Sunday, November 15, 2009

Should I Send my dads fiance A mothers day card?

My dad is engaged to a great woman soon to be my stepmom but they arent getting married till June. Im not sure If i should send her one, cause I know she would absolutely die if I did,but Im not sure If I should....Cause she isnt my "mom" yet.....

Should I Send my dads fiance A mothers day card?
There are cards for almost every occasion these days. Maybe there's one for "mother-to-be" (that doesn't sound pregnantish). Look around - in different stores, online - maybe there's one that's just right...

You could ask your Dad, too, for his advice. :)

HERE'S AN IDEA!! Make her one!! By hand or on your computer - with drawings or clip art. Say what you want (like "I couldn't wait to say it!!!" on the outside; inside, "Happy Mother's Day!") I think it's be EXTRA special if you made it yourself!!

If you've already accepted her as your "mom", it'd be great to let her know it now!

P.S. In looking around Hallmark's website ( with your question in mind, I noticed they have an article about writing personal notes. I didn't go in, but maybe you can get some ideas from it. Take a look at cards - any - to get ideas for what you want to say. [You'll have to click around for that article; I didn't make a note as to where I found it.]
Reply:I think you should not send her one because 1:she is not your mother 2:thy aren't married or even engaged

You can send her a friendship card then you told the truth(you gotta be friends w/ your dad's girlfriend) and your dad and his girlfriend are happy

everybody wins!
Reply:yes you should, if you do she will think that you respeck her.
Reply:You need to do what is in your heart. I have sent mothers days cards to women whom I was not even related to, but they were like mothers to me. If you feel you want to, then just do it! It would be a sweet gesture and a nice way to welcome her to the family.
Reply:Why not send one of those friendship cards like a "you're special" card or something like that.

If you think she would like it then send a mothers day card it will make her feel wanted by you and may stop any worries she has about how you feel about her
Reply:If you feel about her as a "mom" then what can it hurt? She will probably appreciate the gesture. I often think of mothers' day as a day that honors women as nurturers, not just "mom's" - so if she is a good person that has been there for you and your dad, why not show her you appreciate her?
Reply:Of course you should, it would absolutely make her feel like a million dollars. Show her how much she means to you. I think its a great idea! Bless you for thinking of her :)
Reply:Why not send her a friendship card instead. It would make her day and get you brownie points with your dad and her.
Reply:Sure why not, I am sure it would make her day. It would also show her that you are accepting of her!
Reply:that's up to you and how you feel. they make cards for step mothers also. try one of those.
Reply:die in a good way or bad way? i think u should 2 show her u appreciate her and tell her im glad ur my stepmom. but it is very nice that u r thinkin of her
Reply:You can just get a blank card and write in it that you're glad she's going to be your stepmother ...
Reply:If you think she is like another mom to you, then I think you should. I'm sure it would make her happy too.

Reply:if she is a mother most definately. they have cards for stepmoms...
Reply:well, shes gonna, so why not?
Reply:Send her a card to show that you're happy she's with your dad, and you will accept her as a second mother.
Reply:I would say no...especially if your mother is still alive and even more so if she is in your life. Next year will be the right time, when she is officially your stepmother.
Reply:It depends on how close you are to her. They have "other mother" cards to send. My Dad has been with his companion since 1991. She was my Mom's best friend since 4th grade and we are even closer than I was with my Mom. I always get her a card and a gift.
Reply:i agree with BESTY ROSS and YOGI, but hey do what feels right to you

Send her a card and say how excited you are that she will soon be your mom!

She'll love it, and it'll make you feel good too :o)
Reply:send her a card saying :wishing you a happy mothers day -have a great mothers day.
Reply:if she has kids then it would be a nice thing to do .

if you really like her do it. i give my step mom a card and gift on mothers day even though they got married after i was 18 and she did not mother me.
Reply:I think it would be a nice thing to do.
Reply:well it's totally up 2 you. do u and her get along? if u have a decent relationship, then wish her happy mothers day,and u can always add in the card that u think alot of her.
Reply:Maybe you shouldn't send her a mother's day card. But maybe you could get her like some flowers or something. So that it is not necessarily a Mother's Day thing, but still its a nice gesture

shoe buckles

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