Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A British head teacher has banned primary school children from making mother's day cards.?

How the hell do we stop this bloody p.c brigade from taking over our lives?

A British head teacher has banned primary school children from making mother's day cards.?
more political correctness garbage that's what i think. The majority of kids do have a mother so why should they be banned just to please the minority. Its always the same in this country the minority whinges about something and we just give in to them and let them get their own way I'm totally sick of it
Reply:typical British!
Reply:How stupid! Perhaps all the kids should make him a Get Well Soon card.
Reply:I read that the reason was that 5% of the children had no contact with their mothers for one reason or another what this head teacher has done is just plain stupidity it is the same old thing the majority are suffering for the minority we are supposed to be a democracy if this is so why cant the majority have it there way after all there has always been children who have had no contact with their mothers for one reason or another so what is so different now next we know they will be banning fathers day cards or men from wearing swim trunks because women don't wear them this is another example of PC gone mad
Reply:Whether or not cards are made, Mother's Day will still happen!!! The children without mothers can't be protected from it, they will still see mothers day related commercials on TV etc. Maybe Mother's Day should be banned altogether, and Father's Day come to that..

I lost my mother as a child, and Mother's Day used to be very hard for me, but like others have replied to this question, you can still make a card and visit her grave, the occasion can still be very special and it is all a learning process for the child. There really is nothing worse than people walking on eggshells around you, children are far more perceptive than we think and far stronger!!

For all the Motherless children in the class, the teacher can take the whole class outside and they can release balloons with cards tied on to them or something similar, to make them feel special.
Reply:I have some sympathy with you but my daughter's best friend died last week and I know that her two girls are dreading mother's Day.

I think though, that rather than banning the cards, the schools can address the problem with sensitivity - teachers are quite capable of making a quiet suggestion.
Reply:this is yet another example of political correctness gone mad. wrapping children up in cotton wool so that when they grow up and get out into the real world it is a terrible shock to find out what a hard place the world is. what next no Christmas cards because it may offend non Christians.i would think that as we live in a democracy then the feelings of the majority should come first think of the pleasure that Mothers get from getting a home made card from their children.
Reply:I think this is terrible.

I understand that there are a very very small minority of children who don't have mums, but when my mum died I still made my Mothers Day card in school and took it to her grave. It made me feel like she was still looking after me.
Reply:They haven't banned them from making Mother's day cards. They were trying to be sensitive to children who don't have Mums (think carefully about how distressing this must be for a child). The children who have Mums (lucky them) were able to make the cards.
Reply:My Mum died when I was young and still remember being really upset at having to make these cards, obviuosly you don't want to let the other kids know how distressed you are, so I made the card and took it home but made sure no-one at home saw it.

Even worse was the year one teacher suggested I make one for my Gran thinking this would be somehow better!!!

So I can see the teachers point, although maybe making the cards an after school activity, and so voluntary, instead of a classroom project might have been a less controversial way to go.
Reply:Mothers day should be celebrated and it would have been a better idea to of got children to make mothers day cards for Grandmas or something or maybe made the cards for thier mums and then be incouraged to go and visit the place they are buried and place the cards there.
Reply:My 7yr old had something to say on this - they're not their own kids!

my answer is


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