Tuesday, November 17, 2009

School Head Bans Mothers Day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?


A school headteacher is under fire for banning pupils from making Mother's Day cards to avoid upsetting children without a mother.

School Head Bans Mothers Day%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
how ridiculous! my friend grew up without a mum and it just meant her dad got 2 cards a year instead of one!

kids are very resilient and stringer than we give them credit for. if we keep wrapping them up in cotton wool they'll never be able to stand on their own 2 feet and look after themselves!

What an EJIT!
Reply:Give me a break. I would feel fragile and offended if I weren't allowed to make a gift or card for my mother! Report Abuse

Reply:how ridiculous, even if the child does not have a natural mother, they will have a woman in their life who acts as one, e.g. a nannan, aunt, step-mom. same as father's day!!!
Reply:All this PC rubbish it has gone too far.
Reply:what a pathetic prat
Reply:That's pretty weird logic. My school used to have a parade on Mother's Day, and present flowers to all the mothers who showed up. One woman had three kids in the school, all with different last names because from different fathers. Fortunately, our school year ended before Father's Day or there might have been some interesting scenes.
Reply:Thats pretty silly as there are more children out there who do have mothers. At school they can have access to equiptment used for making cards that they may not have at home.

I think the children without mothers should make father day cards or grandmother cards, or cards to their carers instead.
Reply:Ive given you all a thumbs up i agree wholeheartedly the pc crap has gone to far.

lets ban fathers day theres more fathers do a runner!!!.

or go the whole hog cancel Christmas sorry folks just jesting but I'm glad i live in Spain, at least the Spanish know how to celebrate their festivities unlike the UK that's English identity is being eroded bit by bit.
Reply:Typical of this country. It is such a nanny state we live in.
Reply:I wonder what happens to some people in public service to make them so gutless and unwilling to do whats right and sensible,

No disrespect to the majority of public service employees. But the idiots with no backbones do seem to come from this world and not the commercial world.

The headteacher should be shot.

We can use my shotgun if you like, i've got a full box of Ely's - that should do it.
Reply:Ive heard at all now how dare he/she remove that type of enjoyment away from children. head teachers are all the same just jumped up nobodies. whats next they will be banned to do art just in case they smell the glue.? TOTAL IDIOTS and there's me thinking teachers were fairly intelligent silly me!
Reply:Most probably because his own mother disowned him years ago with a mentallity like that and its left him bitter.
Reply:It is wrong I have step children and they don't have a mum but they have me

And they also make things for there nan on mothers day too and if it is an issue for children without mums then they need talking to because its a fact of life that unfortunately needs dealing with......

They will come accross it in everyday life when they are older Mothers day does not disappear hey xxxxxxxxx
Reply:where will it stop lets take it to the extreme

my g/daughter loves school does it mean that she cant go to school in case she upset the children that dont

its about time these fuddy duzzies crawled back into the woodwork and let people get on with thier lives Britan would then be a far happier place for all
Reply:This country is so screwed up.
Reply:As its a Primary school all the children will have a primary care, usually its Mum, but if its not, whats the problem witht the rest making a card for the primary carer? Whether its Dad, Granny, Auntie, foster Mum etc. I'm sure it'd be appreciated and everyone would be happy, including the teachers who'd have a very enjoyable time with glue etc!!
Reply:sadly in the cotton wool wrapped PC country we live in today this actually comes as no surprise as usual the minority get the right over the majority and the truth is its only going to get worse, who do we have to blame? the government or the EU? in my eyes both the government for not standing up for us and the EU for crying about our beliefs and culture.

to me its quite simple time to say bye bye to the EU, no EU no more PC go back to looking after ourselves and stupid pig ignorant pathetic stunts like this will stop, i know plenty of children without parents who still participate in making cards so they can give them to the people they see as there adopted or surrogate parents.

why let some old prude stop tradition in our schools they've already banned Christmas what next no more crucifixes at Easter its time this country and the prime minister stood up and told it the way it should be.

lets just see what happens on fathers day!

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