Monday, May 24, 2010

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?

my child is old enough now to know what mothers day is and is making a gift/card in school.But should i still take her out to get her mom a gift?should i only take her if she askes or should i offer to bring her.I really would like to here from other divorced parents on what they do.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?
I would ask her, say "Mother's day is coming up, would you like to buy something for mommy?" and if she say "yes" then take her to walmart or somewhere, and have her pick it out. Ask "are you sure" alot. Only shoot it down if it's too pricey. Hand her the money and have her pay for it.

I do this with my girls :)
Reply:You said the child made a gift for mom, that's great. How about you buying a corsage or small bouquet of flowers for her to give to her.

My ex and I did this before our divorce got out of control, then we didn't do anything.
Reply:Part of being a parent is getting that cheesy homemade card from your child/kids when they arent old enough to buy you something yet. The cards mean more (or at least they should.) I dont take mine to get gifts for my ex on father's day because it would be obvious that I bought it and I just dont want him to get that impression that (thats harsh but true) We arent bitter with each other by the way... If your child asks to go, then I'd take her, but I wouldnt suggest or offer it up myself. Good question though..makes you look at yourself as a parent....
Reply:I guess it is according to how your current relationship is with the mom. My ex isn't getting squat extra from my side!
Reply:Take your daughter shopping. It is important for your daughter to learn about thinking about others. Give her a set amount of money. Help her to think up a nice gift idea. Let her buy it even if it seems silly to you, those are always the cutest. It might help keep things happy between you and your ex, for the child's sake.
Reply:I think you should take her. I think it is important for your daughter to know you are supporting HER giving the gift to her mom, not like you are helping buying it.

Give the child the money and let her pick out the gift and card.
Reply:Nothing. What do you want to get her a card? Tell her thanks for the fu4king you gave me in court with the payments.
Reply:If she brings it up, then yes, take your daughter out. I don't buy anything for my ex %26amp; say its from my son.

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