Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I didn't bother buying my mother a card for mothers day as she?

means nothing to me or my kids she was abusive as a mother and is just as bad as a grandmother so instead i went to the local care home and dished out chocolates and flowers to the ladies there.

Did anyone else not buy there mother a card??

I didn't bother buying my mother a card for mothers day as she?
i cant say i blame you, not all mothers are caring and worthy of love from their children, and to 'babygirl' perhaps she needs to walk a mile in another persons shoes before shes so judgemental!
Reply:I'm sorry to hear your story its hard to believe how a mother can be abusive but you did a really nice thing giving chocolates and flowers to a local care home

You must have made a lot of ladies really happy

God Bless you
Reply:I didn't buy my mother a card; I made her one instead (I make nearly all my cards now) and she loved it. However, if your mother abused you then she doesn't deserve anything from you. What you did at the care home was really kind.

I didn't. My Mother is a psycho. Not worth the effort really.

I did get my kids godmothers one though. :-)

Love what you did. Great plan. Share the love. Really nice.

Did you take the kids with you?

I might do that next year. :-)
Reply:I didn't because she 's dead. i always tell people to be grateful that they still have their mothers when they whine about them them, mine was snatched away from me tragically when I was 16 and she's missed out on so much.

How awful it must be for you though, to have suffered as a child, probably just as bad as growing up without a Mum, or maybe even worse. I think what you did at the care home was a lovely idea.

Is there no way you can rebuild the relationship with your Mum? maybe she's sorry for what she did? If not just concentrate on being a great Mum for your own kids.

I wish you all the best, hope you can work something out.
Reply:Yes, well mine is DEAD. I didn't have a chance to totally break her heart, as you have done to yours.
Reply:i didnt as i lost my mum and dad within a year of one another and i understand how you feel and im glad you done what you did that is realy nice i miss my parents so much they where such good parents and i hate each mothering sunday with out my mother around
Reply:I got my Mother one, but my hubby didn't bother getting his Mother one, as she NEVER calls, or NEVER send the kids birthday cards... (I personally think she is a witch in disguise!)

So my hubby didn't bother this year!
Reply:yes i did buy her one!! thankfully i get on really well with my mum !!! I feel for you and your children i just cant imaging having a worthless woman as a mum or nan !!!! and that was a lovely thing you did !!! it shows people can be loving even if their parents are not
Reply:i bought my mother a £100 neckles if i know ur mother i will have bought her some thing for sure all my friend bought their mother a present
Reply:my mother was and is still extremelly abusive n know what i did not do anything for that psycopath either. hey there are lucky people who have great mothers, but then there are ones like what u and i have who are evil abusive and selfish people with no remorse at all.
Reply:Yes my mother did get a card from me.
Reply:I did, because I love my mum but I think you did the right thing
Reply:what have you mother done to you that you are talking about her like this? there are some many people crying because their mother is dead, and you that you mother is alive is talking bad of your mom.

remember you are a mother, you will/have children and if they (your children) talk about you in this way, will you be happy?

you must learn to forgive, no matter how a person have offended you.

and dont even allow your kids hear you talk bad against your own mom.

if you are not in good term with your mother now, try and reconcile with her ok.
Reply:yeah, mother's day is the 1st sunday of may, i'm still in time.
Reply:How can you say your Mother means nothing to you or your kids? How could your kids possibly know that your Mother was abusive to you unless you told them?Buy your Mother a card and maybe don't expect any reply but do the right thing. I wish I could go shoppping for a card for my Mother but I can't. You still can. And for you to go to the local care home is very considerate of you. I always thought my Mother was alittle abusive towards me but then I did some research and figured out that the times I thought she was abusive, she was going through some really tough times in her life and that may hve led to some of it. I have forgiven her and all is well. I am sorry for the time wasted with her.
Reply:I think what you did is great.

May be that your children next time.
Reply:I'm lucky enough to come from a very loving family and love my Mum to bits but I've also encountered mother's like yours. Don't fret about it. Be a good Mum to your own children and enjoy doing what you're doing.

Lots of folk don't have anyone in this world so it's good that you care enough to be this generous. More power to you!
Reply:I was too hungover yesterday and so didn't even phone mine!
Reply:I did, me and my mum have not always got on but at the end of the day she is my mum, I only have one, and she's always done her best and what she thought was right even if it didnt turn out that way.

Concentrate on being a good mum to your kids and let go of the past things your mother did
Reply:No. I didn't. Would have been a waste of money seeing as how she died 6 years ago.

Why the thumb down? Can't I be honest?
Reply:Mothers Day is another con from USA introduced by "business interests" to try to boost their profits from suckers in the gap between Christmas and birthdays, which traditionally were only dates of year when people in this country bought present for their friends and family. So you are not out of order if you decline to be "conned" by an unsanctioned contradiction to tradition in these islands.
Reply:I didn't buy my mum a card, I went to see her on Thursday evening, brought her to the hospital on Friday morning for a test (she needs a new hip and is unable to get around much at the moment) collected her pension, brought her out to lunch, done the shopping paid the bills and made sure she was ok, she is a great mum for which I am eternally grateful, came home on St. Patrick's day.

I have never ever been abusive to my 2 boys, have tried to give them what they need showed them love and encouragement, I cannot understand people who treat their kids bad, but, having said that I didn't get a card or a hug or a kiss, it made me sad.

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