Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hvae you taken down your Mother's Day cards yet and...?

...when did you last see the sea?


Hvae you taken down your Mother's Day cards yet and...?
No Joan will stay for a couple of days and last saw sea in September
Reply:...useful to do instead! Report Abuse

Reply:No I shall leave mine up for a few more days yet Joan. As for the sea the last time I saw that was last Summer!
Reply:no i have only had them for one day joan , and what a lovely video clip , as for the sea its my home i love it !!
Reply:Umm.. Mother's Day was like.. last May...?
Reply:I had to post mine with a big fat, "treat yourself because you deserve to and I love you" cheque inside because she lives too far away! Hope it was good Mum! x x x
Reply:Mothers Day cards will be up for a week.

Last Wednesday I saw the sea
Reply:I never got any.
Reply:give us a chance joan, the day has only just finished; i will keep mine up till tuesday!!!
Reply:No not yet Joan...Mine will stay up until tomorrow. Last saw the Sea back In October 2007 at Brighton on a works outing !!
Reply:I didn't get any cards, but thats because i didn't give them any money to buy them. I did get two bars of cadburys turkish delight though, which is fine by me.
Reply:its not mothers day in the usa yet
Reply:i can see the sea from my house if i crane my neck..i live by the sea..and No i leave my cards up for about 3 days...
Reply:It wasn't Mothers day here!! I live right near the ocean so I see it quite a bit!! lol ♥ Beauty of a song and video!! Looks like my beach!! ♥
Reply:Ill take them down in a few days. they make me smile :-)

I last saw the sea just before Xmas, I went on a booze cruise to France. mind you I only live 8 miles from the sea but its a bit cold to go to the beach right now
Reply:yes and yes.

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