Monday, May 24, 2010

Mothers Day for the childless people?

Is there anybody out there who can't have children or who is struggling to have them find Mother's Day (and Father's Day) tough going?

I do a little bit. It's not the day itself so much it's the going out to get stuff for my Mum and seeing all the cards and pressies and people buying that gets me down a bit. It reminds you that you're in the minority. The day itself is just a regular Sunday in our house. My hubby and I jokingly call it 'Rub-it-in-your-face Day. LOL

Mothers Day for the childless people?
Like Christmas, birthdays etc. I know it is hard for anyone who has lost their mother or doesn't get along with their mother. And it's hard for childless couples as well. I'm childless and there have been years where I really wish I could be in on the holiday. And it's not the presents. I wouldn't care if I had a little one bringing me soggy cereal and a burnt piece of toast I would be happy. It's really not Mother's Day it's really wanting to be a mother that is hurting you. And you're right. I'm going through foster classes and trying to go up the ladder to be able to adopt. It's not as easy to adopt as people think. On those days I think we have to remember all the people we have in our lives that do give us love. An example: Last year at around that time I confessed to a co-worker that the day got me a little down because I miss so much not having children. She got me a Mother's Day card and gave me at work and said you are a mother because you always mother all of us and really care when we are down or have problems. Look for those special gifts from those around you and you will also feel special until you have those children.
Reply:i sometimes am amazed at such innocent questions and the backlash they didnt deserve that in my opinion.

i feel for you as i struggled to have children, though i did eventually have two so im very lucky but you never forget the pain of thinking you will never have them.

days like tommorrow make you focus on the issue and your bound to feel a little sorry for yourself and that is fine, me and my friends readily admit that we have little 'pity parties'for ourselves now and again...people need to acknowledge their sadness for a little while so they can move on.
Reply:I think its worse for the people who have lost there mothers, or there mums don't love them.
Reply:I've never looked at it like that before but I can understand how you must feel. Good luck.
Reply:im sure its just as taxing for us who have no mums... at seven oclock i suddenly realised shi....t ... and my wife reminded me...

its not rub it in your face day, its mothering sunday, ok, so you dont have kids, but you had a mum... both of you did... dont think of what you havent got, and have little control over, remember what you had, and be thankful.
Reply:well....before i was a mummy....mothers day was about my Mum!! i have a cake and some tulips waiting on the side for her for tomorrow when i go round for dinner!

So just treasure your mum!!! Im sure,and i hope you will one day have a child who will appreciate you on mothers day, but you havent and so treasure your own mum

im not being harsh - but there are thousands of childless couples out there, who im sure find it hard! much harder than you

rub it in you face day???? how about lets give thanks to our mums day!!
Reply:I can sympathise with you here, well in a way. I used to hate Mother's Day every year, my mother walked out when I was 3 and made it very clear she didn't want to know me so every year on Mother's Day I'd be reminded of this. Then my Father died and now I find Father's Day hard as well.

I'm currently pregnant with my first child so haven't experienced receiving anything or any fuss being made of me but I remember when we were trying (I've got PCOS so it took a while) and each year thinking will next year be different.

Hang in there, things will happen for you. I know it's hard but stay positive.
Reply:Most mothers are selfless, dedicated , caring and loving to their children without expecting anything in return. This day is a reminder of us appreciating all that our mothers have done for us. By the way it does not have to be your mother that you congradulate. Any decent mother will deserve a small reminder on that day so they know that they are being appreciated.
Reply:I do feel for peole who would love kids and cant have them for whatever reason, I hope one day your able to feel happy on mothers day for the right reason. Lots of luck.
Reply:No Disrespect But Why Dont Childless Couples Who cant have Children Adopt? instead of Whingeing about what can I do etc etc My Mum Died aged 90 in 2005 A widow at 50 what she did was Foster Vunerable Children, the 1st one is still MY Brother to this Day. Dont be Negative Be Positive?
Reply:Its the same on Valentines , Christmas and all such days that are celebrated for the lonely and childless ... we all have our crosses to bear ... sorry yours is this one ...
Reply:how about for those with mums they despise
Reply:Unless you go through the problem of childless ness, you don't know. So there are some very unkind comments on here. I thought I was going to be childess, we'd tried for ages (6+ years) and we gave up trying.... and it happened!

But as a minister, on mothering Sunday I always make sure that the words I use are okay for everybody. not everybody has been able to have kids, or even had satisfying relationships with their Mother. So I thank God for those who are Mothers, and those who have been like mothers to us.... and sisters, and guide leaders, and friends and teachers....

Father's day is equally tough for many too.

So you have my empathy!

Hang on in there!
Reply:Aw Im sorry to hear that....
Reply:It cuts both ways, even if you don't have children, you still have parents, unless.. You may also pour your love onto orphans, it's as gratifying.
Reply:I have had 4 children but one of them died,

I can't stand Mother's day

It always reminds me that she's dead
Reply:Surely mother's day is about showing love and appreciation to your own mother? My mum died suddenly when I was 17 and I still miss her well over 35 years later! Mother's day rubs it in for me too!
Reply:How sad! When I saw the subject matter I thought you were trying to console the childless couples but no, self came to the fore. Shame on you. Your Mother should be worth all the tea in China, as was the saying and nothing should be too much for her. My Mother died some years ago and I miss her now.
Reply:i understand it in a different side of the coin

my parents have both passed away (one 12 years ago the other nearly 4 years back) and mothers/fathersday always gets me down but getting away from it (on the bike) does help no end

Reply:I think if you have lost a child or desperatley are trying for one it will be quite difficult. My mother died when I was very young, and I just send my dad a card as usual, it started in school so I wouldn't have to sit doing nothing while everyone made their mums cards, just kept it up.

If you are trying for a baby, and not having much luck, don't worry to much, it's pretty likely to happen one day, small consolation I know, but good luck.xx
Reply:i cant say i know how you feel,because i have 2 kids hun, maybe you and hubby can make each other a card like something with To the best woman/man a child could ever wish for as a mother/father

maybe even do a little chore for each other just like you may do for a special day

not much but

Happy Mothers day hun
Reply:i have no children and never really seen it as a day to be upset about. i wouldn't want kids just to get a present on mothers day. i like to buy a present for my mum, and every year she is still here to get one is a bonus for me.

Mothers Day --help?

Looking for online cards to send to my sister for mothers day she lives in Germany. She is an amazing mom to my eight year old neice. I want a great card not anything chezzy.

Mothers Day --help?
There are lots of sites to choose from. All I did was type in Mother's Day ecards, and found a bunch. It is very nice of you to think about your sister.
Reply:look on hallmarks site. Or you can give a home made find a picture maybe of your niece put it on one of the white note card things right how proud of u are of her tell her how much she has been doing good w/ your niece and put if you have a pic of you and your niece in the inside get ribbon after the card envelope ribbon it.
Reply:just type ecards into google and you can find a lot of different sites for cards....

good Luck!

choosing loops

Unemployed boyfriend didn't give girlfriend mother's day card...?

Been in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for almost 1 1/2 years.

He is currently not working and was really not expecting nothing big from him for mother's day (i am a mother from my first marriage).

I thought that a card would of been appropriate, but he didn't even do that. I mean, I can't help to feel hurt. The card is only 99 cents.

Unemployed boyfriend didn't give girlfriend mother's day card...?
Your not "his" mother ,nor is he the father of your child

we men can be easily confused by this holiday
Reply:"He is currently not working"...stop right there. That already says that he's not a real man. I dont even know how you let this relationship get serious under these circumstances. How can u expect anything at all from that type of person. I really hope u have enough sense to leave him alone
Reply:Have we lost our sanity. How is it you are this guy's mother? Are your children his kids? Girl, get a grip on reality. I would gladly buy my Mom a mother's day card. Also, I would buy my Grandma a mother's day card, and I would buy a card for my kid to give to her mom, but I wouldn't buy a mother's day card for my girlfriend.

NO mother's day card from my mother in law?

My mIL is a nightmare. she DID NOT send me a mother's day card..i am a first time mother and we sent her one from all of us. she LIED to me and told me she SENT it on Mon, it got back to her on Wed bec of the postage (which we all know doesnt start until Friday) and oh no..never received husband is pissed off from this, as well as embarraassed by her actions. when he confronted her, she screamed at him that she DID send it and that al WE want are gifts.....she is a liar,,,,,,,my husband TRIES to talk to her, but she yells at him as if he were 16 years old again (he is 33) and she has also screamed at me...we have been together for 4 years, married for 2 and have a 1 year old son...we are adults, as well as parents and should be treated as such...any suggestoins???


NO mother's day card from my mother in law?
sounds like a problem on her part, maybe one of these days she well accept being grandma and be human toward you. If not at least your husband did something for you and so well your child when he gets older. that is small stuff, don't let it get to you. Learn that the 3 of you are family and that is what counts, sometimes you have to say to hell with it.
Reply:Let this incident go. Hard as it may be, don't worry: you'll end up looking "better than her" in the end. Next time she does something like this, just say: "Listen, *mil's name*, I know we've had our differences. but I know how to run my own family and my own life, as well as does my husband. I realize you're his mother, and you were the one who gave me my husband, but we have a family and are smart enough to know how to run it. We would like to include you in our lives as well as our son's, please, make it easy on us." Or something along those lines. be firm, and she'll get the point. Good luck
Reply:View it this way, she's not your mother. Get over it. Let her conscience speak for her.
Reply:i've never gotten a m.d. card from my mother in law. she doesn't call to say it either. i'm fine with that. why should she send you one? you aren't her daughter or her mother. let it go.granted, she lied to you but, probably b/c she wasn't planning on sending you one and when you got ticked off about it, she lied about it to make you feel better. the lie was wrong but, she shouldn't have had to lie in the first place.
Reply:First of all this is not a day for daughter-in-laws it is mother's day and your husband should buy you the card and gift. My husband had his mother buy me the card and gift for him. So the card didn't even come from him. When I found this out I was very upset but this is how I handled it. Every year I would get the card and gift I would go straight to the phone and call his mother and thank her until he finally started to buy one for me himself. And my first mother's day card from him was when my daughter was five.

Your mother-in-law has no obligation to give you a mother's day card but it is both yours and your husbands obligation to give her one. Yes it would of been thoughtful but do not let this come between you all. Your husband only has one mother and if she lies and yells it is up to your husband to talk to his mother without yelling and if she starts be the bigger person and don't yell back.

As for you I had the mother-in-law from hell until I had our first child and I proved to her I was the woman for her son. I killed her with kindness and we had a pretty good relationship and she was the most wonderful grandmother. Give her time she'll come around. And maybe she didn't send one because she never got one or sent one to the mother-in-law.

Just forgive her and tell her your sorry, you won't believe what a big door that opens up when you do this. Even when she should be the one appologizing. But then again do be taken advantage of either.

I guess I am for you guys to just forgive her because I lost my mother three months ago. We were just starting to get back together after a big family blow up, and now I have no more time to make up for lost time.

The heartache of not having everything resolved is a huge burden to carry.
Reply:I am sorry to say this but you aren't acting like adults. Why should your mother in law send you a mother's day card. You aren't her mother. You are your childs mother so he should get you one. You are your husband's wife and the mother of his child so he should get you one. Step back and think about it.
Reply:Why should your MIL buy you a mothers day card you are not her mother,wake up to yourself woman if you dont like your MIL just come out and say it dont look for excuses.................................... all grow up and stay away from each other if you can't get along.

What web site can I go to get a free mother's day card that I can print with out registering.?

If you want to go the "free" way, may I suggest that you make something yourself.

A handmade item shows your thoughts come from the heart. So what if you can't draw; the thoughts and sentiments are coming from your heart, which a store-bought or downloaded card just cannot express thoroughly.

Go with a handmade item.

The love you receive in return will be priceless.

Have you ever had trouble finding the right mother's day card?


1- Because your mother is so wonderful - beyond words

2- Because Hallmark cards don't realize that some mothers

are not as loving and caring as they should be, therefore

the card's message sounds fake or sarcastic

Have you ever had trouble finding the right mother's day card?
Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two and family would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.

Reply:Manny, I've had trouble finding the right card, but for NONE of those reasons... It's sad but true. Report Abuse


Am I wrong to want a Mother's Day card from my husband?

Ok, my husband didn't give me a mother's day card because he says I'm not his mother. I mean never mind the fact that I cook, clean, help out financially, support him emotionally AND physically, help to guide him spiritually and whatever else comes to mind. I asked my son if he told his grandmothers and aunts, Happy Mother's Day? He said no because in his mind Mother's Day is for your "own" mother. Now I believe this thinking is wrong because Mother's Day, although you are to give recognition to your own mother, you're to also give recognition to ALL mother's, whether good or bad. So I asked my husband "Can I get a Mother's Day card from you next year for your wife?" He said "Why?" I told him, For Father's Day I will still get him a card because you are my son's Step "father". Not only does he NOT get why he should but he farted in front of the fan and I threw him out of my room and told him to make his own coffee for the rest of the week. Am I wrong?

Am I wrong to want a Mother's Day card from my husband?
Of course you are 100% right. Last year, (no lie) was my worst Mother's Day ever. I got NOTHING from my husband. He told me that I didn't deserve anything. Of course, I'm not the perfect wife and mother but I try. It hurt me soo bad. I could only give myself the best Mother's Day present that I could. I braided up my little 2 girls' (they are 2 and 6 now) hair as pretty as I could and just looked at them...I was very hurt. EVERY mother that tries to be the best mother that she can--she deserves to be recognized as a mother...Happy Mother's Day! :-)
Reply:I don't think you are wrong at all.

Do you think he would consider marriage counseling?

It couldn't hurt.

Also, try this; for father's day, instead of giving him a card and gift, give him a note that says you donated the money you would have used to buy him a present and card to a charity of some kind.

It will very likely make a stronger impact on him if you give him nothing at all; while at the same time keeping him from taking advantage of your generosity.

Least, that's what I would do.
Reply:It sounds like you are just looking for a thank-you for all that you do for him, which is not unreasonable, but some people believe in the "all mothers" approach and some do not, and there's no rules on that subject. You might want to wait until you feel less freshly hurt, and then try explaining it to him without jumping on him for his own views about the holiday.

As for his bodily emissions, if he did it on purpose then absolutely you are not wrong there, that's just disgusting.
Reply:I think you are right. I got my mom, my mother-in-law and my grandmother flowers and a gift for mother's day this year. I think it's about honoring mother's...not your own specific mother. My mother-in-law sent me a gift and my mom called me to wish me a happy mother's day. That's the way we practice it.
Reply:My experience:

Do not try to get everyone involved in Mother's Day or you will set them against you. You ARE wrong and your son IS right. Only your child, or children should make this special for you - no one else. Otherwise the meaning of MOTHER is lost in the fog and it becomes just another obligation to give a gift day. There's nothing wrong for the Dad to help the child pick out a card/gift, but that's as far as the spouse or relative should go.
Reply:Are you his mother? By fishing for recognition on this particular day, you are sending the message that your relationship with him is a mother-son one.

Valentines day is the day set aside for that kind of attention from him.

However, he DOES have a responsibility to make sure your children properly revere you. This and every day.

Reply:Since you are a Mother, you should have received a card from him for your child(ren). The kids want to give you something, he should provide it. Also, he should give you a card from him signifying his appreciation for being a Mother to his kids.
Reply:I think you're wrong to expect your HUSBAND to get you a mothers day card. Do you like to be thought of as his mother? Kinda odd if you do, most wifes wouldnt want their husbands to think of them in a motherly way. Sounds like youre kinda being selfish.
Reply:um, i'm half way here.

i think it would have been nice on behalf of your husband to wish you a happy mother's day, but to go out and get you a card? .. i don't know. i would kinda hope your kids did that, but not your husband.
Reply:No.. mothers day isnt just for ur mums.. its giving any mum a great day. My dad gives my grandma and my mum flowers and prezzies.. my bro gave his wife cards and chocolate.. So mothers day is meant for all mothers everywhere.. as long as you give your own mums something too!! ..anyway.. thats up to each person individually i guess..
Reply:I bought my wife a new car for mothers day but some people have different perceptions on things. I think its the husbands duty to take care of his wife emotionally and physically in any way she seeks it. Thats just me though
Reply:I'm sorry dear.

You should tell him it would have made you happy to be recognized on mothers day by HIM.

My hubby got me flowers and a card....I got a good one(hubby)...And he's smart-he knows I will be just happier and less crabby if he does something that's nice!

If you're husband is not your mother (which i really hope not)

then he doesn't have to get you anything. The only thing that counts during mothers' day is the cards and ill-prepared food of your lovely children.
Reply:mmm, i guess he has an excuse if you dont have children. But if you do have children, i think you have a right to be upset.
Reply:you are not wrong at all.... your husband ESPECIALLY should give you a mothers day card because he helped you become a dad gives my mom a mothers day card every year
Reply:yes. as a man i am going to say it and embrace for thumb downs. $3.99 is a stupid waste of money for a card.
Reply:i think most men would have given you a card, but then again thats kinda a weird situation since he doesnt have any kids with you (unless i read wrong).
Reply:It sounds like a mother's day card is the least of your problems. You might want to consider counseling.

Zvi the Fiddler
Reply:Well, let me put it this way: I'm glad I'm not married to you.
Reply:Yes you're wrong. You're wrong for keeping that loser.
Reply:I told my wife the same thing, and meant it. However I did ensure and help our children to "honor" their mother on "Her" day.
Reply:I gave a card to my mom and grandmother.

I think it's right to do those two.
Reply:I'm a mother and even when another mom comes over

on Mothers day I say "happy mothers day" to her, because

its a day of RECOGNITION of mothers, not only your own,

ya know? Its just that of course it would be ESSPECIALLY your own mom.

Anyway, usually a husband helps the younger kids give mom

a present or a flower, but even now that our son is older, my

husband still brings me flowers and tells me that he's so

happy he chose me to be the mother of his children.

You sound like a really good person and a really good mom

and I'm really sorry but you chose a real vulgar jerk for a husband. I've never expected anything from my husband except for his love but I gotta tell you, if he did what yours did,

I would walk away thinking: "gee, thats the value he places

on all these years and everything I've done and given of myself; I am absolutely worth the same as the dog".

Wow, I think I appreciate you more than he does, and I don't even know you.....
Reply:I don't think this is a situation where anyone is wrong or right. It's just that everyone will have a different opinion of what is appropriate.

I believe that your husband, sons, daughters, step children should give you a Mother's Day card. As a single gay man, I have some women friends who have kids. Yet, I do not give them a card, because they are not my mother. I do wish them a Happy Mother's Day if I talk to them on that day and I ask them how their day went. So, I do not think your kids need to give a Mother's Day card to their Aunts or Grandmother.

Does this make me right and you wrong? No. People need to compromise. If I were your child and it made you happy for me to give a Mother's Day card to my Grandmother, I'd do it. Why? Because it makes you happy and her happy and one can never go wrong doing something that makes another person happy, can they?

Happy Mother's Day to you!
Reply:no, you are indeed your husband's mother. he has no respect for you, and he has taught that lack of respect to your son who didn't even wish his grandmother happy mother's day. Really, i'd go on strike until you got both a card and apology from your husband. no food, no laundry, no sex. hell, don't even bother going home until bed time. AND, don't give him anything for father's day, he is not your father, nor the father of any child you would own. make your son call your mother in the morning and apologize for not wishing her happy mother's day, and then ground his butt until he understands respect.

I can't write a mother's day card! please help!?

i have trouble writing personal things. and i really want to give her a card. the regular happy mother's day stuff doesn't cut it for her...

I can't write a mother's day card! please help!?
Have a good friend ask you things and write down notes. then you work with your friend to put those things in the run of the mill card.

Better yet-get a peice of construction paper and some crayons. Make a homemade card with construction paper and crayons and have your friend-get a real emo friend- write down the things that you feel and think. Glue a couple pictures of yourself when you were young and geeky.
Reply:Rose are red, violets are blue, My heart isn't the same with out you. I have to write my mom a poem. I writer her one every year that was my firt now that take up a whole page.


Can i send b day cards and xmas cards to my grandchildren,there mother claims harrassment,if i do so.?

If there is no restraining order, you can send them.

She will likely withhold them from the kids, though.

It is unfortunate that whatever caused this rif between you and their mother is punishing the kids.

Can i send b day cards and xmas cards to my grandchildren,there mother claims harrassment,if i do so.?
Unless she has an injunction or restraining order against you, or unless you've already been cautioned for it, you can send them.
Reply:Unless you are under a no contact court order, I don't see anything she can do. Make sure anything you write on the card cannot be considered harrassment.
Reply:Well, what do you write in them? If it is anything instigating and provoking a problem, I agree that is harassment.

Keep it nice and sweet and you'll get more with honey than with acid.
Reply:why not?
Reply:horrible situation to be in. I have a friend who is not allowed to see her grandchildren she gets cards photos and writes them letters and keeps it all in a box that she will give them when they are 16.
Reply:Who cares? That's insane. Do what you want.

I cannot see why a b day card and an xmas card would be offensive. Call me crazy but... I think that's a really nice, kind, thoughtful, etc. thing to do. I'm sure your grandchildren will appreciate it. I'd like to think they do. But I don't know about kids these days. I'd like to meet some good ones.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?

my child is old enough now to know what mothers day is and is making a gift/card in school.But should i still take her out to get her mom a gift?should i only take her if she askes or should i offer to bring her.I really would like to here from other divorced parents on what they do.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?
yes raise her always to do the right thing concerning people, it enforces good habit, but allow her to choose the gift. [within YOUR budget]. $15.?

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?

my child is old enough now to know what mothers day is and is making a gift/card in school.But should i still take her out to get her mom a gift?should i only take her if she askes or should i offer to bring her.I really would like to here from other divorced parents on what they do.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?
I would ask her, say "Mother's day is coming up, would you like to buy something for mommy?" and if she say "yes" then take her to walmart or somewhere, and have her pick it out. Ask "are you sure" alot. Only shoot it down if it's too pricey. Hand her the money and have her pay for it.

I do this with my girls :)
Reply:You said the child made a gift for mom, that's great. How about you buying a corsage or small bouquet of flowers for her to give to her.

My ex and I did this before our divorce got out of control, then we didn't do anything.
Reply:Part of being a parent is getting that cheesy homemade card from your child/kids when they arent old enough to buy you something yet. The cards mean more (or at least they should.) I dont take mine to get gifts for my ex on father's day because it would be obvious that I bought it and I just dont want him to get that impression that (thats harsh but true) We arent bitter with each other by the way... If your child asks to go, then I'd take her, but I wouldnt suggest or offer it up myself. Good question though..makes you look at yourself as a parent....
Reply:I guess it is according to how your current relationship is with the mom. My ex isn't getting squat extra from my side!
Reply:Take your daughter shopping. It is important for your daughter to learn about thinking about others. Give her a set amount of money. Help her to think up a nice gift idea. Let her buy it even if it seems silly to you, those are always the cutest. It might help keep things happy between you and your ex, for the child's sake.
Reply:I think you should take her. I think it is important for your daughter to know you are supporting HER giving the gift to her mom, not like you are helping buying it.

Give the child the money and let her pick out the gift and card.
Reply:Nothing. What do you want to get her a card? Tell her thanks for the fu4king you gave me in court with the payments.
Reply:If she brings it up, then yes, take your daughter out. I don't buy anything for my ex %26amp; say its from my son.

Sending stepdaughter a Mother's Day card?

Is it ok to send my stepdaughter a Mother's day card. She sent me one and it touched me so much.

Sending stepdaughter a Mother's Day card?
Usually daughters(step or bio or adopted)send the cards for Mother's Day. It's MOTHER'S DAY not Daughter's Day!

But if you want you could send her a card saying how much you love her and how much the card ment to you!

internet explorer 7

Mother's day card/message for someone who has lost their mom?

I would like to send a friend a message or a ecard for mother's day but something for people who have lost mothers but a nice comforting message to make them feel better about this day. know any? or any suggestions? thx.....this is to send by email

Mother's day card/message for someone who has lost their mom?
as someone who has lost there mother i see no real point in it! If they dont have children then its not really someone for them, there are cards out there now for people who are like a mother to you.. but not for someone who has lost their mother as I think it would be something painful to get. I would just email and say hi and let them know you are thinking of them but dont mention mothers day.
Reply:i dont think u shold send one becuz she might end up crying and wishing that her mom was with her. be senstive.
Reply:I would also not send her a mothers day card. I would go to lunch with her in a couple of days and see how she is doing. A good listener always helps.

Tired of the same old mothers day?

im trying to think really hard what to do for or with my mom this mothers im tired of the same old flowers an cards an stuff like that..i feel as if she deserves alot better from getting devorced to having 2 jobs jus to keep the house this year an dealing with me an my 14 year old can any1 help ???

Tired of the same old mothers day?
Go Through all your picture and make her a Photo album with captions.My Son made this for me one year and I will treasure it forever!

Make her Breakfast lunch and dinner and clean the house and do the laundry,Make her queen for the day,Rent her a couple of movies and let her watch it in piece and buy her favorite foods and serve it to her while she is watching them.Sounds like Your Mom is Lucky to have you.Good Luck!
Reply:dedicate the whole day to mom. let her relax. get stuff for her when she asks for it. i used to make these little cupons and they used to say

1 ticket for 1 back massage

1 ticket for a free day of doing the dishes

1 ticket for taking out the trash

etc etc etc. be creative with them! mom will love these because even after mothers day she can use these. all u do is make them on the computer or make them your selves. give them to mom to use. when she gives u the ticket what ever it says you do it. also breakfast in bed would be a great idea along with these cards. good luck!
Reply:try to know something she really likes and buy it for her...for my mother's day this year i decide to buy me what i really liked but couldnt buy regarding the i think a best mothers day for me is to treat myself with that piece of jewel i admired and im gonna buy it tomorrow cuz our mothers day is this im gonna wear it to church...that would make me feels special for my day, and expected a new dress from my hubby as he usually a jewel n a new fancy dress will make my mothers day perfect...buying her something you know she really likes will make her really feels appreciated.

mom of 2
Reply:I applaud you!! I would make her a memories board. Take pictures of you and her and make captions of what the memorie means to You! Make it full of what a great mom she is...and what she has meant to YOU!! She will love it and keep it forever!! Happy Mom's day to your young lady!!
Reply:Make her breakfast in the morning and dinner at night. Treat her sweet and don't have an attitude that day. You can still do the flowers and card too.
Reply:Sing her a song%26gt; Josh Groban : You raise me up.

If you're a good singer she will love it, if not, she will love you for trying. lol
Reply:Take her out to lunch to her fave restraunt. Then play board games with her. Also write a poem about how she loves for you, care for you ect.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?

my child is old enough now to know what mothers day is and is making a gift/card in school.But should i still take her out to get her mom a gift?should i only take her if she askes or should i offer to bring her.I really would like to here from other divorced parents on what they do.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?
you should asked her, because maybe she is scare to asked you.there is nothing wrong with taking your child to buy a gift for the other parent. it's all for the best interest of the children.
Reply:You should offer to take her and yes you should buy something. Talk to your child and ask them what they would like to get their mother. If your child doesnt have any ideas you should know your ex enough to get something she will like.
Reply:ask her what she would like to get her mother for motheres day so you show that its good to care bout ur mother even though u guys arnt together anymore

Printable Mother's Day Card?

Does anyone know where I could find a good Mother's Day card that I could print? I don't want anything overdone, just a nice simple happy mother's day type card. Maybe one of those like 4-fold type things. Or not. Whatever. It would be great if someone could answer before she woke up in 7 hours. = )

Printable Mother's Day Card?
Hi Shark sweetie, how ya doin. Great job trying to do this for mom. I'm not sure if this link has what you are looking for. Someone recently sent me a card from here and I just copied the link. Maybe they could have what you are looking for. If not when you are searching you may find other choices. And again, lucky mom to have you being so thoughtful. Good job!

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Mother's day card?

My co-worker is 5 month pregnant with her first child. should i give her a mother's day card?

Mother's day card?
aw what a nice though im sure she will be really touched!
Reply:I think so. Chose one that say, "Happy Mothers Day Mom" or "#1 Mom" something like that to show the beauty of her pregnency
Reply:Sure why not...I'm sure she would be thrilled!
Reply:yeah i think you should, it will probably make her very happy...i know i would enjoy it.

Do you believe that it is necessary to set aside a day designated as "Mothers' Day"?

I am a Mother. I love my role as Mother and certainly am always pleased when I am shown appreciation, however, I view Mothers' Day as a commercial holiday that was designed by merchants and card sellers. What are your views?

Do you believe that it is necessary to set aside a day designated as "Mothers' Day"?
Mother's Day in the UK is Mothering Sunday ... a Sunday about half-way through Lent. It was traditionally the day when girls in service would be allowed home to see their mothers (they often worked some miles away and 'lived-in').

Of course mothers should be appreciated all year round but it's a very good idea to have one day in the year when you remember them specially! If it's a special day with happy memories, then one thinks back to it over the ensuing year and it reminds one from time to time how special one's mother is.
Reply:I'm glad it helped. I thought all the answers were excellent - I sometimes feel it's a shame we can't give Equal Best Answers, lol.

I hope you had a happy day :) Report Abuse

Reply:True, but my mother, as the kids got older, gets pampered with spa treatments and home cooked meals that she didn't cook. A day where she can just sit back and relax.
Reply:If she was a good loving mother, took good care of you and treated you with love when you were growing up. Yes there should be a special day to say I love you mom. It should be said a lot more often but it just never gets done.
Reply:I agree with you but I do believe that it's necessary to have "Mother's Day". All mothers should be recognized on this day. It's up to people to make the choice whether they want to make it special by buying stuff at the stores or just spending time with their mom and maybe go out to dinner or have a special BBQ. There are ways to celebrate it without going to merchants or card sellers.
Reply:It is a commercial holiday to trap people into buying crap in this capitalist society (secretary day, valentine's, Christmas, father's day, secretary day etc etc.)

In fact, it is an insult to mothers because every day should be mothers day.
Reply:I 100% agree with you. I think Mothers should be appreciated every day of the year! Mother's Day was invented to sell more stuff, just like Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, etc etc.
Reply:You should help out your mother (if she asked for it) every day. :)
Reply:What Holiday isn't commercialized? At least mothers day is less offensive than phony baloney Christmas!
Reply:Yeah, mothers' day is a complete commercial holiday. If you only tell you're mother you love her one day a year because card companies tell you to then you're not the greatest of kids. We've never celebrated mothers' or fathers' or grandparents' day in my family and I don't think I'll ever start.

I made this mother's day card...?

any suggestions what i can add on the card? esp the back of the card...

anyway thats chinese characters for happy mother's day :)

I made this mother's day card...?
Its cute. What matters most is what you write on the inside! You could do something cute on the back like a Hallmark type spoof but w/ your own name.
Reply:An artist stump

chose an animal or flower that represents you or you like

and do it stumps size and then put

your name marked stumps

Like to order gift for mothers day and like to pay with Credit card in the U.S?

There are literally hundreds of online shopping sites, maybe even thousands, that take credit cards online or over the phone. They will mail whatever to whomever you want. Go crazy!

Like to order gift for mothers day and like to pay with Credit card in the U.S?
Try using Pay Pal

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Need a little advice regarding Mothers day and kids without Mom?

I have my 2 nieces and nephews. I have had them here with me about a year and custody of them after the mom just walked out the door and never looked back. Did not even answer the petiton or show up to court.

They havent seen thier mother since Feb and yes I stopped visitation...well actually I told my sister to find a neutral place to have it and set up supervised visitation. She has yet to do this, call or anything. Visitation at my house was getting too hard as she would promise all these things only to come back the nest week with empty promises. It made me angry and I dont think I am in the best position to be doing visitation.

Anyway Mothers Day is coming and they have made cards and what nots in school.

I am having a hard time with the youngest. (5) She wants to save her card for her Mom. I told her ok and told her I would keep it safe for her.

She is having a really hard time with this and I am at a loss of what to tell her or what to do on Mothers day actually gets

Need a little advice regarding Mothers day and kids without Mom?
This is really a difficult situation, as you the adult, can see the damage mom has done.

I would suggest you help each of the children build a Mother's Holiday Box. It could be small like a cigar box or even jewelry box, but decorated by each child. Each holiday that comes, and mom doesn't....the children could put their gifts in "mom's box"....I believe this will allow them permission to hold on to the items they created for that particular day, but will also (down the road) allow them to better understand that you didn't stand in the way, but rather nurtured their loss. Should mom show up some day realizing what she lost, these creations will show her that her children maintained an unconditional love and also suffered disappointment due to her failure to follow through w/meeting their needs.

Two thumbs up to you auntie! You may not always get a pat on the back and might not get mentioned for saving these children, but you will receive the greatest gift of all, one day~
Reply:look~~ there is no easy way to handle this!!! I grew up w out a father and when i asked why he wasnt there my family told me the truth(sugar coated)!!!!! I think you should tell her the truth if you are shure the mother isnt going to return.

easier now then later...
Reply:I would help them make a small gift and card and tell them that you will put it aside for their mother for next time they see her. That way they can still be doing something for their mother and it is evident that it is not your fault that she is not there.
Reply:As a non-custodial mother (thru no fault of my own but lies told to courts by my own "mother" and her using the courts to "legally kidnap" my children), I give you kudos for wanting to do what is best.

I like the suggestion of the holiday box as was previously given. I have done everything I could over the last 4 years to keep in touch with my children and be a part of their lives as best I could, and often have had gifts that were meant for me, "taken and given" to Nanny by force. My children were forced to give the gifts they made at school to my mother.

My children want to come home, have voiced it several times, but as I stated previously, due to her lies, she has kept them from me for 4 years.

Do not sugar coat the truth, but tell them what you think they can handle.

I think that once the mom does realize what she has missed out on, and sees that you did not interfere, she will see what a blessing your children have had in having you as a surrogate mothering role model in their lives.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. If you would like additional ideas and suggestions on how you can help the kids, please feel free to add me to your yahoo and just put "yahoo answers and moms" in the request.

Need to order mothers day gift?

my dad ditched me and now i can;t go get my mom a mothers day gift!!!

i have a credit card but not a lot of money what is a store that can deliver ON SUNDAY!!!! and doesn't cost over 50 bucks

i really wanted balloons but flowers or a bear or something is ok to

Need to order mothers day gift?
get her a penis in a box
Reply:well, balloons and flowers will do. it's ok since your visa hasn't that much $ on it. bro, if you really love your mum, buy her gift out from your pocket. Cake will do! well, if you ask me, ill buy my mom a flowers, bunch and a cake. hope you will give something from your mom!
Reply:Why don't you call Edible arrangements.

And get her a fruit bouquet? It's different, it tastes good and you probably can still get it delivered this late notice.

If you don't like that idea call or go to internet sites for

www.Proflowers, 1-800-flower
Reply:If she likes chocolate, you could get her chocolate flowers. I'm not sure how fast they deliver though.
Reply:that's a little late why don't you just go the local grocery store most of then have a floral shop and pick u something or search the web I'm pretty sure you'll find something good luck
Reply:combine them, get a bear holding flowers and a card. put in on her bed, so when she goes to sleep, it will surprise her.
Reply:Ann - a vibrator will always place a smile on Mom and they are not that expensive!
Reply:Get her flowers

Not wanting to really celebrate Mothers Day see? below?

I was not able to have children and I really dont feel like celebrating mothers day both my husbands and my mom live 2500 miles from us we send cards and gifts however. This day I feel like a fish out of water and like I dont fit in dont get me wrong I am very happy for others who ae having babies and those that have children, but it is a holiday that does not apply to my situaion. Have any of you felt this way. In my family kids are a big deal. How can I just get through this day unnoticed ?

Not wanting to really celebrate Mothers Day see? below?
I too am not into Mothers Day. I am a mother of 2 beautiful daughters. Oddly enough, I always think of the holiday in terms of my mom. Not from the perspective that I am a mother. My girls always make me cards and buy me stuff, but I automatically think of the day in reference to my mom.

My mother passed away suddenly on 11/08/05. Since then, it has taken a lot to get me to celebrate many holidays, birthdays, etc. I miss her so much and days like Mothers Day only make her abscence that much more obvious. I have been slowly getting back on track, but holidays like this serve as a painful reminder.

I can only imagine what it's like to want kids and not be able to have them. I have an aunt and uncle that adopted and are foster parents for the same reason. They have a house full now, but it took a long time and a lot of pain. I also have an another aunt that is like a second mom to me. I will take the day to give thanks for all she has done since my mom passed. It's important to honor all the mothers in your life that make a difference to children that aren't neccessarily their own. I by my girls other grandma a card and gift. Send a card and gift to my best girlfriends that have kids. Maybe you should by yourself a gift b/c I am sure that to someone you are able to offer that keen mothering instinct whether they are your blood or not.

I guess we must remind ourselves that everything happens for a reason and appreciate all that we are blessed with. God places in our path to build our character and test us. And what we feel is the way should our lives should go is not always the plan that He has for our lives.

Enjoy your blessings on this day. And remeber that you are a Mother to someone in someway. Even if it's your pet, friend, neighbor, etc.
Reply:I hear you. I struggle with that in a similar way. What I have learned is that I need to learn to mother myself. Give myself attention, be my own mother and friend. Does that make sense? So maybe creating a day that would be enjoyable and uplifting to you would reframe this day for you. Good luck.
Reply:I agree with all of you and can associate the day for others and not myself,even though I am Mother of two.I do get gifts and cards but I am always thinking of the ones out there who are Mothers too.My own mom passed 5 years ago and now I do nothing special for myself just another day.Wish I could help you but don't know how,but do something special for yourself just because you can ,you are important to someone even if you don't know it.

What should I write in a Mother's Day card?

I saw someone else on the website said for Mother's Day she wrote on a bunch of cards things like thanks for scarring the monsters under my bed, thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder, etc.

I was going to borrow this idea, but I'm having a total blank out on ideas of what to write. I realize no one can help that much, because none of you were there for these moments. But I was wondering if you could share some templates or experiences you've had-maybe I have too and I just can't remember them.


What should I write in a Mother's Day card?
Just be yourself, write down all the things you wanted to say for your mom, any words will do as long as it comes from the botom of your heart. Just mean what you say and say what you mean.
Reply:Write from your heart.Mothers appreciate any words you write because they are from you.I far more appreciate the words my children write than any gift they buy.Words are precious and reach the heart and stay there for us to pull out and ponder on later,where as gifts (unless homemade) are too comercialised.Every mother loves anything their kids the saying goes it's the THOUGHT that counts.
Reply:i think 'i'm thankful that you're my mother and i'm sorry if i've hurt you with my words. I love you.' is sufficient.

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Mother's Day card ideas.....?

I need some ideas for a mother's day card. I had to wait until she fell asleep to get started on it and my mind is completely blank! All I have is lined paper and some markers. Anything I could use around the house to make it look more creative or something?

Any ideas please!

Your help is appreciated.

Mother's Day card ideas.....?
whats really cute is if you take like different colors of consturcgtion paper and make a design on the take a bow or somethign...make a purple bow, cut it out, then make a pink one a littel smaller and put it on top of the purple and so forth. on the inside...make a border or ribbon or if not, string or yarn or anything and clue it on the edges, if you want it complex, write wat you want first, then any extra space, put like polka dots or soemthing, and if you ahve glitter sprinkle it on top and make it look dazzling

hope that helps
Reply:um cut the edges fun like and find a couple pics in it and if nothing else do fancy writing and put a quote of sum one famous on it about mothers and idn print of sum pics offf the computer
Reply:In my life i see the card as not that too important, the acts of mothers day can say a lot more, breakfast in bed, washing up done, house kept clean and tidy, lunch and tea cooked nice bunch of flowers and show her respect, what i see is that respect of parents is not shown any more i see its all about you,, and nobody else matters, mothers day should not be all about one day mothers day should be a life time.
Reply:go to theres alot of ideas there
Reply:if u have internet print some flowers out :D

or u can paint something with food colorS?

markers / crayons


u start doodling something fun and cute just

for mom :] and write some sweet and funny if u don't know any jokes u can go look for one online or make one up just for that fact that u actually try :D
Reply:What about using scissors to make shapes of the card like heart? flower? etc.

Any ribbon? You can make it curly and have it on the corner of the card.

Whatever else really....think of layering the card with different shapes and color them different colors.

Do bubble lettering.

GOod luck!
Reply:well if you had some scissors and alother peice of paper then you could make it look 3d
Reply:Well you should draw a heart that looks like a balloon and maybe put "Happy Mother's Day!" in it. Also you could use some glitter if you have any and just glue some place on the card and dash some glitter? Maybe with you hands you can slightly crumble the paper, but before that you can paint coffee on the paper. It will make it look old.

Here's website with alot of home made Mother's Day Card's out of construction paper and instructions.

What can I do for my mom and mother in law for mothers day?

I lived far away from my mom and my mother in law and My husband and I are picking out cards tonight to mail for them,

we cannot afford flowers .,

What would be a good gift idea to put in the envelope for 15 dollars each?

I want to do something speical to honor our moms.

What can I do for my mom and mother in law for mothers day?
Write them their own personalized prayer -

tell them in the prayer how important and special they are -

like you're talking to Jesus and telling Him about them -

this will show them your appreciation of them and they can read it over and over throughout the years-

Good luck and God bless you for putting so much effort into your gift*

you could copy it on card stock paper and decorate it in a frame too!
Reply:My brother (15), sister (20), and I (23) are all short on money this year, and we have some great ideas for mother's day. We're getting a friend to take some portraits of us with my digital camera, and are going to get them developed at one of the "instant photo" things at the local pharmacy, which will only cost a few bucks. I'm also making her a card, which is quite simple. I bought a pretty stamp (about 3" by 3") and some colored ink, and am writing a poem in calligraphy on the inside of the homemade card. Also, since you can't send them overpriced flowers, what about pressed wildflowers? They'd travel quite nicely through the mail!
Reply:Well alot of us do not believe in buying casket or Lotto tickets, but I know of a Christian family who didn't and someone gave them a ticket as a present and they won!

Or you could buy them a few tickets in a car, house or whatever it is you could win, and the money goes to people with MS, CP and Guide dogs etc
Reply:Moms dont usually need stuff.. the best thing you can do is write inside the cards how you really feel about them and how much you appreciate them.. you can get a card thats blank inside and write down all the special things your moms mean to you.. from when you were kids to now!!! If you do it just right you can make them cry with happiness...... 15 bucks will never mean as much as "thank you"...
Reply:You can send them to each Mom a money order for $15.00.
Reply:$15 will not go far. I would find a poem on line and send it in the card. If you have any pictures of all together I would make a nice photo and send that as the $ could fit your budget.

What should the Mother's Day card say?

My ex-husband's wife recently had her first baby. I want to send her an ecard for Mother's Day, but am not sure what kind of card it should be. Since this is HER first child, should it be a "First Mother's Day" card, or since she has been MY child's stepmom for a couple years now, would the "First" part be inappropriate/insulting?

What should the Mother's Day card say?
Inappropriate, unless y'all are good friends.
Reply:i would just give her a mothers day card and put something like thanks for being a great step mom to my child and i now you will be a great mom to your new baby .happy mothers day . if you fell that way and if she is great with your child .
Reply:A simple acknowledgment mothers day card is appropriate. Write a few kind words to add a bit of personality to it.
Reply:How nice of you! Just a nice mothers day card, and write something that you are so happy for her and she has been a good mom to your child

Mother's Day card for a Sis-in-Law who hates me???

OK - So I am sending my sister-in-law a Mother's Day card, but we don't get along @ all. I am trying to be the grown-up here even though I am ALWAYS the one who tries to make amends, I feel that one day she will become a mature 31 year old grown up. I on the other hand (22) feel that Mother’s Day is something important to celebrate (even though I am not a mother).

ANYWAYS - I got her a card %26amp; wanted to write something in it that is not like "OH, your the greatest mother, your kids are soooooo lucky to have you, blah blah blah". I am looking for something short, sweet, %26amp; not to coochy coo. ANY SUGGESTIONS?!?!?!?!

Mother's Day card for a Sis-in-Law who hates me???
How about : grow up you old hag and start behaving a like a mother u effing 31 years old and stop hating me cos i'm beautiful. your poor children are so unlucky to have a creep like u mothering them! *****!

from your loving sister-in-law :P
Reply:Don't even write in it.....Just send her that card....kill that ***** with kindness!!!

Hope it ends well hun!!!!
Reply:if i dont get along with someone i would not send someone a card at all for any occasion. but if you do thats ok but you can put in the card hope you have a wonderful time with your family on this specail day!!! happy mother's day!!!


your name.

i think that will be find
Reply:First of all - she is NOT your Mother - so you are not required by any eticite laws to send her one - and 2nd - if you don't get along - why bother - I wouldn't.


Following on from studs q last night about mothers day?

well lets not celebrate, birthdays with cards, or easter , or anything ever again. and then he will be out of a job, and that will be all his own fookin fault..i for one love to receive cards for all things, how about you

Following on from studs q last night about mothers day?
Hello Dolly oops nearly burst into song there (bet you haven't heard that one before) It's nice to give and receive cards it's a nice way to let people know you are thinking about them whether it is a thank you, birthday, anniversary or just to a friend to say hello.
Reply:I agree, Dolly - I love receiving cards aswell.

Something really, really spooky has just happened....

I read wacky one's reply - the launching into song part, and it really made me laugh.

I just got up and was putting a load of washing in, and my other half has just launched into 'Well, hellooooo Dolly!'

I'm totally spooked llllllllolololol.
Reply:Oooohhhh he is so gonna get you for this x
Reply:Hiya Dolly

Studs gonna get you, and I'm gonna watch LOL

How about eCards? Are they still ok?

edit: coming right at ya

Hi Wacky - I have to stop myself every time
Reply:I love getting cards especially if the sender has written something special instead of a plain old Happy Birthday! Also the printed words say alot about what the sender thinks of u. I Looove cards and i always send them.
Reply:If hes out of a job he will be OK, according to his rant hes made millions
Reply:Cards a a nice thing to recieve, it shows that people are thinking about you especially if the sender puts some nice words in them, but they are very expensive for what they are.
Reply:i think he was a wee bit pished,

i never get cards anyway.

Should I buy my boyfriend's sister a mother's day card?

She's 10 weeks pregnant and I always buy my mom, their mom, and step mom a card so should I give her one too?

Should I buy my boyfriend's sister a mother's day card?
Sure, if you are talking about for Mother's day. She is a Mom-to-be and they have specific cards for that. I think she would appreciate it. If you like and get along with her, that is a very sweet gesture.
Reply:It really depends if you have a relationship with her, and how close of a relationship your share.

If you do have one then I would say yes. Everyone enjoys getting a mother's day, birthday, or any special event card. It is up to you to decide.
Reply:no, she's too early in the pregnancy....what if she miscarries? nice thought. give her one next year if all is well.
Reply:I think a cute 'mother-to-be' card would be nice if you are close to her.
Reply:yes, you can never be too nice... remember you get what you give

Reply:it's an extremely nice gesture - just keep in mind you're setting a precedent for yourself by doing it!
Reply:Yes,that is very sweet of you~

All Mommy's deserve cards on mothers day;)
Reply:no, she's no relation.
Reply:she is not a mother yet - just buy your mum a card
Reply:l would probably

l cannot see where it is appropriate.

"unbelievable" mother's day story! What do you think of this?

My boyfriend has been sick all day yesterday, all night, and today still. When I say sick I mean vomitting, diarreah, sore throat, all that fun stuff so filling out his mom's mother's day card and having her gift and breakfast ready for her this morning was not exactly a priority on his list as he barely slept all night.

So she comes up to him and his brother and says "so you guys didnt get my anything for mothers day"

the brother says he has a card and its in his room, my boyfriend says he has her gift in his room too but he didnt fill out the card yet and she says "unbelieveable" under her breath and walks away from them.

Does anyone else find this extremely unreasonable of her to say about her son who was ill all night? I can never imagine even caring about gifts if my kid was so sick.

Oh and in the past she got mad that the jewelrry they bought her was not big enough ($) and she was insulted when they gave her little trinckets and such instead of long stem roses.

"unbelievable" mother's day story! What do you think of this?
How horrible! The mom is such a *********! Tell your boyfriend to ignore his mom, she's such an ungreatful jack @$$!

My mom is like that in so many ways and I can totally connect!
Reply:Wow she sounds like a little biiiiiitch! i'm willing to bet she's been this way ( insensitive and selfish) all of her life and at this point in her life she's not changing so if i were in your boyfriends shoes i would do what i felt in my heart and that would be all, no more no less.
Reply:A kinda insecure Mom. I wonder if she has reason to be? By the way - you could have wrapped her present and held her card so that he could sign it. But you didn't, did you? No like the Mom, eh! No Mom should ask for bigger things, not polite, not nice.
Reply:Wow that's unbelievable. I hope that she enjoyed her mother's day anyways.
Reply:shes not their mom then. she prolly picked them off the street and lied to them that she was their mom. its as simple as that. her real children are prolly in like kazakhstan or something.
Reply:wow, what a biiitch
Reply:some people just shouldnt have kids i guess
Reply:I heard on National Public Radio this morning that Anna Jarvis, the woman in West Virginia who had first promoted the idea of Mother's Day one hundred years ago, actually circulated a petition some 19 or 20 years later seeking to rescind the holiday - she was disgusted at how commercialized it had become, because merchants were promoting candy and flowers for Mother's Day!!! That was never what she intended it to be - she intended it to be to honor mothers, and perhaps to have a letter or a hand-made card. Since then, we've had 80 more years to get even MORE disgustingly over-commercialized, with merchants promoting more and more expensive gifts.

Your BF's mom is frightfully immature and self-centered. I'd suggest your BF explain that if he is so sick that he dies, she doesn't need to worry about Mother's Day at all (and besides that, it is Mother's Day for the whole day). Then he can tell her that he is trying to honor the day in the spirit of Anna Jarvis, its creator, by not sullying the day with crass commercialism. But honestly - they should both understand that if she is complaining about their gifts, they really shouldn't bother with gifts at all, because they can NEVER make this woman happy.

What are some fun, quick simple ideas for mothers day?

Homemade, besides cards, something that my little 11 yr sister can do ...

What are some fun, quick simple ideas for mothers day?
Make cup cakes or breakfast in bed or she can make mom some of her favorite cookies. How about making mom a necklace or earrings? You can go to a local craft store and get beading supplies. And it is very quick and easy if you make it simple. If your sister is very good with music how about writing a song and singing it to her. I hope I gave you some Ideas. Have a nice mother's day!
Reply:here's something nice: send her and her friends over to a movie or something they like to do during the afternoon and use that time to bake her a cake and prepare a dinner (or order in) . Decorate the house wih beautiful candles and when she comes back give her a surpriese!! She ought to love it..
Reply:make your mom a special dinner moms always love when kids cook for them it doesn't have to be really big just enough to make her happy
Reply:I went 2 Dollar tree and bought 3 mugs some peppermints some butterscotch 3 scented candles spent $8 all 2gether then we went 2 walmart got some hersheys kisses and some herbal tea all that was about 3 or 4 dollars. This was for my 2 grandmas and step grandma. this helps if ur on a tight budget. As for my mom probably take her 2 a nice spa and make her bib (breakfast in bed) and take her 2 her fave restaurant for supper and maybe some nice new dishes or a pool cue.(we have a pool table).

shoe buckles

Its mothers day and she hates me!?

my mama yells at me everytime she says someting that startes with the letter L I get affraid and panic I am 10 years old next week I will be. I think she hates me my daddy takes up for me. i made her a picture frame i glued a picture of daddy mama and ben my big brother to a piece of wood from the garage for mothers day and maked her a card i could not find a pictcher with me in it she spanked me for wreing her picture. I am sad now she is at work and everyone is sleeping but I am mad to at the same time. I get her stuff with pennys i roll for christmas she thanks my brother for my gift that I gave her. my dad knows she does this things to me but he is not here all the time i will not do any thing to make her happy evagain! she is a mean lady i cant wait for daddy to come home i will tell on her. but he dont do any thing about it sometimes i want to run away i cant think at school cuz every one at home yells at me and i cry alot even my teaacher yells at me cuz i dont do math good

Its mothers day and she hates me!?
Go to bed and pray to God to protect you. Then when you go to school tell your teacher you are being abused. Then let God do his work in your life.
Reply:almost every school has a counselors and psychiatrist - i recommend you go to a teacher who you trust and tell them about ur situation so they can call a social worker to check on ur situation. But be warned - if they find nothing and if ur mom is really as mean as you say she is, she may treat you even worst. Have you heard of a book called "a child called it" the mom was mean to only one particular child, eventually the child was taken away - there were no explanations of why the mom did this. I don't want you to be taken away from your family - but if you are living in an emotionally unstable environment you should consider social workers to check out the situation. There has been numerous cases where parents will treat one particular child like crap, there is just no reason to this but they are ill mentally. I wish you the best of luck, but if ur dad is not helping you, u need to seek help elsewhere.

Who should sign the Mother's Day card?

With Mother's Day coming up I am at a point where I have a question that needs an answer. My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 months and we have already agreed that we are going to get married and relatively soon (September 20). I, however, have not "popped" the question yet because I want to wait for the right time so I can do something romantic. However, with Mother's Day coming up, should I put both of our names on the Mother's Day cards (there are 4 of them) or should I just put mine on it? If we were engaged, I would definitely put both names on it but since we are not, I do not know what what to do. What do you think?

Who should sign the Mother's Day card?
I would say put both names on the cards as it shows to the 'mums' that you are a couple and serious about one another. Also you will be doing it soon enough, so why not start now. Good luck with the proposal %26amp; your wedding (my b'day, lol)
Reply:You should put your name on it and her name on it; Just as it is.
Reply:A mother's day card is all for your mother. So if your girlfriend and your mother aren't close, don't put her name on it. If they are close it would be a nice thing to have her sign it with you. It would show your mom how her family is growing and how she means alot to other people not just her children
Reply:I agree with Babeheart... I'm a little lost with your four mothers...
Reply:Just your name...however if she wants to give a card herself, your girlfriend could do that (it would typically be something a lot less sentimental than the card a Mother's child would give). ☺

Mothers Day Help?!?

Okay, i am making a card for my mother for mother's day, and i would like to know if anyone has any simple, quick, and catchy phrases or poems, etc. that i can put on the card.

any help would be great!

thank you!

Mothers Day Help?!?
to make it really special you should put your feelings in the card.

Whats a really good saying to put in a mother's day card?

Any good ones?

Whats a really good saying to put in a mother's day card?
A mother's love determines how

We love ourselves and others.

There is no sky we'll ever see

Not lit by that first love.

Stripped of love, the universe

Would drive us mad with pain;

But we are born into a world

That greets our cries with joy.

How much I owe you for the kiss

That told me who I was!

The greatest gift--a love of life--

Lay laughing in your eyes.

Because of you my world still has

The soft grace of your smile;

And every wind of fortune bears

The scent of your caress.



Thank you for loving me,

Having me in.

All you have given

Now I hold within.

Kid in a vacuum

You made your own,

Or else I had been

Unborn and unknown.*

*Or, "Unloved and alone."
Reply:If your mother and you share a sense of humor:

Mom, you are a perfectionist and I can prove it.

Just look at me!
Reply:it need to come from your heart it your mother and she know you even if you don't think so, think of the good time and go from there.
Reply:...anything that comes straight from your heart
Reply:Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.

-Author Unknown

for shoe lasts

My best friend is a Vietnamese woman with four kids. I would like to give her a special card for Mother's Day.

I've already found a Best Friend Mother's Day card but I would like to say something really special in Vietnamese inside. Since I'm not Vietnamese, I haven't got a clue. Any suggestions (with english translation of course!)?

My best friend is a Vietnamese woman with four kids. I would like to give her a special card for Mother's Day.
Chúc ba.n ngày Mother's Day tha^.t vui vẻ

the period "." should go under the letter a. the sign "^" is on top of a. i know this because im vietnamese so u can trust me on that. watever the second person posted above is right but except for the second word in the sentence, "ba`" it prefer to grandma. since u two r friends, use "ba.n" instead because it literally translate to "friend".

even tho ur not vietnamese but its good to impress her because she knows that you actually take time to learn how to write in vietnamese instead of english. she will be flattered. good luck
Reply:Have a great life!
Reply:If she hasn't been in this country long, don't bother. Viets don't do Mother's Day. If she celebrates it, I actually don't know what you should write. Having 4 kids, she must have her hands full, especially if she doesn't have a husband. But if you insist:

Chúc bà ngày Mother's Day nhàn hạ=Wishing you a relaxing MD

Chúc bà ngày Mother's Day vui vẻ=Wishing you a happy MD
Reply:just write it in english!

that's wat all of my mom friends do

i think its a stupid idea to write in vietnamese

since u're not one

Were can I get a free funny and cute E-card for my mom for mothers day?

Please nothing nasty I'm only 13!

Were can I get a free funny and cute E-card for my mom for mothers day?, or hallmark, but you have to be a member on hallmark to send e-cards.
Reply:hallmark...they have free e-cards

What should I do for a Mother's Day card?

I always make one and I'm kind of out of ideas for what to write or draw i think ive used up all the slogans and saying i can think of any ideas?

What should I do for a Mother's Day card?
i put on my moms card, you brought me in this world and you can take me out cuz you you told me that before but any i love you mom happy mothers day, i hope this helps
Reply:you could make a pop-up card. i used to make those when i was little, and my mom always loved them. put a picture of the two of you in there so it pops up when she opens it, and write something meaningful. i'm sure she'll love it!

Has the world gone head bans kids making mother day card?

incase it offends children without mums.

Has the world gone head bans kids making mother day card?
Thats disgusting,children who have no mam can make there dad or guardian a card.
Reply:blame blairs goverment for allowing\appointing p.c. morons.
Reply:No the world has not gone mad just one silly school head. But maybe there are a few children in the school who don't have mums in which case I think it is a really kind thing to do. How would you feel as a five or six year old if everyone else in the class was making a card for their mum except you - especially if she died not that long ago - its best to think about things rather than react emotionally.
Reply:Now I know the world has gone mad, I haven't had my mom for almost 8 years but never get offended by people buying cards and flowers in the shops for their moms on Mothers Day, maybe I should ask shops and supermarkets to stop selling them as I no longer have my mom, its pathetic and downright disgraceful, the little boy next door to me has no mom so his teacher has him making a card for his dad instead, after all his dad took over all the roles his mom used to have so why not let them do that instead or just leave it as it is, god help the kids who are growing up today, they are going to be so confused with this PC brigade.
Reply:i think it`s pathetic. kids don`t have dads, mums, grans, etc the world over. it`s sad but if you do that you are discriminating against the ones with mothers. can`t they see that?!!! this country is too polictically correct to the point of stupity now.
Reply:pc gone mad. school must be crap nowadays. kids cant even fly paper planes or play conkers for fear of someone getting hurt. i'm glad those days are behind me
Reply:Nothing surprises me these days – children seem to have been robbed of their childhood between the perverts that abound and the politically correct nonsense certain intellectuals propose.

Graphics software

What is a thoughtful mothers day gift for under $40???

does anyone know what a good mothers day present is thats under 40 bucks. i want it to be thoughtful and kind of unique. dont say flowers or a nice card.

What is a thoughtful mothers day gift for under $40???
Make your mom a stepping stone for her flower garden . When you make something yourself it means so much to a mom. Then if she does flower gardens buy he a flat of flowers. I know you said dont say flowers but it isnt the same thing as cut flowers. I dont like them myself . But ones you can plants means so much more and last alot longer. And dont buy her a card .... make it ...
Reply:Generally mothers I know, appreciate being thought of and spending time with their children. If you know your Mom has a special interest such as gardening: potted flower or a garden ornament is thoughtful as you have noticed what she likes. Into photos, perhaps scrapbook supplies or a nice frame. Or maybe dinner and a movie. Just think of her and enjoy the day.
Reply:Make her a music CD using your computer. Put songs that remind you of her on it, and place a photo of the two of you together on the front. She'll love it! Here's a great site that has a list of songs you can use:
Reply:you could get her a gift card to a all day spa or her fav store or you could get a peice of jewlery

Mothers only!!What is the best present you received on Mothers Day?

My Husband says Its just another Day and gives me a card!! My 20 year old gives me a card too.. I want a nice present, how do I tell them that?

Mothers only!!What is the best present you received on Mothers Day?
The best gift I received on Mothers Day was my mothers ring. Tell them what you want, I do. I feel I deserve it, they don't hesitate asking me for anything.
Reply:dnag it the girl beat me to it....thanks **gorgeous
Reply:Best ever - a quiet day in nature - we all went hiking together....Second best - a bit costy tho - was my "mother" tattoo
Reply:My son made things when he was in elementary. That is the only gifts I have ever received. That is ok. I liked his hand made gifts. He is too old for that now but I still have a couple of them.
Reply:I got a white gold mother and child pendant with a diamond at the bottom, and it's now the piece of jewelry I wear the most next to my wedding ring. I got it a couple of years ago, my husband did pretty good remembering it.
Reply:If the son and the father pull the same stuff THIS year, maybe on their birthdays and Christmas, they should get nothing but a card from YOU. My son ALWAYS has given me a plant and a nice card and this year he is taking me out to dinner as well. He has ALWAYS been a generous kid and now that he is an adult, he is VERY generous still. Oh and the husband who tells you "it's just another day"... well then take that day and grab a chair and a nice drink and sit outside and get some sun---don't cook, don't clean don't do their laundry NOTHING for them the entire day----if they question it--tell them you are giving YOURSELF a "mother's day gift" this year.
Reply:Its a toss up between (a) the 50 cent bag of lollies my kids got me one year when my ex forgot, they kept the money from their school lunch money......was very sweet, i will always remember that!

(b) A tray full of seashells, i was too sick with morning sickness to go to the beach, so they bought the beach to me!!Beautiful memories!!

But if you want a present and are not getting one, go buy yourself one,( a Pricey one) and take money out of their wallets in front of them and say, "thanks so much for the M day pressie i loved it".......You can guarantee you will get one next year, cos they will not want you to do the shopping and spend their money!!

Happy Mothers Day from me, an Aussie Mum!!


A good quote for my mother's b'day card?

I'm just whipping up a birthday card for my mother. Does anyone know of a really good quote or witty comment I can add?

A good quote for my mother's b'day card?
Abraham Lincoln

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.

James Russell Lowell

That best academy, a mother's knee.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.

George Cooper

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the wide world over.
Reply:Just as there is no other word for mother, there is no other comparison of mother.
Reply:i will love u for 50 years more even when your boobs sag down to the floor
Reply:I have some mother quote favorites to share with you.

A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. Dorothy Canfield Fisher

My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. ~Graycie Harmon

“My mother always told me I wouldn't amount to anything because I procrastinate. I said 'Just wait.'” Judy Tenuta

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. ~ Mark Twain