Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is it a good idea to get my step-mother a gift for mothers day?

I haven't had a relationship with my father for the past 8 years because of a bitter divorce, and being forced (literally) to choose between my parents as a teenager. For the past 8 months I've been trying establish a relationship with him because now as an adult, I realize that I was drug into a nasty situation by my mom. (Because my mom hated him so much, he didn't come around and when he did, I wasn't very nice to him because of the terrible stories about him my mom led me to believe.) He has a new wife whom I've never met... I was thinking about giving her a small gift, something more than just a card, for mothers day... more or less to let her and my dad know I am accepting of her regardless of what's happened in the past and I want them to be happy. If I do this do you think that the message will get across or should I just avoid doing it altogether? What might be an appropriate gift to give?

Is it a good idea to get my step-mother a gift for mothers day?
First, you are really the only one who can answer this question....We can just offer suggestions

Knowing something about her might help if you are going to get her something other than a card.......Like does she growing flowers...Does she like outdoor things...wind chimes...things like that....Does she like to go to a salon ...do you know the one she goes too...a gift certificate...maybe going out to lunch with both of them....

Don't make it to hard on yourself........you'll figure it out
Reply:I think you have a good idea. It's a nice gesture on your part to help establish some kind of relationship with her. I'm a stepmom myself, and I know I would appreciate it very much. Most women like scented candles. A giftcard to a restaurant would be nice, also. How could she not appreciate that!
Reply:A very lovely thought jenny :). What about any handmade card or lovely voice wind chine whose sweet voice denote that you want to forget all past things and you all should start new life and relation again. Hope it make sense :)

Well as suggested above you himself can choose better what to do in this situation :)
Reply:i think that its a great idea. you could get her a gift certificate to a salon or maybe just candles or something??
Reply:A wonderful and loving gesture, Jenny!

A bouquet of flowers and a lovely card should suffice.


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