Monday, May 24, 2010

Who should sign the Mother's Day card?

With Mother's Day coming up I am at a point where I have a question that needs an answer. My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 months and we have already agreed that we are going to get married and relatively soon (September 20). I, however, have not "popped" the question yet because I want to wait for the right time so I can do something romantic. However, with Mother's Day coming up, should I put both of our names on the Mother's Day cards (there are 4 of them) or should I just put mine on it? If we were engaged, I would definitely put both names on it but since we are not, I do not know what what to do. What do you think?

Who should sign the Mother's Day card?
I would say put both names on the cards as it shows to the 'mums' that you are a couple and serious about one another. Also you will be doing it soon enough, so why not start now. Good luck with the proposal %26amp; your wedding (my b'day, lol)
Reply:You should put your name on it and her name on it; Just as it is.
Reply:A mother's day card is all for your mother. So if your girlfriend and your mother aren't close, don't put her name on it. If they are close it would be a nice thing to have her sign it with you. It would show your mom how her family is growing and how she means alot to other people not just her children
Reply:I agree with Babeheart... I'm a little lost with your four mothers...
Reply:Just your name...however if she wants to give a card herself, your girlfriend could do that (it would typically be something a lot less sentimental than the card a Mother's child would give). ☺

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