Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How many women like me are having a crappy mothers day?

I cannot believe how my family has taken me for granted, and today of all days! I am not a selfish mother I give it all to my family. I cook everyday wash there clothes talk to them when they need advice, stay out of there personal business i am here for them, but today not one happy mothers day not even a card! My husband had to remind them! I am so angry and disappointed I feel like just packing up my things and moving out!

How many women like me are having a crappy mothers day?
You don't say how old your kids are, but if they are in their teen years I'd sure not have any problem asking hubby how important he thinks it is for you to remember and take care of all the details on the rest of the holidays for the remainder of the year - everything from making the food for the 4th of July picnic, Father's day, all the birthdays, including cakes, cards, shopping, etc. for him and kids, Halloween candy and costumes, not to mention Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Then tell him you will be taking the rest of the year off, and the day to yourself, and leave, and go somewhere you'd like to go - a book store, with coffee, a movie, a manicure at the mall, wherever. Enjoy your day. Then stick with it thru the next few holidays.
Reply:When I woke up this morning everyone was gone. I don't have any idea where they are. My husband spends every waking hour with his mother when he is not working, or so he says. And yes, no card from anyone either. I also feel like packing up and leaving.
Reply:You sound like a terriffic person, sorry for your bad day


from all of us!!
Reply:Happy mother's day from me to you.
Reply:Happy Mother's Day from me....hope that helps. Sounds as if no appreciation is around your home. Stop doing things for them and maybe they will rethink what they do and don't do. Good luck.
Reply:I'm with ya! My kids made stuff for me in school and that was awesome, but thats about it for me. My husband is out of town on business and did call me, but no card sent to me via mail, no flowers, nothing. And I am pissed off at my own mother, so yah, my day is sh*tty, too. Hope this helps: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
Reply:You asked for it. Being a mother, i mean. Roll with the punches then.
Reply:Oh I do! My mother told me today how awful i was. How i can't do anything right.
Reply:I'm sorry you're having a bad day...I think that's part of what a mother is all about...doing things without acknowledgement...sacrificing without return.

I am separated from my husband, pregnant with our 2nd child, and today, he has my little boy because he always gets him on Sundays. I am lonely and discouraged too. Please remember that mothers were put on this earth to be there for their families, and while it's great to get the acknowledgement once a year for what we do, we are still built to do what we do and accept it with grace when we're not given the credit we deserve.

I'm glad your husband reminded them. Maybe he will get them to come out with you for a lunch or something. If not, maybe he'd like to do something with you.

Try not to take their attitudes as rejection. Kids are kids and the only things revovling in their worlds are themselves! the important thing is you have a husband who obviously loves you and HE acknowledges what you do for them. In years to come, I think you'll find too that they'll grow up and appreciate you more and more.

Take care - try to have a better day. Hey - reread the advice above mine - that's priceless!
Reply:Sorry this has happened to you, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Reply:That **** is ****** up. But listen, EVERYDAY should be mothers day! not just one day.


hey and you know what, tomorrow, when it's dinner time, don't cook. They need their laundry washed? Tell em to do it they God damned self.

Oh they need lunch money? Too bad..

Be tough and you'll see
Reply:it will get better ..... but your husband should have had a back up plan ..... mine is sucking too
Reply:Go....no one will miss you and your self pitying moaning.......
Reply:My Mom died almost 8 years ago and I haven't forgotten one since. Part of being a Mom is being totally selfless. It should't be this way, but unfotunately, it is. I know you wanted everyone to remember it and honor you, but sometimes (most times) Mom's have to do everything for themselves. Maybe you should have reminded them. Once again, I am not condoning their behavior, Mothers are sacred and should be honored as such.
Reply:I feel your pain. My 13 yr old wanted to spend the day with his grandfather so I havent seen him all day. I went over to my mothers house I got her a gift certificate for a Manicure and pedicure and she told me "Oh.. I am lettting my nails grow out so.... Well.. Um.. Maybe I will use this in the fall".. AGHHH!!!!!!! Whatever... Then me and my husband went out to eat and since then I've been pooping all day. Then my husband left to go fishing.. So.... Yeah... They all suck..... Happy Freakin Mothers day to ya.....
Reply:time to take back the day. tell them you are going out to dinner or a movie because it is your day. they can come if they want to.
Reply:Yeah, mine had to be reminded that today was Mother's Day as well. Your'e not alone, I 'm having a crappy Mother's Day too.
Reply:Take a vacation for a few days, without telling them. This would be a good lesson for this animals without feelings!
Reply:Yes, it does sound like they take you for granted. You know you can't be taken for granted unless you let them do it. If you don't see any of them today, tell each one tomorrow that you were disappointed yesterday that they didn't even acknowledge Mother's Day. Say nothing more. Don't yell, don't cry, just walk away. Accept no excuse because it is just bad behavior and your husband shouldn't have to remind them. It is all over the TV, radio, and newspaper. No matter where they go, they will see signage for Mother's Day. I think you have successfully raised some selfish people. It's too bad. You should just get in your car this afternoon and go out to eat and then to a movie. If no one will give you a Happy Mother's Day, then just give yourself one.
Reply:I'm sorry! I'm in the same situation as you are. Only one difference that I have no husband. What I'm thinking to do is : not to stay home crying or feeling sad. I'm going out! maybe with one of my friends . I'm planning go to the Mall and to a restaurant to have a nice dinner to celebrate myself!
Reply:I'm sorry your having a bad mother's day. How old are your children? young kids have a hard time really appreciating stuff, mainly b/c they often don't know what it's like to have to do it all by themselves. They haven't lived in your shoes. But your mother's day could be much much worse. My brother was killed last year on mother's day. So treasure your children, no matter how much they frustrate you. You never know if one day they will no longer be there.

Happy Mother's Day

I'm not a Mother but I raised my brother while my mother worked 2 jobs, so I know the work and dedication that goes into the job description

choosing shoe horns

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