Saturday, May 2, 2009

School ban of mothers day cards?

So that kids without mothers wont be offended. What do you think?

School ban of mothers day cards?
The headteacher is an idiot. She will also have to ban father's day, Easter, Christmas, in fact anything at all that does not encompass every single child.
Reply:it's stupid the country is going mad
Reply:oh my god that is ridiculous this country is getting beyond stupid not allow to celebrate Christmas or Easter in case it offends other religions and now incase it offends kids with no mothers who on earth comes up with these rules and regulations ? and dont they have grandparents that they can make the cards and send them to them in place of mothers ! if we get any more pc we wont be able to do sod and and say sod all soon!
Reply:It might not even be about that! My wife works with pre-school children who are assigned to her class due to a certain income level. She is not allowed to teach or celebrate any "holiday" in her lessons. Mothers day and Fathers day included. It is more for the fact that with the income being as low as they are. They might not have the means to get anyone the little gifts of love. We all know how kids treat kids. With lower income kids looked down on, it is there way of trying to make everyone equal. Just a different way to look at it.
Reply:It makes you wonder the logic of a headteacher! The origin of Mothers day was I believe the birthday of 'Mother Church' a christian celebration. It's not about offence, it's about love. Will they ban Fathers day next. Absurd.

Should we ban any celebration because it might offend someone?
Reply:I hope it's means they ban Father's Day too? I guess with 'Christmas' being banned it was inevitable. RIDICULOUS!
Reply:I think it's ridiculous. People without mothers don't get offended, they might get sad though. But still, what about all of the children with mothers? it's such a SILLY thing to ban!!! It's the people in charge being uncomfortable dealing with the children who don't have mothers, and not wanting to have to be the one to deal with those children because they feel uncomfortable with it and don't know what to do. It's immature and disgusting, and it makes me very angry. ANYWAY, sorry for .. ranting. It's one thing not to make the biggest deal out of mothers day, it's another thing all together to ban it.
Reply:Completely absurd. Kids without mothers can create cards for the "mother" in their life. Perhaps a grandmother.
Reply:I'm assuming you're talking about an arts %26amp; crafts project for young kids?

Banning that is insane. Kids who don't have mothers at home will often have a grandmother or some other influencial woman in their life. They can make a card for their grandmother, aunt or whoever.

It's a way of letting the kids be creative with the card and express their feelings for someone important in their life.
Reply:WHAT?! Where will this end?!
Reply:It really angers me that there may be a possibility that my children don't have the opportunity to make me a card. There are so many substitutes available so that a card could still be made and given to "the one who cares for you", not so different in my opinion.

If it happened at my children's school I would be offended.
Reply:I disagree...I love being an American, but come on.....lets quit being afraid of offending people.....I'm so tired of things getting taken away from some people, jsut because some other group says it offends them. no matter what you do someone will be offended.

Tell you what, I am offended that I have to be so darn careful with everything I do or say because I might offend someone and they might sue me or my school or my work place. Are we grown ups or the children deal with the fact that they don't have a mom or dad or what ever and they'll grow up to be well adjusted kids. Don't take away something as fun and creative in school of making cards for your parents for the other kids, just because some don't have one.

I guess if it's offensive than maybe the "holiday" should be taken off the calendars. For god sakes we even have grandparents day, is that offensive to people who's grandparents died???

If the child doesn't have a mother, they can make a card for their father or grandmother or Aunt or any other significant woman/person in their life. Same goes for Father's day cards.
Reply:I think it's stupid, my mother walked out when I was 3 and I grew up without her, whenever Mother's day came around I made a card for my Dad, after all he was not only being a father to me but a mother as well.

It's upsetting when you have an absent mother but the 5% of children who this headteacher his trying to protect could face trouble from other pupils who want to make cards for their mothers. Did the head not think that the she's singling out the minority.

Also she's banned making the cards in favour of the minority but doesn't that mean she's discriminating against the remaining 95%?

She should have left it as it is and the 5% could make cards for other members of their family or if they find it too upsetting find something else for them to do.
Reply:Things are getting too extreme! Yes, it is a horrible situation but the child will have someone that they love that they can make a card for instead. How about the kids that do have mums that want to make the cards? Nothing better than a homemade effort to give to someone. I remember being so proud of all the cards I made for my parents.

Someone has to make a stand shortly as things are getting way out of hand.

(Or was this a hypothetical question? I really hope it is as I would be flabbergasted to think a school really had made the ban! Worse than banning the 3 little pigs! Great story in my opinion!Or Baa baa black sheep. Kids aren't prejudice, racist,etc - it's just the adults that teach them to be that way and making a song and dance about things is just bringing stuff to attention which might otherwise have never been noticed.)
Reply:I have every sympathy for kids with no mums, but it is stupid. I had a child in our nursery school who's mum had left them, so he made one for his gran.
Reply:I never had a mother in my life growing up. When it came time to make a mother's day card, I made one for my father. After all, he was the one who had to do both.

I think it is dumb to ban mother's day cards. It is a fun project for kids and it really reinforces the love they have for their mother and vice versa.

Are you kidding me????

What is next??????

sounds like to many people expressing their stupid views on stuff they no nothing about.....
Reply:Schools could suggest the mother's day card could be made for their mother or the woman who is special in their life
Reply:Uhh I dont think there are as many kids without mothers as there are many many children without FATHERS(DEADBEATS) there are so many sinle moms out there that a little gift from school is the thanks they are looking for each year.
Reply:Maybe we should stop teachers from reading to children becuase it offends deaf children.

Stop showing educational video progams to not offend the blind.

and stop letting kids bring in luch becuase other parents can affored Lunchables.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for being pathetic and appologetic for the few number of people being different... why should people give up things and traditions that define this country becuase others don't celebrate or acknowlegde them? This country going from politically correct to political pushover.
Reply:in the school my niece goes to instead of banning mothers day and fathers day card they still let the children make the cards and sent them to someone of there choice like on mothers day they will make a card with flowers or something and they can give the card to there mother aunt or gran or someone else close same goes for fathers day
Reply:I think it's awful!! First off, there's alot more kids without fathers out there than those without mothers!!! If a child doesn't have a mother, they still need to learn to appriciate the other women in their lives like Grandma and Aunts. They could give cards to them!! They'll be dealing with mothers day for years to come and it hurts nobody to have them learn to take notice of the good women in their lives.
Reply:i don't agree with this but understand where the idea is coming from, banning mothers day is a little harsh and i think it will affect our kids in a negative way, other kids can make cards too, if not for mums then dads or grans or some1 special in their lives x
Reply:that is the saddest thing ever! i think that is taking away from the ones with mothers so they can show her how much she means to them,,,, need to go to board of edu
Reply:When you say school ban on mother's day cards are you actually reffering to them simply not making the cards in art lessons. Choosing not to do something is not the same as a ban. It seems that the term ban is often used to sensationalise things mainly in the Sun and Daily Mail. It's hardly like kids caught in possesion of a mothers day card will be punished. Though I do have a strong dislike for the looney left and their stupid attempts to avoid ever offending anyone.
Reply:"political correctness" gone way too far
Reply:That's as crazy as the school that prohibited "tag" because one child fell and skinned his knee. Or the school that refuses to let the kids play a game where there is only one winner because the losers will feel badly.

And as absurd as banning Christmas, even Santa because a few religions don't like that. Or the Easter bunny, or tooth fairy.When is this stupidity going to end? They're taking the joy of childhood away.

If there is a child in a class who doesn't have a mom, he/she can make a card or gift for whomever his caretaker is. In my cub scout den, we made a really easy jar of jam (lots of supervision, easy recipe) for a family gift at Christmas because I did have one little scout who had only a Grandma to care for him, and another who's Daddy had died.
Reply:So since a few kids don't have mothers living with them we should pretend that nobody has a mom?

These kids will have to deal with it one way or another. Why punish all the kids. Have the child make a card for another female relative or role model they care about.

I'm tired of this type of stuff ruling how we live.
Reply:No that'll make the kids feel worse. The ones without moms can make one for grandma, auntie, whoever is the woman in thier life. I didnt have a father growing up so i made fathers day cards for my mom since she was both and seeing the tears of joy in her eyes when i came home with my card made me feel great!
Reply:i really dont know on this one i kind of agree for the kids who dont have a mum but then also what about the kids that do catch 22 situation
Reply:Stupid. People have to learn to be offended from time to time. Why does everyone else have to suffer because one person might find something offensive?!

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