Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Mothers day Moms! Do I have to get a card or gift ?

My wife and I have no children together, however we both have children from previous relationships. should I get a card or gift for my current wife? Do I "have" to? What if I just blow it off?

Happy Mothers day Moms! Do I have to get a card or gift ?
Treat to to a nice dinner with both kids.. and maybe both kids can prepare a surprise ( a song, poem or whatever) give her a Kiss, tell her you love her. :) good luck!
Reply:yes a card at least and flowers if ya wanna be in the will.
Reply:I wouldn't suggest "blowing it off." That's rude! At least cook something special for her or take her out! Show her that you love and appreciate her!
Reply:Both, even if it is insignificant. It won't be to her. You don't "have" to. I wouldn't suggest just blowing it off, at least say, Hey pretty Mama, stay in bed and let me bring you refreshments or do something very nice for you today, You will be rewarded on Father's Day. ;)
Reply:get her a least
Reply:Get her some flowers, she is still a Mother. It doesn't say "Happy Mother-of-my-kids-day!"

You don't "Have" to, but it should be at least from your heart when you give her something.

Show some love. You might actually have kids of your own - together!
Reply:Dude if you think you're getting any tomorrow you better get some kind of card or gift.
Reply:If she hasn't gotten any other mother's Day cards yet from anybody else, you better get yer a$$ in gear and get one. Did she get you a ftaher's Day card? If yes, see answer.
Reply:how about don't be lazy! get of your a** and go to the store ! and don't be a cheap a** and buy your wife a much earned present to show her you care! why would you even have to ask?

U put so much effort here asking this question, it all comes down to if you really care and appreciate the wonderous mother she is.
Reply:Get a gift and a card..

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