Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I didnt sign my mothers valentines day card and she's angry at me...?

What should I do?

I didnt sign my mothers valentines day card and she's angry at me...?
Awwww.... It wasn't intentional, was it? Mistakes happen. I mean she knows it came from you so why not just write a little note that says "I love you anyway, mom."

Poor thing! She shouldn't be angry, she should be grateful...for a wonderful, thoughtful son!

I noticed you answered a gal's Q about not getting anything BUT a card AND flowers AND a cookie.....Hello????

I answered it too....
Reply:send her another one.
Reply:WHY send your mother a valentines card?? And why is she angry that you did not sign it?? Valentines day is for lovers not sons and mothers.

Tell her that you only sent the card because you thought she might feel left out and that you did not sign it cos valentine day is for lovers not sons and mothers

AND YOU - in future buy a loved one/friend a valentines day card not one for your MUM..

AND YOUR MUM!!! WELL she needs to remember that you are her son not her boyfriend.
Reply:Go buy another nicer bigger one, and sign it right away!
Reply:Sign it now. Why is she angry? Did she think it was from someone else?
Reply:Make her another card, sign it and tell her you're sorry you forgot to sign the first one. It shouldn't be a huge deal for either of you. If it is, maybe that's not the real issue.
Reply:I don't know why she would be unhappy however, one does forget. Try...

"I apologize. I did not realize how important that was to you. It was not intentionally unsigned. I will most happily remember to sign the next card. I love you!"
Reply:Not sure just why she should be so up set I will take it you forgot to accident happen.....just say your sorry an hope she is adult enough to forgive you...................
Reply:she's probably not angry just acting like it but anyway just tell her can u have the card back so u can sign it because u don't like it when she is mad at u.
Reply:This happened to me. My boy-friend actually gave me a Valentine card without his name written on it. Or it could have been my birthday. I forgot which. I think it was a Valentine card. I had to remind him to write his name. He did but, wondered why since he personally gave it to me. Some men just don't get it! Writing your name makes this more personal. It shows the person receiving it that you had made the time not only to buy the card but to write your name it. You could always apologize and write your name on it. Also give her a hug while doing it!
Reply:Go and MAKE her one to show that you are sorry. Take a piece of paper from your fax and then go cut out pictures of roses and flowers from old magazines and anything that says love, special, unique, greatest. Any words that would describe how you would your mom. Glue everything together. Also, search for some Shakespeare quotes and write them on the inside. She'll really appreciate your effort. Mu husband has done stuff like this and I am so excited when he does it.
Reply:I thought Valentine cards were for lovers.
Reply:She shouldn't be angry. Send her flowers.
Reply:Why should she be angry? that's dumb. anyway , give a shout out to her on her favorite radio station, or request her favorite song. Otherwise , grovel. lol
Reply:Get her something really nicer than the first one and give her a really big Kizz!! and a Hug something that will make her really happy!!! Why is she mad???
Reply:I'm Sorry

Happy mothers Day! Thanks mothers of the military.?

Today we thank our mothers. Cards, gifts, candy etc.

But i would like to thank a special group.

I want to thank those mothers in the military, who try so hard to defend our country, and raise their children at the same time.

I have had the oppurtunity to work with many of the amazing women and they inspire me every time.

I would also like to thank the mothers whose children are in the military. You have accepted the ultimate sacrifice, your children for the protection our country. Trust me, your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. To the families who have lost their sons and daughters to our freedom, it was the time you put in to raising them, and teaching them that made the incredible men and women that changed our nation.

These mother are the most incredible women I have ever met. I cannot thank you enough, I can simply tell you that this is your day. Enjoy it, And know that our nation has noticed you, and thanks you.

Happy mothers Day! Thanks mothers of the military.?
that was very nice of you. my best friends aunt is in the military and she left her husband, dog, eight year old daughter, and her 4 year old son who has lukimia to defend our great country. happy mothers day (:

Thats so thoughtful.


Mother's day e-cards???


I need to find funny mother's day e-cards or at least really good ones and i need them to be free! and i need them fast please help me! i need mother's day e-cards now!

Mother's day e-cards???
Type free ecards in your search bar it comes up with a lot of them i just did it yesterday. Good luck.

for shoe lasts

Should I organise presents, flowers, cards, lunch etc for my wife on Mothers day, or is it the kids job?

after all, she is not my mother ( kids are 5, 10, 12). Additional info my mother is dead.

Should I organise presents, flowers, cards, lunch etc for my wife on Mothers day, or is it the kids job?
I think your children are young and might need a bit of help to celebrate Mother's Day !!! You could help them make B'fast for her in bed !!! Or go out with them and buy some flowers and take some of their pocket money off them. You may like to organise a walk, visit to a place she is fond of and enjoy the day with a packed lunch. (The weather is going to be good.) The children could help making the packed lunch.

On the other hand she IS your children's Mother I take it? The choice is yours. I know what I would prefer, a day of recognition for my 24/7 availability. . PS. Flowers for your late Mother on her patch might be a nice touch too. You could take your children with you and explain why you are doing it?Good Luck
Reply:she is the mother of your children -- she'd be thrilled to know everyone appreciates her!

happy mother's day!
Reply:mark has the best solution, couldn't have put it better myself
Reply:i think its important for both mom and dad to do something for each other on mothers and fathers day even when the children are all grown me and my sister are 31 and 29 we send a card and gifts to our mom from us and the grandkids but my dad still gets her a small gift and takes her out to dinner for still being a good mom and a great grandmother to their grandkids and she does the same at fathers day! my husband also does the same for me and tells me how luck him and the kids are to have me! so it will mean a lot if you also help the kids but maybe get her a card from you telling her how you think she does a great job and how much you love her! have a good day!
Reply:You should definitely not only give your wife a present, as she is the mother of your children. You should also make sure that the two younger ones make or give her something nice, and make sure the older one has money enough to buy or make her something nice. A good gift for your wife would be to just let that day be a day when she doesn't have to lift a finger. Take care of the kids, dinner, everything. Mother's Day is a huge day for restaurants.
Reply:It is you job to do it, and let the kids take credit - though you should try and involve them in the organisation, so that they can feel like they've organised something for Mum!
Reply:I think you should do it together,after all she needs to know that she's a great mother to the kids,and that you support her,I say go for it.
Reply:do it with the kids and get them invloved. by the way..ur such a caring husband
Reply:Well you could buy her some flowers, and do lunch, just to show her how good a Mother she is to your children.

As your Mother is no longer alive you must appreciate how much your wife means to your children.

Go on....spoil her! You know you want to!
Reply:It is yours and the kids job to do this....after all...you did get her pregnant~ (you enjoyed that I am sure)...lol...I was not meaning to be rude by saying this, but ...yes You are her hubby and I think you should organize something special for the lady who gave birth to your lovely children...but as a group thing you and the kids should all get together as a team and make/buy her cards ...flowers...breakfast in bed....make or buy something special (treat) for her that is meaningful~

Let me give you a few suggestions if I may~.....

My hubby is a great cook and my daughter like cooking , and he knows what I love to eat~....have all of u cook something special~

when you and your wife are alone at the end of thenight (when kids are in bed already) draw her a bath and have candles and give her a nice back rub with lots of hugs and kisses ...you know the rest~

beautiful flowers ...of course...in her favorite colors~

let her sleep in while u and the kiddos make a yummy breakfast~ serve her a cup of tea or coffee and along with that bring it to her with a nice hug and kiss from you and the kids along with the cards~

ps.... I am a mother and I love this kind of treatment from my kids and hubby~ she would be smiling from ear to ear and floating on a cloud all day long~
Reply:A little bit of help from dad never hurts one bit!
Reply:Do it between you. Let the kids do the most ,with you to guide them,as they will get the greatest sense of doing something nice for the mum they love.You can do the buying (with the kids help if necessary)let them write the cards with their own messages. They can help arrange the flowers and do some of the lunch preparation.Doesn't mum get a cup of tea in bed,or even breakfast on Mothers Day.
Reply:Think you should chat with the family about it but at the ages they are they should all contribute to making it a special day for their mum. You may require to go shopping with them but if they have their own money let them choose. It's lovely as a mum to get a present but think most mums will agree that it's little things like home made cards and gestures on the day that make it really special and so appreciated. Breakfast in bed, helping with chores etc. One thing I would warn is unless you know your wife perhaps just has a slice of toast because of the time factor then a lovely cooked breakfast would be nice but if she perhaps prefers just cereal or just toast keep it to her usual with perhaps a nice flower on the tray. Nothing worse that being presented with a full fry up if it's not what you want first thing in the morning............especially with all eyes on you eating it. Worse if you are like me and at Weight Watchers!!!
Reply:I don't think it's your responsibility anymore cause your kids are older, but you might want to ask if they need your help. Also I would love it if I got a present from my spouse on Mother's Day its like your saying shes a great mom.
Reply:It's always nice to know that you appreciate the job your wife is doing as a mother. If you want to contribute - I think that's wonderful and I say go for it!
Reply:My hubby never does anything for me on Mothers day.

It's Ok now because the kids are older ( i don't want much a homemade card and a cup of tea is lovely)

I used to be reduced to tears when they were little though not because I wanted anything, but because I loved my dad helping me do something special for my mum when I was little and I felt my kids missed out on that feeling
Reply:Go for it im sure she will be over the moon (the lucky devil).
Reply:I'd leave the decision up to your eldest child, the youngest has probably made a card in school and will be looking forward to giving it to Mum likewise the middle child,the eldest I guess is past the age off making cards in class, if they get spending money ask what they like Mum to recieve for Mothers day and if their spending money does'nt cover the cost help them out but don't let the secret out keep Mum if you'll excuse the pun.

I'm sorry to hear your Mother is no longer with us, (and hope you don' think this harsh cos it's not intended that way,) but I don't really think that is relevant to question
Reply:Same position mum dead kids 11 and 13.

I usually chat with the kids to remind them, find out what they are doing.

Sometimes they like to make a card or paper flowers.

I make sure I bring her breakfast in bed and compliment what the kids are doing by bringing chocolates or flowers (which are from them)
Reply:Sorry about your mum :( But if you want to make your wife feel special i think you should do something. Your kids are too young to organise these things. Hope she have a good day
Reply:you men make me want to scream,including my husband.when you say its not my mum as your kids are so young how are they supposed to organise a meal ect.do your self a favour.after all she is the mother of your children,and you can buy her a card to my wife on mothers day.go on and give her a treat,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply:Kids might need help buying presents and help with the food aspect of it ie; thinking of a nice breakfast/lunch and help cooking it. Then when it's all sorted keep in the background.

PS. I bet I don't get breakfast in bed.
Reply:You should make yourself available to provide ideas, help make arrangements, book the table, drive the car and pay for everything except the cards that you help the children to make for their mummy or the little gifts they buy from the pocket money you provide for them. Other than that leave it to the kids.
Reply:Get the kids involved with some guidence from you, like you say it is their mum. :o)
Reply:Kids don't learn how to treat their parents well and do nice things for them on their birthdays and other special days unless they are helped as children.

You don't have to do everything for them, but I would speak to them about ideas and things a few days in advance...and take them shopping for cards/gifts as well.

Have fun and enjoy!
Reply:Well she is the mother of your kids and you can have the kids help you organize everything but let me tell you she would appreciate it when you and the kids do something special and she would also feel as though she is being appreciated from you and that you realize what she has done as a mother. So if i were you i would have the kids help you do everything and make her feel special after all she should be special to you and anything that is done on mothers day from you will always be special in her eyes. Good Luck
Reply:well i think you should take your kids out shopping and ask them to pick a lil something for mum. my lil boy is 3 n half an every year so far either my dad or my sister has got me some thing from him and it is lovely why not get the kids to make her special cards more thoughtful and yeah take her out for a meal after all mothers are great, my mother passed 12 years ago so i know how you feel good luck x

I think you should let the children do a nice presentation for their mom, and it really should be a nice wreath, for your treasured memories of your dear mom. May she rest in Gods wonderful Peace, if she has no grave, then may I suggest a bouquet in your home for her .... Hope this is lovingly helpful for you.....Tony M........

Do you agree with this idea... mothers day was invented by Hallmark to sell cards?

LOL..yeah commercialism. But on the other hand, moms deserve to have their special day in history, for being the unnamed heroes that they are. For me though, i strive my best to show her how much she means to me everyday, not just on Mother's Day.

Do you agree with this idea... mothers day was invented by Hallmark to sell cards?
Mother's day has been celebrated in one form or another since anient Roman times. I doubt that Hallmark has been around that long.
Reply:No. Even the Ancient Greeks had a mother's day, although it was technically the Feast of Juno, during which mothers were given gifts, just like today.
Reply:Nope, I think President Wilson wrote on his calendar "Mothers Day" meaning on that day he had to take his mom to the mercantile for thread, and it just caught on.
Reply:no not at all that would be stupid mothers deserve appreciation

On Mothers Day: Should the Husband give his Wife a Gift on Mothers Day?

We all should give our mothers a card, gift, or visit on Mothers Day. Now, should the husband be expected to buy his wife something on mothers day??

On Mothers Day: Should the Husband give his Wife a Gift on Mothers Day?
expected no...

Is it nice yes... -smiles- My husband and I have no mothers or grandmothers, so he get's me a gift every year... its nice to know that because Im the mother of his wonderful sons, that he thinks highly enough of me being that to get me something, even if he sais its from the boys -smiles- but its never expected... it shouldn't be.. its out of the kindess of your heart that you give your wife something because of her having your wonderful children hon :)
Reply:If she's is a mother then absolutely. If not then no.
Reply:I think you should. Your children should see their father treating their mother with respect and kindness for all that she does. Trust me, if you want your wife to feel appreciated for all the hard work, (that I'm sure she doesn't get told very often) then get her something that shows her that you care. Besides she gave you your living heirs, (your children) you should give her something. It doesn't have to be a diamond, it can be something really small, something that is significant.

Did you ever see the movie, "Family Man" with Nicholas Cage...watch it for inspiration.
Reply:He'd better. There are plenty of lovely "Wife" cards for Mother's Day. A flower or bouquet or a little piece of jewelry, or dinner out, would be nice, too.

This applies, of course, if she is a mother, or pregnant. If she isn't, and wishes she were, you might give her a flower.
Reply:I would. If you have kids definatly, or even a pet. If its just the two of you, yea, it shows respect!
Reply:ABSOLUTELY! That is if he wants to stay in her good graces and fellows we all know what that means.
Reply:I think so if the wife is mother to his children. If the husband doesn't respect the holiday why would the children. They often need help to make a gift, buy a gift, or just go out to dinner. I think it is very important.
Reply:Depends. I don't expect anything from my husband on Monther's Day; but I expect something from my children (from my husband).

He feels the same way about Father's Day.
Reply:Most men should give their wifes a Mother's Day present when there are children to show appreciation for being a mother to their children. I have three grown children from a previous marriage and now remarried and the man who I am now married to gives me a Mother's Day present to show appreciation.
Reply:For What reason should you husband give you a present on Mothers day? Your not his mother.
Reply:yes totally if she is a mother it is juss natural to give her something that says i recognize that ur efforts in being a mother....

What should I write in a mother's day card?

What are some poems (not too fancy) or some nice, kind things to write to a mother in a mother's day card?

What should I write in a mother's day card?
Just write from the heart--even if it doesn't rhyme. Good luck.
Reply:it doesn't have to rhyme

Graphics software

Step mother on mothers day?.....?

In late January 2008, my dad got remarried to a woman who has no kids and has never been married. Its only been a few months and she does a lot in our household- she cooks and cleans and does laundry, shes really just an all around great person. I'm 17 so this is kind of new to me..having a step parent and all. (My mom got remarried april 07 after my parents divorced and she moved to another state so I never really experienced it.) My question is: Should I get her something on Mothers day? A card or flowers or something?

I wouldn't really feel weird doing it and all, but the thing is that I don't know how she would feel?

Feedback from step parents with teenage children would be appreciated

Step mother on mothers day?.....?
Yes give her a gift that makes you feel comfortable. Something simple. A scarf would be nice. Flowers are cheap at some grocery stores. It is the little things that make a good relationship and it sounds like she is a good person. My stepson gave me salt and pepper shakers on year and I really like them another time earrings. Nothing real expensive. Just thoughtful gifts.
Reply:well ive sort of been in your position

and ive talked to a lot of friends with step parents

and step parents...

i think a card saying a little bit and some nice flowers

would be perfect, she will most likely feel youv really welcomed her

and appreciate her and that its a nice sweet thing to have done.

so i think thats the way to go, dont get something too jokey

cos she might not take it right, as its only been a few months

maybe that can be good for in a couple of years.

Good luck
Reply:I hate my stepmother, but they do make really funny step mom cards. Maybe that's the way to go. You could get her something like a coupon book of chores that you will do around the house for her. Make them yourself, cute and not to serious of a gift.

What should I get my mother for mothers day ?

I am not sure what to get my mom for mothers day. She says not to buy her anything so should I just make her a card and pick some flowers an put the flowers in a flower pot with a card ? I think that taht is my best opion dose anyone have any other ideas for me ? I am 15 years old and am a male .

What should I get my mother for mothers day ?
"I am 15 years old and am a male" now what is that supposed to mean,are you trying to sell your body or something? Oh I get it - you tell your johns you don't normally do this sort of thing,you just need money to buy your mom a birthday present. Oh c'mon! Man,that's the oldest one in the book!

Well,anyway,I'm just kidding. Tell you what. Take some photo of her and have it blown up into a big poster with wild color,like you might have of a rock star or something. I did that for my mom once and she loved it. Didn't cost much either.
Reply:present her some photo frames.....or else tel her how much you love her and offer her some flowers,take her out,spend time with her......
Reply:Tell her that according to Salary.com, stay-at-home mother's work worth $138,095 a year. See the article from Reuters for the full story.


You can send her a small gift with an artistic ecard.

Best Mom



Reply:I would say show her that you love her by cooking breakfast for her and enlightening her with your presence.
Reply:Save some money and buy her some flowers or gift basket. You should be able to find something nice for under $40
Reply:get her one of these - Handbag Hanger


Whats a good site to get a weird mothers day greeting card ???

I've tried every one

Whats a good site to get a weird mothers day greeting card ???
Here are some of the sites i have used in the past i don't know if they will help but here they are...










Does any one have Mother's day cards for their ex wives that have children by them?

It is hard after a divorce, but if you have children together that is still a bond that no one can take away. No matter what the problem was, the children are still what made you what you are.

Does any one have Mother's day cards for their ex wives that have children by them?
My husband usually gives flowers or something to his ex. Nothing fancy or witty.

Just do it!
Reply:it is a tough place to be but try to make sure the children have a card to give to their mother, you do not need to give her a card yourself just do not put the children in the middle, I know my parents divorced and my dad always made sure I had something to give to mom on the holidays and special days and will always be grateful that he did as it meant so much to me to be able to give something to my mom
Reply:my son want too get his mom stuff for holidays and i just tell him if u wanna get her something here's a piece of paper write her something how u feel or draw her something. i will never spend more than a dime on the run around sue ever again.
Reply:No, fortunately my step-sons are old enough to do it on their own. I don't think I could bring myself to buy anything for that

Reply:yes, my husband sent a mother's day card to his ex mother in law and they dont even have kids. always keep a good bond good luck
Reply:"Thanks for the kids.......*****"

"Happy Mothers day!"

graffiti tags

I bought a mothers day voice card were u put your voice in it but i dont know wat to put && im 13.help?

I bought one of those!

I'm 14 and all i did was just press the little button and say "Happy Mother's Day mom, I love you!"

But idk what else you'd wanna say. It only lasts 10 seconds and thats not that much time to say anything big.

Keep it short and simple. But sweet.

Can i send female contacts in my business card holder a mothers day wish?

i have only met some of them once over a three 3-4 year period and some of them may not remember me.would it be proffessional?

Can i send female contacts in my business card holder a mothers day wish?
You need to consider each person separately.

If you know she is a mother and and that her children are all well then go ahead.

It could be very hurtful to send a Mother's Day wish to a woman:

+ Whose child has just died

+ Who just had a miscarriage

+ Who has been trying to get pregnant and cannot

+ Who takes her celibacy very seriously

+ Who has no and does not want any children

With love in Christ.
Reply:wouldn't think so - personally i would find it obtrusive
Reply:Very bad idea. And how do you know that any of them are even mothers? Don't do it.

A little pist about Father's day cards... what do you think?

I was at CVS the other day picking out father's day cards for my husband, dad and father-in-law. After looking at the same 60 or so cards over and over I just couldnt find a single one that I liked. Then it hit me. There wasnt a very good selection to begin with, like I said about 60 cards. 1/2 of them refered to drinking beer, farting, stinking up the bathroom, couch potatoes, and the remote control. Then a 1/4 of them where for the "disfunctional relationship" father's... You know the cards that say things like "Dad, even though we dont see eye to eye..." or "Father, although we may do things differently..." So those were out too. Then of course there were about 6 cards for step dad's, 2 different ones for "papa", 2 for "pop", 1 for "pop-pop" about 8 for "Grandpa" and a couple for "grandfather". At this point I was thinking, Geez... You never see Mother's day cards that say " Mom even thought you sit around watching soaps all day eating bon-bon's..." Or " Mother even thought you nag"

A little pist about Father's day cards... what do you think?
I do agree that men often do get a bad rap. I do believe that the degrading men that dehumanize and objectify women do deserve to have them seen for what they are.. but not by a long shot should all men get thrown into that category. Even when suppression of women was abundant, there were good hearted men who readily agreed to women's lib and equality. there have been and always will be great-hearted people of all genders and races. That is why stereotyping hurts. Even the stereotyping of feminists (who I am totally behind) is not accurate, placing all in one category. Such a thing only causes hate and is not accurate as a group is made of individuals. Stereotypes are damaging all around. Good question! I loved that you asked this!
Reply:you'll never anything worth a crap in a cvs or any other pharmacy.

I would suggest places like Hallmark, little mom and pops gift shops, or since you live in Michigan, maybe you should try Miejers, i used to find some good cards in there every once in a while when i lived in Walled Lake, Michigan.
Reply:I make my cards usually. Means more than just buying a store bought one. :) I usually find plenty of father's day cards that are good at a Hallmark or something. Where were you?

Go to Hallmark :) Hey, Michiganian! Represent! (I live in Michigan, too)
Reply:I agree.... Can you imagine: "Mom... even though you constantly nag"... People would cry sexism. It's another terrible double-standard.
Reply:you shoul;d go for the dad even though were different card because your probaly way different.
Reply:I find here in the UK that the choice is:

Vintage car

Bear with a football

Bear with a fishing rod

Bear with a can or beer.
Reply:This is true. If we women got the same mother's day cards written like that, we would go on a rampage saying "OMG THAT'S SEXIST! TAKE THOSE OUT OF THE STORE THIS INSTANT!!"
Reply:Harder for guys to express true feelings, so they try to use humor.
Reply:I never really knew my father. Both him and my mother skipped out on our family when I was 2 so I've never had to get a fathers day card or gift. I'm now married and pregnant for the first time and my husband is so excited about it. I wanted to go out and get him a card or something in celebration of him becoming a father and I noticed the same exact thing.

Honestly I was quite offended for men. I mean how disrespectful is that to the good, hard working and loving fathers out their? Not that I condone it but no wonder some dads skip out on parenthood, look at what disrespect they have to deal with.

Really it broke my heart because there are men out their like my brothers who are wonderfully caring fathers, You know the kind the read their children bedtime stories, are their for every game or recital, piggy back ride them through the park, etc. but those fathers get left out of the picture so often.

Father's Day is suppose to be about respecting the wonderful fathers/grandfathers out there but honestly, in many cases the exact opposite is done.

It's a shame
Reply:You stole a question idea from me! I was going to ask something about this, since I noticed it too, as did my mom.

Yeah, that's the way most of them are nowadays. The main exceptions are the relgious and inspirational cards. You left out golf though. We really don't have much respect for fathers these days.
Reply:I never noticed, but you're right. I've never seen a mother's day card that implied that mom was lazy or no good or disgusting or whatever else. Good point. Yeah, that is really annoying. But dads don't get much respect anymore. It's such a shame. Fathers are so important! And many of them are actually good dads and good people.
Reply:wow! Is there another female out there who isn't comfortable with the stereo types that we put on men?

We treat them like they are all stupid dirty couch potato apes who can't even think for themselves. Look at the American sitcome, the woman is always the problem solver while her stupid husband just goes along with it and get himself into trouble by not doing the dishes...I feel like we've casterated the American male....and it reflects in our fathers day cards.
Reply:I personally don't care for cards... Just needless additions to our land fill...

I tell my wife and kids, if they have anything to tell me, just say it when you think of it, don't wait for a holiday to "express your feelings"

Same thing with gift wrapping... Just needless addition to land fills
Reply:It's downright ridiculous. I really don't understand how there is such a huge misunderstanding about fathers these days. Apparently we're useless fathers, watch TV all day, drink beer, fart, do no house chores, don't even work, punish the kids and go to the bar and drink up. I'm sick of it. But hey, we have to suck it up because it's "just a joke"!
Reply:I would guess that the average guy is not all that concerned about the card. You really could skip it all together. Cards are a chic thing. A chic would get another chic a card, but guys (not even gay guys) don't get cards for each other. It's just not in our brains to do it.

CVS is a crap hole

Is this plan good to make mothers day special for mum?

this year on mothers day we'll not be at our home cos we are invited on a family gathering.i cant tell my mom to cancel it as i want to surprise her.so ive decided to take all the necessary items with me and celebrate this mothers day for all the mothers in the family.ive planned few games and made cards for all of them. i know that their children will not remember mothers day. so i'll give their mothers cards n gifts with their names.do u think that my plan will work?

Is this plan good to make mothers day special for mum?
Try the following - list out any five good reasons or the things that you like in your mother. make big print-out of each such thing on seperate sheet of paper and place / paste them at different places such as mirror, kitchen, living room, mother's bed-room. Each sentence should be unique and innovative. It can begin like " You the the best mom in the world because...... " or "Mom, you are very special for me because ......" etc.

The second idea is to give a nice make-over (makeup) to your mother. Insist her to put on some diffent dress or a traditional dress and put on nice makeup. You can do her makeup. She will like it.
Reply:It really good .Make this arrangement as suspense.Even ask the fathers to participate in this occasion to greed them.

Even most of the ladies except the wish from the special situation like this.

Your job is not only end with conduct some games and giving cards.Ask them to relieve their speech.Most of the ladies not feel free to convey their thoughts.So ask them to give speech before all to share their knowledge in every field except about their family.
Reply:definitely yes...
Reply:that's a really nice idea. very sweet.
Reply:yup offcourse gurl...ur idea will not only work well but also put priceless smiles on all the faces of mothers present for the party!!!go ahead gurl!!

wish all mothers there on my behalf too...hehehehehehe
Reply:You have a great idea and it should work.
Reply:No, Dun observe Mothers Day and all other day, Western people are living alone without their parents after some age, they ll meet their parents once a long time, so they r observing Mother day to meet their mother, they ll eat cake to their mother and ll say 'U r the best mom in the world'..

is it neccesary for u?

is ur mother is special only on that day?

r u loving and taking care of her only on that day?

Media and business people created unwanted days for their own profit...

okey, if u celebrating Mother Day to honour u r mother, u simply convey ur luv to her as much as u can,

if u want to give surprise and be a star among the crowd that means u r tring to get publicity thru ur mother...

Try to understand ur mom and wht she expects frm u and realize her dream, this is correct way to honour ur mother,

Always be obedient and care taker of ur mom, this is way to honour ur mother. No need to celebrate mothers day and give surprise to make her happy...

Thiruvalluvar has said


The father's duty to his son is to make him Worthy of precedence in the assembly of the wise.

When a mother hears her son heralded a good and learned man, Her joy exceeds that of his joyous birth.

The son's duty to his father is to make the world ask, "By what great austerities did he merit such a son?"
Reply:Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.

-Author Unknown
Reply:You should read the poem only to your mom. That way she'll know it was just for her and she'll feel special. I think that your idea is very lovely.


Who is a mom that didnt get a mothers day gift and is sad?

so its my FIRST mothers day and i got cards from friends, relatives, which was unexpected but the one person i wanted it from was my husband, and he didnt! he got his mom flowers and a card. so at hte end of the day, i said i was kinda sad, he left came back with a card twenty min later when i was on the phone, threw it on the diaper bag and then went into the room, so i told him i didnt want it, now i cant sleep, it sucks, how do i get over this? i was so excited and then he doesnt even care, yet he gave stuff to his mom

Who is a mom that didnt get a mothers day gift and is sad?
I am sorry you had a crappy Mother's Day.

But I can tell you, SOME men need to be taught.

Since this was your first Mother's Day, he had no idea.

You should have made some hints. Like, I wonder what ( YOUR CHILD'S NAME) will get me for Mother's Day.

He should pick up on that.

Don't make him feel bad for getting his own mom a gift and card. That will only cause more heart ache on down the road.

I would tell him Thank you for the Card that he finally did get you, even though it was done rudely.

Give your child a big hug and remember some day they will be able to pick out your Mother's Day present and Card them selves.
Reply:The only validation that should matter is of your kid(s). Believe you me they'll always remember a good mother. Mother's day isn't once a year. It's every day! When you tend to your child and the late nights when they're born are what counts. The sacrifices and decisions made. When you see them smile... that's all I need. Yeah, it would be nice to see your partner acknowledge that this is a full time job. And completely priceless... no salary could compare. I didn't get anything either. Although he did wish me a good one in the morning. But my best mother's day present was when I awoke and my toddler from his bed blew me kisses. That takes the cake over any materialistic gift anyone could have gave me.
Reply:I know exactly how you feel.

I had the same experience with my ex when we were together... for father's day %26amp; my bd.

I would give her mother's day cards %26amp; stuff, %26amp; would buy cards from the 2 boys %26amp; sign their names in them. But I was never shown the same courtesy from the one person out of everyone, who should be the FIRST to do it !!!!

* Well, since I was more of a mommy %26amp; daddy to both of them since birth, %26amp; was kicked out. I can rest assurred in the knowledge that everyone will get what's coming to them soon, if not in this life... then surely in the next.
Reply:ummmm, are you his mother??
Reply::\ thats kinda a bad attitude you made him sound. Sounds like a person like me (16) would do. Just tell him to chill out and your his wife. If he expects to b ur hursband, he should show his love to you
Reply:well, technically it is the job of the children to celebrate their mother's. I understand where you are coming from though, since your child is obviously too young to celebrate the day. I say, take it upon yourself to make you feel special. I am not a mother, but I respect the strength and sacrifice mother's make in their lives to be a great parent. So, extend Mother's Day to tomorrow and go pamper yourself. Maybe, do something special or buy something that you have wanted for a long time or simply go out with friends and have fun. Mother's Day is a day with only as much significance as you give it, so make it whatever day you want and take your happiness into your own hands.

As for your husband, talk to him or even write him a letter to express your hurt feelings. Tell him that you work hard to be a great wife and mother and would like him to acknowledge that since your child is too young. Explain it calmly and make him understand why you were hurt, and then tell him that he has tomorrow to make it up to you if he wants. Good luck, and Happy Mother's Day to you.

What should I get my mother for mothers day ?

I am not sure what to get my mom for mothers day. She says not to buy her anything so should I just make her a card and pick some flowers an put the flowers in a flower pot with a card ? I think that taht is my best opion dose anyone have any other ideas for me ? I am 15 years old and am a male .

What should I get my mother for mothers day ?

a vase

a watch

paul mcartney or an old band that she likes

concert tickets

Reply:Make a card; clean the house and do laundry (really, seriously) the best gift to me is when my kids clean up or do "chores" without me asking.
Reply:Tell her that you really appreciate her being your mom and that according to Salary.com, stay-at-home mother's work worth $138,095 a year.

See the article from Reuters for the full story.


You can send her a small gift with an artistic ecard.

Best Mom



Reply:well you could make her breakfast in bed with the flowers of course. A perfume would be something she might like too, if u know wat kind of scent she like. Try smelling some of her perfumes so u can pick smthin good. U can make her a scrapbook, a pen with her name on it.
Reply:Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.

-Author Unknown

Besides your own mom, who do you give Mother's Day cards to?

I give them to my aunts, my husbands Godmother and my grandmother. (My husbands mother is deceased)

Besides your own mom, who do you give Mother's Day cards to?
My boss is 83 years old and is like my grandmother. Both of mine passed befor I had a chance to know them so she sort of slips right in for me.

She is the funniest and fiestiest old lady I know. Her daughter is also very special to me. She is so kind and also very funny. Her son is horrible to her and claims he has no money to even buy her a card for mother's day. So I bought both ladies cards this year.

I have had a family illness this year and they have been wonderful to me and my family. Buying them a mother's day card is the least I could do.
Reply:thats great! Cards are fun to recieve and make people feel good. Give them to anyone you want that is a mother, or even a mother to be. There shouldnt be any restrictions on who you can give a card to. I give them to my best freinds mom to.
Reply:I give Mother's Day cards to my grandmother, my Godmother, and I gave them to my great-grandmother when she was alive. I think when I was younger, my mom would buy a "mother's day for everyone" kind of card for me to give to my babysitter, but that is about all I can think of. Pretty much, you can give a mother' day card to anyone who is a mom, or who you look at like a "motherly figure."
Reply:I gave one to a fellow employee who I love like a mom.
Reply:i give them to everyone that means something to me, and is either a REAL mom or a mom to ME
Reply:My mom. No one else is my mother.
Reply:i (we)gave to my both the grandma ,but i wished my dad's ,brother's wife,and his sis...
Reply:I give a gift to both of my daughters and tell them how blessed they have made me with my grandchildren. I also tell them what wonderful mothers they are in spite of my imperfect parenting skills.
Reply:I give cards (or flowers) to my aunt who took care of us when my parents were in the office and to my favorite cousins.

How many women like me are having a crappy mothers day?

I cannot believe how my family has taken me for granted, and today of all days! I am not a selfish mother I give it all to my family. I cook everyday wash there clothes talk to them when they need advice, stay out of there personal business i am here for them, but today not one happy mothers day not even a card! My husband had to remind them! I am so angry and disappointed I feel like just packing up my things and moving out!

How many women like me are having a crappy mothers day?
You don't say how old your kids are, but if they are in their teen years I'd sure not have any problem asking hubby how important he thinks it is for you to remember and take care of all the details on the rest of the holidays for the remainder of the year - everything from making the food for the 4th of July picnic, Father's day, all the birthdays, including cakes, cards, shopping, etc. for him and kids, Halloween candy and costumes, not to mention Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Then tell him you will be taking the rest of the year off, and the day to yourself, and leave, and go somewhere you'd like to go - a book store, with coffee, a movie, a manicure at the mall, wherever. Enjoy your day. Then stick with it thru the next few holidays.
Reply:When I woke up this morning everyone was gone. I don't have any idea where they are. My husband spends every waking hour with his mother when he is not working, or so he says. And yes, no card from anyone either. I also feel like packing up and leaving.
Reply:You sound like a terriffic person, sorry for your bad day


from all of us!!
Reply:Happy mother's day from me to you.
Reply:Happy Mother's Day from me....hope that helps. Sounds as if no appreciation is around your home. Stop doing things for them and maybe they will rethink what they do and don't do. Good luck.
Reply:I'm with ya! My kids made stuff for me in school and that was awesome, but thats about it for me. My husband is out of town on business and did call me, but no card sent to me via mail, no flowers, nothing. And I am pissed off at my own mother, so yah, my day is sh*tty, too. Hope this helps: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
Reply:You asked for it. Being a mother, i mean. Roll with the punches then.
Reply:Oh I do! My mother told me today how awful i was. How i can't do anything right.
Reply:I'm sorry you're having a bad day...I think that's part of what a mother is all about...doing things without acknowledgement...sacrificing without return.

I am separated from my husband, pregnant with our 2nd child, and today, he has my little boy because he always gets him on Sundays. I am lonely and discouraged too. Please remember that mothers were put on this earth to be there for their families, and while it's great to get the acknowledgement once a year for what we do, we are still built to do what we do and accept it with grace when we're not given the credit we deserve.

I'm glad your husband reminded them. Maybe he will get them to come out with you for a lunch or something. If not, maybe he'd like to do something with you.

Try not to take their attitudes as rejection. Kids are kids and the only things revovling in their worlds are themselves! the important thing is you have a husband who obviously loves you and HE acknowledges what you do for them. In years to come, I think you'll find too that they'll grow up and appreciate you more and more.

Take care - try to have a better day. Hey - reread the advice above mine - that's priceless!
Reply:Sorry this has happened to you, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Reply:That **** is ****** up. But listen, EVERYDAY should be mothers day! not just one day.


hey and you know what, tomorrow, when it's dinner time, don't cook. They need their laundry washed? Tell em to do it they God damned self.

Oh they need lunch money? Too bad..

Be tough and you'll see
Reply:it will get better ..... but your husband should have had a back up plan ..... mine is sucking too
Reply:Go....no one will miss you and your self pitying moaning.......
Reply:My Mom died almost 8 years ago and I haven't forgotten one since. Part of being a Mom is being totally selfless. It should't be this way, but unfotunately, it is. I know you wanted everyone to remember it and honor you, but sometimes (most times) Mom's have to do everything for themselves. Maybe you should have reminded them. Once again, I am not condoning their behavior, Mothers are sacred and should be honored as such.
Reply:I feel your pain. My 13 yr old wanted to spend the day with his grandfather so I havent seen him all day. I went over to my mothers house I got her a gift certificate for a Manicure and pedicure and she told me "Oh.. I am lettting my nails grow out so.... Well.. Um.. Maybe I will use this in the fall".. AGHHH!!!!!!! Whatever... Then me and my husband went out to eat and since then I've been pooping all day. Then my husband left to go fishing.. So.... Yeah... They all suck..... Happy Freakin Mothers day to ya.....
Reply:time to take back the day. tell them you are going out to dinner or a movie because it is your day. they can come if they want to.
Reply:Yeah, mine had to be reminded that today was Mother's Day as well. Your'e not alone, I 'm having a crappy Mother's Day too.
Reply:Take a vacation for a few days, without telling them. This would be a good lesson for this animals without feelings!
Reply:Yes, it does sound like they take you for granted. You know you can't be taken for granted unless you let them do it. If you don't see any of them today, tell each one tomorrow that you were disappointed yesterday that they didn't even acknowledge Mother's Day. Say nothing more. Don't yell, don't cry, just walk away. Accept no excuse because it is just bad behavior and your husband shouldn't have to remind them. It is all over the TV, radio, and newspaper. No matter where they go, they will see signage for Mother's Day. I think you have successfully raised some selfish people. It's too bad. You should just get in your car this afternoon and go out to eat and then to a movie. If no one will give you a Happy Mother's Day, then just give yourself one.
Reply:I'm sorry! I'm in the same situation as you are. Only one difference that I have no husband. What I'm thinking to do is : not to stay home crying or feeling sad. I'm going out! maybe with one of my friends . I'm planning go to the Mall and to a restaurant to have a nice dinner to celebrate myself!
Reply:I'm sorry your having a bad mother's day. How old are your children? young kids have a hard time really appreciating stuff, mainly b/c they often don't know what it's like to have to do it all by themselves. They haven't lived in your shoes. But your mother's day could be much much worse. My brother was killed last year on mother's day. So treasure your children, no matter how much they frustrate you. You never know if one day they will no longer be there.

Happy Mother's Day

I'm not a Mother but I raised my brother while my mother worked 2 jobs, so I know the work and dedication that goes into the job description

choosing shoe horns

Whats a nice mothers day poem for a card?

somthing short and simple.

Whats a nice mothers day poem for a card?
Hooray for the day you were born.

Hooray for the time and the place.

Hooray for a Mother's smile,

So young all the while,

Compared to the rest of your face.
Reply:"May there always be blue skies

May there always be rain

May there always be Mama

May there always be me."

According to Pete Seeger this is a translation of a Russian nursery rhyme.
Reply:Roses are red

Violets are blue

Mothers are sweet

Especially are you!
Reply:It's better if you make it up yourself.

What are you getting your mother for mothers day? And mothers what do you want for mothers day?

My mother lives in florida and I live in Tennesee. So i will be sending my mother an e card of with eleven roses saying look in the miirror to find the 12th rose. I would personally like a locket with my 2 little boys pictures in it. that way i will have my children close to my heart.

What are you getting your mother for mothers day? And mothers what do you want for mothers day?
I keep my grandsons during the week and we play outside and get dirty, so I do not need expensive shirts. My daughter let them pick out some t-shirts for me, one with "Dr. Pepper" and the other with "A %26amp; W" on the front. I helped my grandsons get their mother (my daughter) a pink stong ring. (She had wanted it for Valentines Day) and I helped her husband design and order her a mother's ring. My youngest son, his future wife, my daughter, her husband,the 3 grandsons and my parents will go to church on Sunday, (it is also my birthday on Sunday). My oldest son and his wife live 4 hours away and will be in town the next weekend.

I gave my mom a makeup suit case, she always carries her stuff in a shoe box with panty hose around it to hold it shut.

I love Mother's Day, more now that I am a grandma!!!
Reply:I will make sure we take my mom out for a meal somewhere. As for myself, I'll be working that day- so much for my celebration. :-(
Reply:Well, since I did not have a lot of money, I got my mom a card. I will call her on mothers day and tell her how much I love and appreciate her for all that she has done for me.
Reply:I am probably going to buy her jewellry. Same with my mother-in-law and my Nana. There are some cute pieces this year with 14 kt gold and different colours of topaz or citrine (semi-precious stones)- or an opal for Nana...
Reply:your gift ideas are very sweet! each year i have my mum choose a charity she would like to have money donated to in her name. as she says, why does she need another sweater?
Reply:I am a mother and I think Mother's Day sucks now...I remember when I was a kid and all you did was make your Mom some "I'll do this for you" coupons...made Mom breakfast..and tried to be good for the day....Now it is like what is the biggest bobble I can get for Mom??? I just want a drawing from my daughter and to start re-landscaping my yard..And ok breakfast in bed!!!
Reply:I would like to have my mom here with me for mother's day. She passed away a few months ago. It would be nice to cook dinner with her again for the family.
Reply:Ooooooh ! Cool ideas people. I hav got som tests and I don't even know the exact day Mothers Day falls on - U know there is the international Mother's Day and the Mother's Day . How bad is that?? Can someone give me the exact date. And I am like totally broke so wat do I give her ? Maybe I'll make a card and cook something nice for her and promise not to bother her on the Day. What else ? Pick up my clothes on my own ?! Or maybe I will copy someone's idea ;)
Reply:I usually get my mom some roses or some flowers to plant and take her out to eat. Being my fiancees mother is farther away; I most likely will send her some flowers. I did for her birthday and she loved it. I also like the idea of those Mcdonalds cards. I'm going to put some money on one and send it to her. She eats at Mcdonalds on and off and she'll think of us when she uses it. The locket is a beautiful idea. I have one from when my girls were very young and I treasure it. Good Luck!
Reply:that is a great idea for mothersday!
Reply:I would like to get a phone call from my son (who will be at a conference that day) and from my daughter in law and granddaughter.

I would like my husband to remember this Mothers Day that as the stepmother to his kids, I play a very important role to his youngest son.
Reply:Its all my love and cheerfull memory events that makes her heart shine and laugh !

But none on the universe will satisfy the mothers love

Where can I find free Yahoo Mother's day cards?

try yahoo shopping

Where can I find free Yahoo Mother's day cards?
at yahoo

Is there some type of glitter spray available to use on handmade greeting cards?

We are making Mother's Day cards next Sunday in church and I was wondering if there is something out there that can be sprayed on paper that gives a light glittery effect. Something that is not messy and won't rub off. I can spray the paper before the children color them. Any ideas? THANKS!

Is there some type of glitter spray available to use on handmade greeting cards?
I have bought Krylon Paper Finishes Glitter Spray at craft stores. (Michael's and Hobby Lobby to be specific)
Reply:If you can find a florist's section in a hobby store like Michaels, you can get some glitter spray like they spray on flowers.

choosing loops

Spiritually speaking was mothers day invented by Hallmark to sell more cards??

I don't care who invented it. I have three kids (all very active boys), 5 and under. I deserve one freakin' day out of the year.

I even laboured all the way through my first Mother's Day and finally gave birth at 11:16 that night...I want that day, and I'm taking it, Hallmark holiday or not.

Spiritually speaking was mothers day invented by Hallmark to sell more cards??
The Mother's Day holiday, in the United States, celebrates motherhood generally and the positive contributions of mothers to society. It falls on the second Sunday of each May. It is the result of a campaign by Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948), who, following the death of her mother on May 9, 1905, devoted her life to establishing Mother's Day as a national, and later an international, holiday.

Her announced idea-for an annual nationwide celebration to be called Mother’s Day-met with unanimous support. She tested the idea on others. Mothers felt that such an act of recognition was long overdue. Every child concurred. No father dissented. A friend, John Wanamaker, America’s number one clothing merchant, offered financial backing. Early in the spring of 1908, Miss Jarvis wrote to the superintendent of Andrews Methodist Sunday School, in Grafton, where her mother had taught a weekly religion class for twenty years. She suggested that the local church would be the ideal location for a celebration in her mother’s honor.

By extension, all mothers present would receive recognition. So on May 10, 1908, the first Mother’s Day service was held in Grafton, West Virginia, attended by 407 children and their mothers. At the conclusion of that service, Miss Jarvis presented each mother and child with a flower: a carnation, her own mother’s favorite. It launched a Mother’s Day tradition.
Reply:...actually Paul tells us:

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.

I am afraid of you
Reply:No it was originally meant to encourage anti-war activism by mothers, to keep their sons (at the time) from being killed.

Now Sweetest Day, on the other hand...
Reply:Traditionally speaking, May is a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, who is Our Mother.
Reply:Not spiritually speaking -- but economically speaking, it may have been.

Reply:My husband used to say that about Mother's Day, Valentines Day... but since we had kids he doesn't say that anymore. BTW I didn't get a card...just some beautiful flowers :)
Reply:Spiritually speaking, no.

Reply:I only get that one day a year....do NOT mess with my day.

How much does it cost to buy a singing hallmark goldcrown card for mothers day?

Yup, the one I saw was $4.99!

How much does it cost to buy a singing hallmark goldcrown card for mothers day?
about 4 dollars

Card adn balloon good for mothers day?

i am soooo broke is a balloon and a spacial card good for mothers day??

Card adn balloon good for mothers day?
yeah, sure. at least you give her something... even just make dinner... she will be happy good luck!

Mother's Day Cards?

I'm having a hard time finding the right words to say to my mom in her card. We've had a REALLY rough last 16 months after my sisters sudden death (she was just 21 and was killed in a car accident). The first mother's day after my sister died I just said something like "I know these last 6 months have been really hard and you don't want to celebrate but I just want you to know I love you and I hope these make you smile".

I have NO idea what to say now. I want to include my sister somehow...but not in a negative way like "i know these 16 months have been hard" ...more like saying the flowers are from both of us and that we both love her. I need some examples or ideas of what to say though because I'm really not great at this kind of stuff. I've searched all over google for ideas and can't find any.



Mother's Day Cards?
To be honest, you probably need more than a card. Take your mom somewhere special, and celebrate the life of your sister together. She will be surprised and once your able to talk about this experience together it will emotionally hold you two closer together. If your really digging the card thing you can write: "Mom you have always been there for me through the tough times like when XXXX died, and throughout the good times like when I graduated from XXX. I love you. I hope you know I will always be there for you as well. Thanks for being the coolest mom ever.! Happy Mom's Day"!
Reply:say it in person or on the phone if you're not that good at written words. you can keep the written card simple, even as simple as "i love you very much", and put anything that's harder to write into spoken communication. oral and face-to-face communication are a lot easier for many people, you may be one of them.


Anyone Aware of any late ON-LINE Mother's Day Cards that could be obtained FREE???

Does anyone know of any E-MAIL address or WebPage that I could go to obtain a LATE Mother's Day Card ONLINE ??? Preferably FREE as I'm a DRASTICALLY POOR Batchlor here just barely living in the Canadian Side of the USA/Canada border in Niagara Falls, ON Canada.

Anyone Aware of any late ON-LINE Mother's Day Cards that could be obtained FREE???
well you have access to a computer, so why don't you make her one? You can make her one on power point. You can make it personal and add what ever pictures and colors you want. Plus it would be even more special because you did it yourself.
Reply:i usually use www.123greetings.com they have lots of cards for lots of occasions n it's all FREE

Reply:123greetings.com is the perfect site for any holiday they even make up some plus you don't have to create an account or anything.
Reply:yahoo has free cards. hallmark too. almost any site will have a free card if you sign up for an account.
Reply:yo how did u get your pic like that
Reply:ecards dot com has stuff like that
Reply:www.123greetings.com will do that 4 u

Mothers' Day?

My boyfriend is serving in Iraq and will obviously be unable to call or visit his mom for mothers' day this year. She has been like a second mother to me and some of my friends so we have decided on mothers' day to go visit her. I was wondering what type of gift should we bring (flowers, a card, etc) ?

Mothers' Day?
That is sweet. I'm sure she'd love a framed picture of her son, and maybe you could take her to brunch or something.
Reply:Mothers Day Cards %26amp; Flowers: Be it a handmade card or a ready one, cards are almost always liked by everyone. More ideas in here. http://send-flowers-cheap.blogspot.com/2...
Reply:flowers %26amp; a card would be nice, and take her out to dinner at a nice family-like restaurant. she'll appreciate it :)
Reply:Flowers are always appropriate.


How can I do something for my mum for mothers day with no money?

My mum knows that my partner and I have some finacial problems but i still dont want her to go without on mothers day! I have bought her card but i dont have enough to get her a present! She is a very practical mum and likes things she can use again like clothes or she would love a spa treatment!!

Any ideas on what I can do??

How can I do something for my mum for mothers day with no money?
If you have time to do it write her a story accopanied with photos if possible or even a vidoe about her life when she gave birth to you and afterwards including all the hardships and give her a special thanks at the end of it. If you use a video breakway or yiu had a bad day would go really weel wit it
Reply:Give her your TIME she will really appreciate it. Spend the whole day with her and spoil her by making her meals, take her for a walk in the park or somewhere else that doesn't cost money. Give her a massage if you can or you can do you both a facial with ingredients you have in the cupboard like honey and oatmeal, give her a manicure - anything which makes her feel good and where you can spend time together. Hope you have a lovely day with her x
Reply:My Dear Its very simple you love u r mom and wants to present her something which involves no money...Its as simple as anyone can think about give her a day break do all the house work, cook food for her arrange her house beautiful let her feel she has someone who loves her...all she I mean u r mon has to do is have bath and get ready like bride this doesnot cost u money...try use used candles in the dinner table if u cant efford at least candle for her...
Reply:Just go and visit her that should be enough. Maybe cook her lunch?
Reply:Maybe (if you have enough food...I'm not trying to make fun of you but really, if you have enough food), make a nice dinner that would impress her. If you or your partner cannot cook, ask a friend a favor to do so. Your mom won't be able to re-use this dinner but she will appreciate your time for making her a lovely dinner. And, if you think my idea of letting someone else cook is crazy and that this dinner might as well come from your friend, try to light up the house nicely and put candles to show your love for your mother.

Also, as -craighwk- said, make something homemade and especially cards. All through my childhood to older years I made cards for christmas, easter, birthdays, etc. Except for when I had to send cards to my 7 cousins and 6 uncles aunties who lives 3000 miles away. %26lt;Another country%26gt;
Reply:In addition to the card you could do some housework for her such as decorating one of the rooms, gardening or washing windows or her car if she has one. Thats what I'll be doing on sunday.
Reply:house work, cook the dinner
Reply:Just give her a hug and a kiss. Invite her to your place for a simple dinner and just make her feel (I don't know how!! this you have to do) that you love her and care for her.
Reply:Just give her your love and time. Show her her worth and make her realized that despite of what is the present situation in between, you still care for her by showing her your gratitude.

Either she would appreciate it or not because you think that she is too practical, why don't you take her to the most unforgettable place from your childhood where you spent together and a few recap from yesterday that touch her heart.

A simple Thank you for everything she does 'til what you've become right now is because of her.
Reply:Make her a lovely collage of photographs. You must have ones of you both ranging from when you were little. Then get yourself an old picture with a decent frame from a charity shop, chuck the old picture out and use the frame.

It will cost next to nothing, but show that you really thought about it.
Reply:Parents always love something that you put time into. I used to make my mother home-made cards for Mothers Day and she loved them.

It's not always what you get them, but the thought you put into it.
Reply:When I was younger (8-15) and had a Mum but no money, I used to walk in the local woods and harvest a small crop of daffodils or alike. One point here is there must be somewhere that you could go to 'pick' a small bunch of flowers for your Mum. The other point is that even if you haven't got 'much' money, it must be worth at least spending some of the money you do have on your Mum.

These days I have plenty enough money but no Mum; so treat your Mum whilst you have her!
Reply:well, you can try something inside, like when she wakes up, prepare for her a nice breakfast with a flower and those things, then you can take her for a picnic and you make the food basket, or you can bake her a cake and write on it I love you mom and those kind of things..

good luck
Reply:just tell her in your card. how you fill; she will understand.

Creating handmade crafts for mother's day cards?

I'd like to make some handmade cards for my mother in law and her mother in law and then im gonna send it to her. I was thinking about using ribbons in the recicled paper envelope (in pastel colors) and make the card with another different idea. I had seen a few websites ... and im collecting the most that i can. Any idea ??

Creating handmade crafts for mother's day cards?
Well, not sure what you are looking for but here are some items I like to use in make cards.

I am big on recycling items, and I really like cards with texture and depth. I use old playing cards, fussy cut out motifs from old cards or other heavyweight paper items, old game pieces, like a scrabble set no longer in use. I like to scan in pictures or items of all kinds and then pring them in sepia tones. Ribbons are great, and I will grab them from everything, whether its the ribbon used to tie veggies, to ribbon used in various gift items we often toss away. I will weave a card, or paper, out of pieces of fabric/ribbon/paper.

Its really all about the motif and how you want the cards to feel.

Good luck!
Reply:This site will give you unusual pop-up card design patterns that you can print out and paint, color with chalk, or embellish anyway you wish. The 2 for Mother's Day are of a butterfly and a flower.

Reply:Maybe glue on a button where the ribbon ties.
Reply:Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:

Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!

The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.

Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.

Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.

This is a really beautiful poem too!

Women have strengths that amaze us.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.

They stand up for injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes so their children can have them.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage. Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth.

They bring joy and hope.

They give compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.


How do you write a heartfelt note in your Mother's Day Card?

I dont want mny note to be a just a short "Happry Mother's Day!" simply becuase I can't afford to give her a gift and I had to go out and buy a really generic card because those were the only ones I could find and I was in a hurry. One the other hand, I don't want to write a really cheezy note tellling her that I love her and think about her all the time and on and on and on. Can someone help me soon? I need to meet her in a few hours!

How do you write a heartfelt note in your Mother's Day Card?
just wright your feelings down on paper, no matter how cheesy, i do, and also i make my cards, its more personal
Reply:My mom ...

Is a buetiful woman

Is the smartest person I know

Always knows the right thing to say

Has the softest shoulder to lean on

Is a sharp dresser

Is a terrific cook

Is my best friend

Happy Mother's Day to

a special women

a great mom

and a true friend
Reply:Heartfelt is just what it says,

Only you can write a message that is from your heart to your mother. Just think of some great things that your mom did for you when you were little and it made the day better. I remember when my mom would make cakes from scratch and I would lick the batter from the bowl (this was my favorite cake) or when I fell and my mom cleaned my wound and placed the "Wonder Woman" Band-Aide on my boo-boo, plus she kissed it for me. You do not have to make a big speech, but something that both of you remember and just tell her that you love her. The message has to come from your heart. You will know just what to say, I know it. I'm not from the old, old school but close to it.
Reply:Write something like this Mum I have watched you when you are needed and admire the way you respond I am proud to be your son or Daughter.~~
Reply:Heartfelt is exactly what it needs to be.

Tell her how you feel about her. Jot down a couple pleasent memories you have. Tell her how you hope the future will go, and if there are any bumps in your relationship's road, tell her that you hope to resolve them.

If it's true, and it's sweet, she can't possibly not like it.

My mom recently passed and I was wondering do I get my Grma a mothers day card this was her only child. thank?


My mom recently passed and I was wondering do I get my Grma a mothers day card this was her only child. thank?
that would be lovely i think your gran would appreciate that....sorry to hear about yr mom
Reply:what she said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i agree
Reply:I am terribly sorry for your loss-- I buy my grandma a Mother's Day card regardless--I think that would mean so much to her!! Good Luck w/everything-try to keep smiling! :)
Reply:well if that will make u happy because i think shez gonna get sad for that reason and happy at the other hand
Reply:Yea get ur grma a mothers day card. She would be thankful that you thought about her. Im sorry for your loss. I cant imagine loosing someone that close to me. God is always there to talk to. He loves you

internet explorer 7

Mothers Day???

So, mothers day is this weekend. I love my mom. But, she's very selfish, picky and greedy when it comes to bdays, holidays, mothers day, etc. She wants me to buy and do so much (a lot of which I can't afford). Yet, on my bday or on holidays like xmas, she's very cheap, and makes a point to say, "Just so you know, my spending limit is $50, so dont expect much." Or, she'll plan a vacation on or around my bday. So, she's hardly around. God forbid if I did the same! Anyway, I've gotten to the point of where I don't look forward to anything that involves, holidays, gift giving and my mom. Oh, and did I mention that she gives half the stuff I buy her away, too! So yeah, I was just thinking of taking my mom to the beach (her idea/request) and to a nice lunch/dinner on Mothers Day? Do you think that's enough? Or, should I get a card and some flowers too? I feel bad because it's natural for me to want to spoil my loved ones. Well, everyone but her...

Mothers Day???
I have a mother that is similar. I would just get her a card and say that you're a little tight with money and maybe do lunch together. That's it.
Reply:don't give her anything .it sounds like she does not deserve for you to waste your hard earned money and time on her.

if anything make her a card and give her a flower you plucked out of the ground .maybe that will wake her up!
Reply:Since when did holidays become about giving expensive gifts? It's not about how much is spent on you it's the thought that someone took the time to say "hey I thought about you" Your a grown person so why should they give you a birthday gift? My mother has stopped with all that when I was younger but doesn't mean I dont appreciate the phone call from her vacation saying "happy birthday honey"

People have become to spoiled these days and expect to receive something or give something. It sounds to me like your mother is saying just hang out with me forget the gifts since she suggested a simple day at the beach. There is nothing wrong with that! Sometimes that means more to them than coming with gifts, flowers etc.
Reply:Bitter.....Yes take her to the beach and lunch,why get her a flower?Nothing should be given if not whole heartily.just remember karma is out there waiting for you.I would (did) tell my Mom when she hurt my feelings.We never let anger get into holidays,especially Mothers Day.My children learned by what they seen being done and said when they were young.The saying"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree",will make its self clear one day..Respect her just that day,and tell her how you feel.Cheap means nothing to Moms,but love provides memories forever.
Reply:I went 2 Dollar tree and bought 3 mugs some peppermints some butterscotch 3 scented candles spent $8 all 2gether then we went 2 walmart got some hersheys kisses and some herbal tea all that was about 3 or 4 dollars. This was for my 2 grandmas and step grandma. this helps if ur on a tight budget. As for my mom probably take her 2 a nice spa and make her bib (breakfast in bed) and take her 2 her fave restaurant for supper and maybe some nice new dishes or a pool cue.(we have a pool table).

Pls help me by forwarding a nice verse to write on a mothers day card..?

something like "i miss you mom" will be helpful. thanks

Pls help me by forwarding a nice verse to write on a mothers day card..?
From Day i was born, I am blessed. I thank GOD that HE let me in you for nine months. I thank GOD that HE gave you(mother) as my mother. I thank GOD that HE let me live with you all these year and let me learn everything from you. And I pray from GOD that every year I live by you. I pray from GOD that may you live healthy and happy live and I should live beside you. I pray from GOD let me be there whenever you need me. (((AMEN)))

I miss MOM SO much. You will always be in the centre of my HEART.
Reply:ok heard this one


"M" is for the million things you gave me

"O" means only that your growing old

"T" is for the tears that you shed to save me

"H" is for the heart of purest gold

"E" is for your eyes with love-light shining

"R" means right, and right you'll always be

put them all together, they spell


A word that means the world to me
Reply:By simply being yourself you've shown me the best way to be. By having faith in my dreams you've made me feel proud to be me. For you've given me a gift I will cherish my whole life through. One money can't buy and time can't erase the gift I cherish is YOU.
Reply:Search out verses round Internet.On this theme is enotmously verses.
Reply:"Mom" such a small word for such an amazing person.

Thank you for making me the person I am today. As much as you made me crazy, and I'm sure I made you crazy, too, at times. I miss those times, and all the others, every single day! You are always in my heart. Thank you for being you.
Reply:Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you!

Love you So......much

School Head Bans Mothers Day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?


A school headteacher is under fire for banning pupils from making Mother's Day cards to avoid upsetting children without a mother.

School Head Bans Mothers Day%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
how ridiculous! my friend grew up without a mum and it just meant her dad got 2 cards a year instead of one!

kids are very resilient and stringer than we give them credit for. if we keep wrapping them up in cotton wool they'll never be able to stand on their own 2 feet and look after themselves!

What an EJIT!
Reply:Give me a break. I would feel fragile and offended if I weren't allowed to make a gift or card for my mother! Report Abuse

Reply:how ridiculous, even if the child does not have a natural mother, they will have a woman in their life who acts as one, e.g. a nannan, aunt, step-mom. same as father's day!!!
Reply:All this PC rubbish it has gone too far.
Reply:what a pathetic prat
Reply:That's pretty weird logic. My school used to have a parade on Mother's Day, and present flowers to all the mothers who showed up. One woman had three kids in the school, all with different last names because from different fathers. Fortunately, our school year ended before Father's Day or there might have been some interesting scenes.
Reply:Thats pretty silly as there are more children out there who do have mothers. At school they can have access to equiptment used for making cards that they may not have at home.

I think the children without mothers should make father day cards or grandmother cards, or cards to their carers instead.
Reply:Ive given you all a thumbs up i agree wholeheartedly the pc crap has gone to far.

lets ban fathers day theres more fathers do a runner!!!.

or go the whole hog cancel Christmas sorry folks just jesting but I'm glad i live in Spain, at least the Spanish know how to celebrate their festivities unlike the UK that's English identity is being eroded bit by bit.
Reply:Typical of this country. It is such a nanny state we live in.
Reply:I wonder what happens to some people in public service to make them so gutless and unwilling to do whats right and sensible,

No disrespect to the majority of public service employees. But the idiots with no backbones do seem to come from this world and not the commercial world.

The headteacher should be shot.

We can use my shotgun if you like, i've got a full box of Ely's - that should do it.
Reply:Ive heard at all now how dare he/she remove that type of enjoyment away from children. head teachers are all the same just jumped up nobodies. whats next they will be banned to do art just in case they smell the glue.? TOTAL IDIOTS and there's me thinking teachers were fairly intelligent silly me!
Reply:Most probably because his own mother disowned him years ago with a mentallity like that and its left him bitter.
Reply:It is wrong I have step children and they don't have a mum but they have me

And they also make things for there nan on mothers day too and if it is an issue for children without mums then they need talking to because its a fact of life that unfortunately needs dealing with......

They will come accross it in everyday life when they are older Mothers day does not disappear hey xxxxxxxxx
Reply:where will it stop lets take it to the extreme

my g/daughter loves school does it mean that she cant go to school in case she upset the children that dont

its about time these fuddy duzzies crawled back into the woodwork and let people get on with thier lives Britan would then be a far happier place for all
Reply:This country is so screwed up.
Reply:As its a Primary school all the children will have a primary care, usually its Mum, but if its not, whats the problem witht the rest making a card for the primary carer? Whether its Dad, Granny, Auntie, foster Mum etc. I'm sure it'd be appreciated and everyone would be happy, including the teachers who'd have a very enjoyable time with glue etc!!
Reply:sadly in the cotton wool wrapped PC country we live in today this actually comes as no surprise as usual the minority get the right over the majority and the truth is its only going to get worse, who do we have to blame? the government or the EU? in my eyes both the government for not standing up for us and the EU for crying about our beliefs and culture.

to me its quite simple time to say bye bye to the EU, no EU no more PC go back to looking after ourselves and stupid pig ignorant pathetic stunts like this will stop, i know plenty of children without parents who still participate in making cards so they can give them to the people they see as there adopted or surrogate parents.

why let some old prude stop tradition in our schools they've already banned Christmas what next no more crucifixes at Easter its time this country and the prime minister stood up and told it the way it should be.

lets just see what happens on fathers day!