Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who's celebrating their first Mothers' Day as a Mother this year?

Have fun!

I had my first Mothers' Day last year (my son was born in November 2006!). I was spoilt rotten by "my son" (courtesy of my other half and my mother actually!).

This year I'm working all weekend so won't be around to be spoilt in the quite the same way (or even to see my own mum until Monday), but its so special to get a card "from" my little man (who's now 15 months old) telling me how much he loves me!

Who's celebrating their first Mothers' Day as a Mother this year?
I adopted my son from Guatemala and wasn't able to spend last Mother's Day with him. This year, he is with me and I'm so excited about my first Mother's Day. He is 19 months old.
Reply:It's my first official. Last year I missed it by like a week as my daughter was born May 21. Dogs did get me a card though.
Reply:Thanks for the idea, I just may have to do that for my wife. It will be her 1st Mother's Day. We have a 7 month old little girl.
Reply:I guess I could say this year will be my first mother's day but I will probably still be pregnant!!!
Reply:it's my first year this year!
Reply:Not this year but next year i will lol!! I am not due til June this year....if we go to the due date then both me and my hubby will miss Mother/Fathers day this year as our due date is june 26th!
Reply:My son was born on Mother's Day 25 years ago which was really special.

I seem to remember that I got a special baby bag and goodies from one of the baby companies as a result. Extra nice.

Congratulations on becoming a Mum - your life will never be the same again. xxx
Reply:Me. I have an 8-month-old daughter born June 20, 2007. I was merely very, very pregnant last year on Mother's Day.
Reply:I am its my first mothers day with my daughter first time mom
Reply:Aw, congratulations! This will be my fifth, if you count the one when my son was still in the womb. My husband and son make it special every year. Last year, when my son was two, he came out of his room carrying Mother's Day balloons and presents. "Happy Mommy's Birthday!" he shouted. One of my favorite presents to date was last year, when I got a framed picture of my son with a poem that he wrote with help from Daddy printed on it. I can honestly say I liked it even more than my "big" present.

This Mother's Day will definitely be a memorable one for you. Have fun!
Reply:it will be my 1st! my son is currently 5 weeks old!
Reply:aw, how cute!! :D
Reply:I will be, my lil man will be here in just a couple weeks, so i will be a mommy this mothers day.

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