Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spiritually speaking was mothers day invented by Hallmark to sell more cards??

I don't care who invented it. I have three kids (all very active boys), 5 and under. I deserve one freakin' day out of the year.

I even laboured all the way through my first Mother's Day and finally gave birth at 11:16 that night...I want that day, and I'm taking it, Hallmark holiday or not.

Spiritually speaking was mothers day invented by Hallmark to sell more cards??
The Mother's Day holiday, in the United States, celebrates motherhood generally and the positive contributions of mothers to society. It falls on the second Sunday of each May. It is the result of a campaign by Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948), who, following the death of her mother on May 9, 1905, devoted her life to establishing Mother's Day as a national, and later an international, holiday.

Her announced idea-for an annual nationwide celebration to be called Mother’s Day-met with unanimous support. She tested the idea on others. Mothers felt that such an act of recognition was long overdue. Every child concurred. No father dissented. A friend, John Wanamaker, America’s number one clothing merchant, offered financial backing. Early in the spring of 1908, Miss Jarvis wrote to the superintendent of Andrews Methodist Sunday School, in Grafton, where her mother had taught a weekly religion class for twenty years. She suggested that the local church would be the ideal location for a celebration in her mother’s honor.

By extension, all mothers present would receive recognition. So on May 10, 1908, the first Mother’s Day service was held in Grafton, West Virginia, attended by 407 children and their mothers. At the conclusion of that service, Miss Jarvis presented each mother and child with a flower: a carnation, her own mother’s favorite. It launched a Mother’s Day tradition.
Reply:...actually Paul tells us:

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.

I am afraid of you
Reply:No it was originally meant to encourage anti-war activism by mothers, to keep their sons (at the time) from being killed.

Now Sweetest Day, on the other hand...
Reply:Traditionally speaking, May is a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, who is Our Mother.
Reply:Not spiritually speaking -- but economically speaking, it may have been.

Reply:My husband used to say that about Mother's Day, Valentines Day... but since we had kids he doesn't say that anymore. BTW I didn't get a card...just some beautiful flowers :)
Reply:Spiritually speaking, no.

Reply:I only get that one day a year....do NOT mess with my day.

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