Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can someone please explain why wives expect gifts from their husbandss on mothers day?

the wife isn't the mother;

and why cry over a man-made superficial holidy so card/diamond companies can get richer? i don't get it

by the way ..they dont even have a mother's day category for yahoo answers..go figure

Can someone please explain why wives expect gifts from their husbandss on mothers day?
My guess is that may women feel they deserve acknowledgment and appreciation for carrying far more than half the load of producing and raising the kids from the guy who consistently does less than half the parenting.

It's not at all unusual in a couple who both work full-time for the mom to be the main child-raiser while the dad helps. Helps. He's not the responsible party, doesn't stay on top of schedules, doesn't know what needs to be done and does it.
Reply:The wife isn't the husband's mother but she IS the mother of his children (unless they don't have children). That's why the husband should celebrate his wife (if she is the mother of his children) on this day. He doesn't have to get her anything fancy but maybe breakfast in bed, something small, to show her how much he loves and appreciates her. He can save the diamonds for anniversaries - lol.
Reply:Because many wives have borne their husbands at least one child. If your wife doesn't have any children, then she shouldn't expect a Mother's Day present from you because, well, she's not a mother! But if she has borne your children, give her a little appreciation.
Reply:Do you expect gifts from your wife on fathers day?

Most women don't expect gifts from their husbands per say...

but, they do have to help and guide the children on what would be a good gift for mom.
Reply:I think it's becuase the wives do ALOT for the hussband they clean their houses cook the food bring up the kids most husbands just sit on their backsides lol so i guess the day is about the hussbands doing something fror th wives

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