Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is it wierd to get a Mother's Day card from your puppy?

Ya know... only a true pet owner would understand the level of care and devotion it takes. I got my friend a card from her cats on Valentine's Day (there are actual cards out there people). Now that Mother's Day is coming up and I am getting my puppy (he is coming home on the 12th) my hubby wants to know if I want something for Mummy's Day from him and the dog (just a card from the dog really). I am thinking yeah sure! It is the only little thing I am taking care of right now and I practically treat it like a kid and I am mummy to it and he is daddy to it... so it's not that bad right?

http://spaces.msn.com/ukspice82 Go here and see our little one and how cute he is!

Is it wierd to get a Mother's Day card from your puppy?
Totally normal. I refer to my fiancee as "Dad" around the dog and vice-versa. He knows my mom as grandma and gets really excited when I ask him if he wants to go to grandmas house. FYI, that pup is so cute it hurts.
Reply:No, it isn't weird....in fact, I sign cards to my parents (who also loves my Boston Terrier) that is from me and the dog on their birthdays, Christmas, etc. :) I even have seen cards at stores that are made to be "from the cat" and "from the dog". :) Report Abuse

Reply:No it is not wierd.

You fed and bath and clean up after you fourlegged baby so yes you deserve reognition for it. My Husband and I both refer tho our puppy as the baby and treat her just like we would a 2 legged kid. The main plus is she dosent neeed a college fund just obideience classes.
Reply:It's only weird if your dog can sign his name to it lol.
Reply:No, not weird. It's cute!
Reply:no, i guess so if you really wantt to give the card to your pet.
Reply:My parents have two dogs at home, and they are like children to them. They will always go out and find hallmark cards from "the dog(s)" for each other. They actually make them, and my parents love it. So I figure, to each his own!
Reply:I always made sure our cats and dogs sent Mother's Day cards.

Until my wife took the dog and left me. Or was it the other way around?
Reply:Anything is ok.
Reply:no its not bad at all! thats such an adorable idea! yeah i call my little chihuahua my son. lol.
Reply:Not weird at all.
Reply:No - it's cute. And it also means that someone else in your family cared enough to do something sweet like that for you. I love my furkids and would love to get a card from them!
Reply:Yes. Dogs cant read!! If you want to get your puppy something special, get him some bones or a new toy.
Reply:Most definitely.

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