Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mothers Day presents for family members?

My sister has a daughter and I have no children and every year for Mother's Day I have given her a card and a present but my mom mentioned this year that she was wondering if sisters need to give presents to their sister and if mothers should give presents to their daughter?

Is mother's day just about honoring your own mother or mothers in general? I know it is a kind thing to do but is it expected? I am curious what everyone here thinks.

Mothers Day presents for family members?
For mothers day you should do what your heart tells you.

My husband gets me a card and a flower even though I'm not a mom because I treat our dogs like my kids. He even gets their paw prints on them.

I get my mom the same figurine every year. It is a little boy and a little girl they sell at walmart for about twenty bucks. The kids are acting out things. Such as playing on a sea-saw or pulling one another in a wagon. (These are in the walmart garden area on a bottom self. They are on the heavy side a bit.) She loves them because they don't break and move easily. The more dirt they get on them the better they look.

For close friends I get one dozen roses and a dozen 99 cent cards. For every friend they get one rose and a card.
Reply:i think it should just be for your own mothers.. If you keep the tradition with cards for other mothers then keep with that, but presents? Thats a little too much even if its an expectation from those other mothers. Cards will be nice, but presents for them other than your mother is too much. I mean, they did not give birth to you right?

In my opinion, I'll only truly honor my own mother for mothers day.. For my mother in law, I'd get her a card or so.. to mothers that I'm close with, I give them cards.. and for everyone else, I'll just say happy mothers day and acknowledge them for being a mother..
Reply:Hi Joy...well....a few things to consider...first...are you spending the day together? If so, a nice plant and card would be nice. How close are you? If you're super close...maybe a gift certificate for a pedicure (you can go together). What are her interests....what is your buget? Sometimes...just the gift of time is the best. Example...a free night when you'd be willing to babysit for her....

Re: gift from mother to daughter...we always exchange gifts...nothing big (Example...this year I'm framing photos of my kids for her plus getting her a g/c to get a manicure).

Re: expectations....yeah...I'd think so....unless you are not very close.

That's my 2 cents...lol... good luck Joy!
Reply:no its not expected.....you usual just give your mothers a present and maybe grandmothers, and ur hubby may give u a present too if ur children are young or have no children(thats what my dad did) but if you feel like giving more im sure they will be happy to get it =]

also maybe ur mother should just spend time with you and your sister...instead of giving you both a present, since it is called mothers day ;)
Reply:Its not traditionally expected for sisters to give each other presents on Mother's Day. However, if that is what you've always done, then I say, go ahead and keep doing it. A card is always nice.

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