Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?

my child is old enough now to know what mothers day is and is making a gift/card in school.But should i still take her out to get her mom a gift?should i only take her if she askes or should i offer to bring her.I really would like to here from other divorced parents on what they do.

Divorced parents only please what if anything should i get my ex wife for mothers day?
even though I am remarried and my ex is not...we bring the kids to buy their father / and he brings them for them to buy stuff for me. we divorced when my daughter was very young and she didn't know it was my bday / his / father's mother's day...etc...but we still do it. I even call him on his bday to remind him that he is still older than me...but we have a good relationship!
Reply:Married or divorced you are still to raise the child together. That means taking into consideration the child's relationship with the other parent. What would you like your ex to do for fathers day? My guess is at least to ask your daughter if she would like to go mothers day shopping.
Reply:I think the gift your child "makes" is the one your ex wife will cherish the most. You child can always explore another avenue as she gets older and understands the "gift" concept a little better. Not up to you to do that, your daughter already has a gift, and I am sure she thinks it's much better than anything you could pay cash for
Reply:How about a thank you card for giving you such a wonderful child, my ex got me one , it was very nice, he wrote in it what a wonderful mother he thought i was and how lucky my son was to have me, i will save that card forever
Reply:yes take the child to the mall or whereever and let them pick out somthing for mother's day to give to mom
Reply:I think it would be nice to ask your daughter if she would like to get something for her Mom. Give your child the opportunity and then she can make the decision.
Reply:When my stepson was little 1 thru 12 I would take him out but make sure the card is from him and gift. Is she remarried will her husband care? What about you new girlfriend or wife what do they think because if they do care the card from school is plenty. I know it meant alot to me when my kids brought me home mother day from school.
Reply:Let your children pick it out.
Reply:A nice card would be appropriate or even a Happy Mothers day call would be nice.

take your daughter to get her mom a gift-this will tell her that you respect her mother's contribution to her life..everybody wins
Reply:Give her the gift of peace of mind by leaving her alone. Stop trying to be in her life - you did say she is your ex. The father of my children never did anything like that, thankfully, maybe he knew it would piss me off... once you are ex, that should be all the info you need.


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