Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Step mother on mothers day?.....?

In late January 2008, my dad got remarried to a woman who has no kids and has never been married. Its only been a few months and she does a lot in our household- she cooks and cleans and does laundry, shes really just an all around great person. I'm 17 so this is kind of new to me..having a step parent and all. (My mom got remarried april 07 after my parents divorced and she moved to another state so I never really experienced it.) My question is: Should I get her something on Mothers day? A card or flowers or something?

I wouldn't really feel weird doing it and all, but the thing is that I don't know how she would feel?

Feedback from step parents with teenage children would be appreciated

Step mother on mothers day?.....?
Yes give her a gift that makes you feel comfortable. Something simple. A scarf would be nice. Flowers are cheap at some grocery stores. It is the little things that make a good relationship and it sounds like she is a good person. My stepson gave me salt and pepper shakers on year and I really like them another time earrings. Nothing real expensive. Just thoughtful gifts.
Reply:well ive sort of been in your position

and ive talked to a lot of friends with step parents

and step parents...

i think a card saying a little bit and some nice flowers

would be perfect, she will most likely feel youv really welcomed her

and appreciate her and that its a nice sweet thing to have done.

so i think thats the way to go, dont get something too jokey

cos she might not take it right, as its only been a few months

maybe that can be good for in a couple of years.

Good luck
Reply:I hate my stepmother, but they do make really funny step mom cards. Maybe that's the way to go. You could get her something like a coupon book of chores that you will do around the house for her. Make them yourself, cute and not to serious of a gift.

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