Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little pist about Father's day cards... what do you think?

I was at CVS the other day picking out father's day cards for my husband, dad and father-in-law. After looking at the same 60 or so cards over and over I just couldnt find a single one that I liked. Then it hit me. There wasnt a very good selection to begin with, like I said about 60 cards. 1/2 of them refered to drinking beer, farting, stinking up the bathroom, couch potatoes, and the remote control. Then a 1/4 of them where for the "disfunctional relationship" father's... You know the cards that say things like "Dad, even though we dont see eye to eye..." or "Father, although we may do things differently..." So those were out too. Then of course there were about 6 cards for step dad's, 2 different ones for "papa", 2 for "pop", 1 for "pop-pop" about 8 for "Grandpa" and a couple for "grandfather". At this point I was thinking, Geez... You never see Mother's day cards that say " Mom even thought you sit around watching soaps all day eating bon-bon's..." Or " Mother even thought you nag"

A little pist about Father's day cards... what do you think?
I do agree that men often do get a bad rap. I do believe that the degrading men that dehumanize and objectify women do deserve to have them seen for what they are.. but not by a long shot should all men get thrown into that category. Even when suppression of women was abundant, there were good hearted men who readily agreed to women's lib and equality. there have been and always will be great-hearted people of all genders and races. That is why stereotyping hurts. Even the stereotyping of feminists (who I am totally behind) is not accurate, placing all in one category. Such a thing only causes hate and is not accurate as a group is made of individuals. Stereotypes are damaging all around. Good question! I loved that you asked this!
Reply:you'll never anything worth a crap in a cvs or any other pharmacy.

I would suggest places like Hallmark, little mom and pops gift shops, or since you live in Michigan, maybe you should try Miejers, i used to find some good cards in there every once in a while when i lived in Walled Lake, Michigan.
Reply:I make my cards usually. Means more than just buying a store bought one. :) I usually find plenty of father's day cards that are good at a Hallmark or something. Where were you?

Go to Hallmark :) Hey, Michiganian! Represent! (I live in Michigan, too)
Reply:I agree.... Can you imagine: "Mom... even though you constantly nag"... People would cry sexism. It's another terrible double-standard.
Reply:you shoul;d go for the dad even though were different card because your probaly way different.
Reply:I find here in the UK that the choice is:

Vintage car

Bear with a football

Bear with a fishing rod

Bear with a can or beer.
Reply:This is true. If we women got the same mother's day cards written like that, we would go on a rampage saying "OMG THAT'S SEXIST! TAKE THOSE OUT OF THE STORE THIS INSTANT!!"
Reply:Harder for guys to express true feelings, so they try to use humor.
Reply:I never really knew my father. Both him and my mother skipped out on our family when I was 2 so I've never had to get a fathers day card or gift. I'm now married and pregnant for the first time and my husband is so excited about it. I wanted to go out and get him a card or something in celebration of him becoming a father and I noticed the same exact thing.

Honestly I was quite offended for men. I mean how disrespectful is that to the good, hard working and loving fathers out their? Not that I condone it but no wonder some dads skip out on parenthood, look at what disrespect they have to deal with.

Really it broke my heart because there are men out their like my brothers who are wonderfully caring fathers, You know the kind the read their children bedtime stories, are their for every game or recital, piggy back ride them through the park, etc. but those fathers get left out of the picture so often.

Father's Day is suppose to be about respecting the wonderful fathers/grandfathers out there but honestly, in many cases the exact opposite is done.

It's a shame
Reply:You stole a question idea from me! I was going to ask something about this, since I noticed it too, as did my mom.

Yeah, that's the way most of them are nowadays. The main exceptions are the relgious and inspirational cards. You left out golf though. We really don't have much respect for fathers these days.
Reply:I never noticed, but you're right. I've never seen a mother's day card that implied that mom was lazy or no good or disgusting or whatever else. Good point. Yeah, that is really annoying. But dads don't get much respect anymore. It's such a shame. Fathers are so important! And many of them are actually good dads and good people.
Reply:wow! Is there another female out there who isn't comfortable with the stereo types that we put on men?

We treat them like they are all stupid dirty couch potato apes who can't even think for themselves. Look at the American sitcome, the woman is always the problem solver while her stupid husband just goes along with it and get himself into trouble by not doing the dishes...I feel like we've casterated the American male....and it reflects in our fathers day cards.
Reply:I personally don't care for cards... Just needless additions to our land fill...

I tell my wife and kids, if they have anything to tell me, just say it when you think of it, don't wait for a holiday to "express your feelings"

Same thing with gift wrapping... Just needless addition to land fills
Reply:It's downright ridiculous. I really don't understand how there is such a huge misunderstanding about fathers these days. Apparently we're useless fathers, watch TV all day, drink beer, fart, do no house chores, don't even work, punish the kids and go to the bar and drink up. I'm sick of it. But hey, we have to suck it up because it's "just a joke"!
Reply:I would guess that the average guy is not all that concerned about the card. You really could skip it all together. Cards are a chic thing. A chic would get another chic a card, but guys (not even gay guys) don't get cards for each other. It's just not in our brains to do it.

CVS is a crap hole

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