Monday, May 24, 2010

Do you believe that it is necessary to set aside a day designated as "Mothers' Day"?

I am a Mother. I love my role as Mother and certainly am always pleased when I am shown appreciation, however, I view Mothers' Day as a commercial holiday that was designed by merchants and card sellers. What are your views?

Do you believe that it is necessary to set aside a day designated as "Mothers' Day"?
Mother's Day in the UK is Mothering Sunday ... a Sunday about half-way through Lent. It was traditionally the day when girls in service would be allowed home to see their mothers (they often worked some miles away and 'lived-in').

Of course mothers should be appreciated all year round but it's a very good idea to have one day in the year when you remember them specially! If it's a special day with happy memories, then one thinks back to it over the ensuing year and it reminds one from time to time how special one's mother is.
Reply:I'm glad it helped. I thought all the answers were excellent - I sometimes feel it's a shame we can't give Equal Best Answers, lol.

I hope you had a happy day :) Report Abuse

Reply:True, but my mother, as the kids got older, gets pampered with spa treatments and home cooked meals that she didn't cook. A day where she can just sit back and relax.
Reply:If she was a good loving mother, took good care of you and treated you with love when you were growing up. Yes there should be a special day to say I love you mom. It should be said a lot more often but it just never gets done.
Reply:I agree with you but I do believe that it's necessary to have "Mother's Day". All mothers should be recognized on this day. It's up to people to make the choice whether they want to make it special by buying stuff at the stores or just spending time with their mom and maybe go out to dinner or have a special BBQ. There are ways to celebrate it without going to merchants or card sellers.
Reply:It is a commercial holiday to trap people into buying crap in this capitalist society (secretary day, valentine's, Christmas, father's day, secretary day etc etc.)

In fact, it is an insult to mothers because every day should be mothers day.
Reply:I 100% agree with you. I think Mothers should be appreciated every day of the year! Mother's Day was invented to sell more stuff, just like Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, etc etc.
Reply:You should help out your mother (if she asked for it) every day. :)
Reply:What Holiday isn't commercialized? At least mothers day is less offensive than phony baloney Christmas!
Reply:Yeah, mothers' day is a complete commercial holiday. If you only tell you're mother you love her one day a year because card companies tell you to then you're not the greatest of kids. We've never celebrated mothers' or fathers' or grandparents' day in my family and I don't think I'll ever start.

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