Thursday, May 20, 2010

Does Hallmark make a "I'm sorry I called you a racist" mother's day card for Obama?

His grandmother might could use it right about now seeing he called her a racist in front of millions of people to save his own political skin.

Hate for her to not endorse him anymore and take it personally like Wright did.

Does Hallmark make a "I'm sorry I called you a racist" mother's day card for Obama?
Why, he simply stated that she had views and prejudices which were common for the time. (and judging from the number of bigots on this board, we really haven't come that far).

But if you need one, here's a "sorry you can't comprehend subtlety and are stuck in massive overgeneralization based on blind partisanship" card.


- My condolences -

- on your lack of basic -

- comprehension of -

- human social behavior -

- and American history -

- -

- May your future -

- bring much needed -

- Learning into your life -

Reply:Really! He would have to special order that card, not too much demand on being a racist to your own family!

Good Question! I hope this all ends soon! Im getting tired of all of this race stuff! We are AMERICANS! white , black, red! Its out of control because of Obama now!

God Bless America!
Reply:If you want to buy one I'm selling one that says: to the stevie Wonder tune;

I just called to say you're a racist. I just called to say how much you sell fear, yes I do. I just called to say you're a racist. And i mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Reply:You are funny! This has got to be the best question I've seen in a month. Props to you. I think Obama is great and all but he is burning some serious bush! It's amazing how smart people make such stupid mistakes. Kinda makes you wonder what stupid things they'll do it they get elected.
Reply:Actually they do Make Obama cards. I was in target for Valentine's day and they had a card with Obama on it. I laughed out loud, it was so funny.

and works for Hillary!
Reply:Osama should make a card that says....I'm a sorry a## liberal...and I'm sorry for that....
Reply:Obama is your mother?

that is so funny!

luckily she is prolly dead by now!
Reply:Yeah, they're right next to the cards to send to that "typical white person" you know and love.
Reply:No. Make your own you have a computer or can go to KInkos.
Reply:Oh! I thought you meant a card FOR in

"mutha ______"
Reply:lol most likely ..
Reply:His Mother is dead. I guess this was suppose to be funny? Nice going. No they don't.
Reply:yes, and Hillary might send out 300 million "I'm sorry I lie so much" cards
Reply:Does easy off really clean bus skid marks?
Reply:LOL...good one I like it!!
Reply:Boy are you smart! Let us pray...for you.

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