Monday, May 24, 2010

Not wanting to really celebrate Mothers Day see? below?

I was not able to have children and I really dont feel like celebrating mothers day both my husbands and my mom live 2500 miles from us we send cards and gifts however. This day I feel like a fish out of water and like I dont fit in dont get me wrong I am very happy for others who ae having babies and those that have children, but it is a holiday that does not apply to my situaion. Have any of you felt this way. In my family kids are a big deal. How can I just get through this day unnoticed ?

Not wanting to really celebrate Mothers Day see? below?
I too am not into Mothers Day. I am a mother of 2 beautiful daughters. Oddly enough, I always think of the holiday in terms of my mom. Not from the perspective that I am a mother. My girls always make me cards and buy me stuff, but I automatically think of the day in reference to my mom.

My mother passed away suddenly on 11/08/05. Since then, it has taken a lot to get me to celebrate many holidays, birthdays, etc. I miss her so much and days like Mothers Day only make her abscence that much more obvious. I have been slowly getting back on track, but holidays like this serve as a painful reminder.

I can only imagine what it's like to want kids and not be able to have them. I have an aunt and uncle that adopted and are foster parents for the same reason. They have a house full now, but it took a long time and a lot of pain. I also have an another aunt that is like a second mom to me. I will take the day to give thanks for all she has done since my mom passed. It's important to honor all the mothers in your life that make a difference to children that aren't neccessarily their own. I by my girls other grandma a card and gift. Send a card and gift to my best girlfriends that have kids. Maybe you should by yourself a gift b/c I am sure that to someone you are able to offer that keen mothering instinct whether they are your blood or not.

I guess we must remind ourselves that everything happens for a reason and appreciate all that we are blessed with. God places in our path to build our character and test us. And what we feel is the way should our lives should go is not always the plan that He has for our lives.

Enjoy your blessings on this day. And remeber that you are a Mother to someone in someway. Even if it's your pet, friend, neighbor, etc.
Reply:I hear you. I struggle with that in a similar way. What I have learned is that I need to learn to mother myself. Give myself attention, be my own mother and friend. Does that make sense? So maybe creating a day that would be enjoyable and uplifting to you would reframe this day for you. Good luck.
Reply:I agree with all of you and can associate the day for others and not myself,even though I am Mother of two.I do get gifts and cards but I am always thinking of the ones out there who are Mothers too.My own mom passed 5 years ago and now I do nothing special for myself just another day.Wish I could help you but don't know how,but do something special for yourself just because you can ,you are important to someone even if you don't know it.

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