Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mothers of young children, who is responsible to get your Mother's Day gifts ? read :?

Anyone can offer their opinion. If a mom is 29 and happily married with a 3 month old and a 23 month old, and it is Mother's Day, who do you think should make the effort to make sure she gets a Mother's Day card and present ? I would think it is the husband's "job", especially since they live in a city with no relatives, I'd like some input if you like.

Mothers of young children, who is responsible to get your Mother's Day gifts ? read :?
Definitely your husband should step up and at the very least buy a card for you and sign it from the kids, but a lot of guys don't realize how important this holiday is for women. They just think of Father's Day as another Sunday, and that they get to do whatever they want. Since it was last June, he probably doesn't remember that his wife went out and bought him a tie, golf balls or whatever, and signed the card from the kid(s).

If you are the "victim" of a thoughtless husband, or are asking on behalf of someone else, my advice is to be proactive. Tell him how hurtful it was that you received nothing from your kids for mother's day, and that you thought, since they're not old enough to drive or earn money, that he would have thought to get something for you from the kids. Next year, remind him a few weeks before the holiday, and that he needs to take the kids shopping for a gift for you.

For those who think it's about you getting stuff, it's not. I feel it's important to teach children about giving, even if it's a homemade card, or their handprint in clay.
Reply:I am a mom and have personally never celebrated mother's day until the last couple of years and only because my husband has felt it necessary (he's my second and we have only been married a few years). I look at it this way, my children did not ask to be born least of all to me, I chose to have them and they bring light and life to my world everyday of the year, they are my salvation, my pride, my joy and to expect anything in return for doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing always seemed selfish to me. Yes, we all want to feel appreciated, but to dictate one day a year to making others feel obligated to appreciate you just never set well with me and still does not. My children treat most every day as mother's day and I treat most every day as children's day (notice I put most and not all, we are human and have off days as well). Stop thinking what should be done for you and start appreciating the little bundles of joy before you because that should be gift enough for a life time.
Reply:I think it should be the husband's responsibility. We mothers do it for them on Father's Day. I have a daughter who will be 9 this month. It seems that when she was much younger my husband would do neat things for Mother's Day. Once he bought some finger paint and put her feet in the paint and put her footprints on a piece of construction paper. He then wrote "World's Best Mommy". It was really nice. He took her out shopping a few times and had her pick something out for me. I think she was about 5 years old when she pick out a nice diamond wrap to go around my engagement ring. Since then I don't think hubby has taken her to the store to buy me anything, he is much too busy with work. I had my feelings hurt a couple of times because I always put forth the effort with our daughter for Father's Day. However since she started school she has always made something for me there, and it is the thought that counts. We always spend the day together and do what I want so that is good enough.
Reply:well...it is Mother's Day, you are NOT your husband's mother...are you?? besides, all the job you do as a mom of your children...is priceless, a card and a present? naahh, the best present you could ever have is to see your children happy and smiling at you because you are doing a wonderful job raising them, they might not tell you "Thank you MOM" now...but a smile in their faces is very rewarding, believe me...you don't need the material things to validate the fact that you are doing a great job as a mom. Look at your children...that's your most valuable present you could ever have! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY I'm sure you are doing a great job!!!
Reply:I think it is a selfish overrated way to waste money for pointless holidays such at Mothers/Fathers day! You shouldn't get "rewarded" for choosing to have kids. In my opinion its quite shallow. I put the money that would be wasted on things like that to paying my house off early...much better for me..and my kids future for that matter!
Reply:No it's not his 'job'. If he wants to, he can. But if she doesn't receive anything then she shouldn't worry or complain, she should just wait for a couple of years and then the kids will make the cards at school or nursery for her. Otherwise it's not a proper mother's day gift is it? If it's totally nothing to do with the children - it just becomes greed.

Reply:it should definately be the DADDY! He should realize and be appreciative more than anyone that you are the mother of his children - and in turn make the move to help the kids get you a gift. However, if he doesn't - dont be bummed cause its not about presents or cards. Give your kids good hug, tell them you love them from your heart and realize that every day is MOTHERS day!
Reply:I know it is not his job but since a 3 month old cant get a gift and since he is the father(technically speaking) and you went through the pain to have yours and his child then I believe he should get a gift since you are the mother of that household.
Reply:my husband didnt buy me anything for mothers day...but... im not his mother, my daughter drew me a card which i love..and picked me some buttercups from the yard.... thats more then enough for me....i dont think the whole point of it is to go out and spend alot of money...its about the little things. i couldnt want anything more then my little girl drawing what she feels...and boy did she,,its beautiful lol. my little man isnt old enough yet but i cant wait until theres 2 cards on my desk on mothers day morning :)
Reply:It would be nice if your hubby took you out to dinner or did the laundry. To expect him to produce cards "from the kids" is ridiculous. You will get plenty of that as they get older...and it will mean more b/c it is from THEM and not from someone else!! Happy Mothers Day from a mom of a 12 and 9 year old!! :)
Reply:Well, it would be hubbys responsibility. Especially when you have no relatives around.

When i was a child, my grandmother used to always take us to the mall and buy us a gift for our mother. My dad was never into that kind of stuff.
Reply:i think that a father and husband is very obligated, as we are to getting them something for fathers day, it is just common sense in a marriage to treat eachother this way, and make a mommy or daddy feel good. blessings
Reply:I don't think it's his "job", but if anyone was to do it, it would definitely be HIM. even if you lived in a city with lots of relatives, it would still be HIM. :)
Reply:I would be the Fathers job to get present for Mothers Day. Because on Fathers Day we make sure kids take care of Dad.
Reply:the hubby should want to get u something from the kids , some men just dont think of stuff like that....happy mothers day.!!!!mother of 5 boys..

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