and if I would always love you.

But today there is no doubt that I love you.

Today, with this card I offer forgiveness. I want from this Mother's Day forward, for us get this mother and daughter thing right. I love you and no matter where we've been or what we've been through, it doesn't have to determine where we are going. I love you. And this mother's day know that you are loved.

Hope this helps!

I made a mothers day card for my mom. Can u give me ideas on what it should say?

i dont have my license yet, so i couldnt get her a gift cuz i cant get a ride from any1 except her. i made a card and im makin a cake, but what should the card say?

I made a mothers day card for my mom. Can u give me ideas on what it should say?
Yeah, I can't drive, either. Last year, I wrote a poem for her, telling her why she's such an amazing mom. This year, I took every year of my life and wrote what I was thankful for that year and ended with, "Your deeds have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated."
Reply:Make sure you tell her what you WOULD have got for her IF YOU COULD DRIVE. Be subtle, like telling her how long it will take an ambulance to get there if she has a heart attack. Tell her all the things you appreciate about her and that you will be just like her when you grow except you will move to North Dakota so your daughter can get a license when she's 14. Just out of curiosity, have you ever heard of walking? And remind her how lucky she could be NEXT YEAR if certain things change. 8~)
Reply:Tell her you love her, and what you're thankful for that she's done for you. The more specific and sincere a card is, the better.

Mothers Day polish message/wishes?

I was wondering what to write in my mothers day card. I want it to be in polish but I make mistakes when i write so i couldn't have my mom check it for me since its for her! If someone could help me out, to write something sweet other then the typical wszystkiego najlepszego w dniu matki. thanks : )

Mothers Day polish message/wishes?
"Dzień Matki jest raz w roku,

Szczęśliwy i pełen uroku.

W tym dniu pragnę złożyć Ci życzenia:

Zdrowia szczęścia i powodzenia."

"Żadne słowa nie oddadzą tego, kim dla mnie jesteś.

Żaden człowiek nie zrobi dla mnie tyle,

ile Ty dla mnie zrobiłaś. Kocham Cię Mamo."