Monday, May 24, 2010

Mothers only!!What is the best present you received on Mothers Day?

My Husband says Its just another Day and gives me a card!! My 20 year old gives me a card too.. I want a nice present, how do I tell them that?

Mothers only!!What is the best present you received on Mothers Day?
The best gift I received on Mothers Day was my mothers ring. Tell them what you want, I do. I feel I deserve it, they don't hesitate asking me for anything.
Reply:dnag it the girl beat me to it....thanks **gorgeous
Reply:Best ever - a quiet day in nature - we all went hiking together....Second best - a bit costy tho - was my "mother" tattoo
Reply:My son made things when he was in elementary. That is the only gifts I have ever received. That is ok. I liked his hand made gifts. He is too old for that now but I still have a couple of them.
Reply:I got a white gold mother and child pendant with a diamond at the bottom, and it's now the piece of jewelry I wear the most next to my wedding ring. I got it a couple of years ago, my husband did pretty good remembering it.
Reply:If the son and the father pull the same stuff THIS year, maybe on their birthdays and Christmas, they should get nothing but a card from YOU. My son ALWAYS has given me a plant and a nice card and this year he is taking me out to dinner as well. He has ALWAYS been a generous kid and now that he is an adult, he is VERY generous still. Oh and the husband who tells you "it's just another day"... well then take that day and grab a chair and a nice drink and sit outside and get some sun---don't cook, don't clean don't do their laundry NOTHING for them the entire day----if they question it--tell them you are giving YOURSELF a "mother's day gift" this year.
Reply:Its a toss up between (a) the 50 cent bag of lollies my kids got me one year when my ex forgot, they kept the money from their school lunch money......was very sweet, i will always remember that!

(b) A tray full of seashells, i was too sick with morning sickness to go to the beach, so they bought the beach to me!!Beautiful memories!!

But if you want a present and are not getting one, go buy yourself one,( a Pricey one) and take money out of their wallets in front of them and say, "thanks so much for the M day pressie i loved it".......You can guarantee you will get one next year, cos they will not want you to do the shopping and spend their money!!

Happy Mothers Day from me, an Aussie Mum!!


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