Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How would you feel if your husband of 20 years.didn't even get you a card-on mothers day or20 anniversary?

yes it did happen. a week ago he was talking about what i could get he for fathers day

How would you feel if your husband of 20 years.didn't even get you a card-on mothers day or20 anniversary?
I wouldn't care because cards are worthless. They are sweet to get, but what is worthwhile is him getting up early every morning and going to work everyday and loving me every day. Cards or lack of getting them is just petty. Sorry. That is my opinion.
Reply:20 YEARS and you still except cards! and wishes! I think they are sssooo understood with that kind of relationships!

I have guy friend, we went to school together, its been 10 years since we are friends - there are no formalities in good relationships.


I know I did come up a little bit crude and rought but ...
Reply:then u tell him that you will get him the same thing he gave you - a big fat NOTHING!
Reply:i would feel very hurt....go out and buysomething for yourself girl
Reply:Is this the first time he has been so thoughtless towards you? and now he has the nerve to wonder what you could get him for Father's Day? hmmmmm I would have said - as soon as you get me something for Mother's Day or for our 20th anniversary, then I shall give thought to Father's Day.

If he is thoughtless only about this, but provides for you and for any children that you may have, then he is simply being a typical man - but if he is thoughtless about many things, then I wonder why you are still with him?

As these occassions come up, just as he is hinting towards Father's Day, perhaps you have to hint towards Mother's Day and the other events which you celebrate.

I know for myself that I get so busy and it is hard for me to remember certain birthdays and I mean to get a card, but I forget or the time comes up and I Wake up! and realize - OY! I forgot to get a card!! but I do try to make it up.

Is your husband on the internet? does he have email?

If so, you can send him email hints -

subject: Mother's Day

Btw, dear, Mother's day is a week from this Sunday

hint hint!

and vice versa. He can send you emails, too.

And if he is on the internet, have you ever considered sending him romantic emails? They don't have to be too spicy - unless you want them to be - but don't burn your fingers now!

Communication is extremely important no matter how long two people have been together.

Good Luck!
Reply:Well do the same.. forget getting him something and if he asks say you forgot. Then talk about how much fun you had on mother's day burning his precios posessions.
Reply:I would be hurt and feel like I wasn't appreciated or valued. My husband neglected to buy me my very first and well deserved mother's day card and I will never forget (and probably never forgive). I did make a point to tell him, on father's day, that he did not deserve anything because part of being a father is setting a good example for our son by cherishing me. He didn't forget this year.

Tell him that the mother's of the world are extremely disappointed and we are hoping he gets nothing for father's day and doesn't make this mistake again!
Reply:Tell him you will buy him the same gift he got for you.
Reply:i would be quite miffed and possiably give him a slap. u should slap him or bring it up in convosation and see what he says then slap him
Reply:he's your husband of 20 years...he's spent 20 years showing you how he loves and values you ,so he forgot a day...and an important day at that......now he 'll spend the next 20 years making up for it..plus he wont ever forget...
Reply:can u say uuppsseett!!
Reply:he's such a selfish man who only thinks of himself. dont get him any thing on fathers day, when he asks why tell him the truth.
Reply:I would do the same for him and maybe by then he will feel what you feel now and i believe that the best way in every relationship is to communicate and actually tell him how you feel because some man a bit thick to figure it out on their own, they needed to be told and some man just simply have no idea whats really going on.I believe that every body show their love and appreciation in hundreds different way and i believe that not receiving a card on Mothers day mean that he doesn't love you ? I believe that he is showing it in a different way ,shape or form

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