Sunday, November 15, 2009

My daughter sent me a mothers day card which said?

i was the most annoying mother in the world but keep up the good work, is that a compliment or what

My daughter sent me a mothers day card which said?
It is a humorous card. Obviously, she knows that the reason you are so annoying is because you love her!!!
Reply:I am sure it is meant to be funny. Take it with a grain of salt.

A mom's job has to be annoying. It's annoying for me to be a mom at times. I mean many times do we have to repeat ourselves in one day? How many times do we have to ask them to do their chores? I know that my kids feel as if I nag them all the time by asking, "have you done your homework, how much homework do you have, is your room clean, hurry up you are going to miss the bus...the list goes on. It is our job to stay on top of things and it can get annoying for everyone involved. But focus on the "keep up the good work" portion of the card. She cares enough and loves you enough to even send a card to begin with so that says something right there.

If you are still upset about it then you should ask her and talk it out, but honestly I really think it meant as a joke.
Reply:That's a compliment. 'Annoying' simply means 'naggy' in this context. But at the same time, she acknowledges that even though you are naggy, you show her care and love.
Reply:Yes it is a compliment "keep up the good work" means you nagged her,and now she can see why...its cool
Reply:What exactly do you think?
Reply:Read some of the questions from teenagers on here and you see that 99% of them think their parents are annoying. It's probably what you thought of your mom at one time or another, when you were her age. Don't take it personally, just be glad that she took the time to get you a card and thought enought of you to lighten the mood, instead of being mushy. Some teens don't know how to express their true feelings, they don't do mush!
Reply:I think that's very funny, does she have a dry sense of humour?
Reply:to me it sounds like sarcastic type humour.....
Reply:She loves you...if she didn' wouldn't have gotten a card.
Reply:no its not a compliment

but then she mite b joking

ask her
Reply:heck yeah take it as a compliment! It means you're doing you job as a mother and she appreciates it. Just make sure you give her a great birthday card!!! LOL
Reply:I would take it as a compliment, she likes the way you keep on her even though it is annoying she knows that your not dismissive of her.

Keep up the Good Work
Reply:why u feel what she is feling

u will always remain the mother

do one think send him some card which must say that although i may be annoying but u will be the best daughter in the world as whenever i annoyed i only annoyed to make your future better as i hope that u are on the way to securing that

so let her judge the way she feels

just send him the answer as sometimes kids need to know ahat is right.

take care

u will remain the mother
Reply:Sounds like something I'd send my mom, but she'd know I was playing!! All moms are annoying, as I'm sure I am to my kids, but they respect us and love us.
Reply:Yes. It means you are being effective. It means she knows you do things in her best interest and while she gets annoyed by it, she recognizes that you love her and you are doing your job as a mom. Your daughter loves you unconditionally, so you did it right. Good for you!
Reply:Its a compliment she is being funny.

She knows the only reason you annoy her is because you love her and want to be involved in her life.
Reply:try to find out what did you do. you probably have done something that hurt her.


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