Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What to do for a mom that didn't get a card on Mothers Day?

Yes, I screwed up. My mom lives out of state, and all I could remember was to call. Though she was happy to talk with me, I know she wanted at least a card. Now, 1 week later, what should one do? I promised to do something for her, but I'm running out of idea's here. It seems nothing is good enough, or it just goes too far. What have you done to fix a screw up like this?

What to do for a mom that didn't get a card on Mothers Day?
Buy a shirt and go some were like the mall and have them put the best picture you have of you and if you have any brothers and sisters or just any picture you know she loves on the shirt. it doesn't cost that much and that's a present that will last forever. and put something funny on the shirt. its better than a card it different and its a conversation piece. all my sibling including me are in college( meaning where broke) and are in different states. The best we could offer was a shirt with a family picture on the back and a goofy old Halloween picture of my siblings in the front that said The Fresh Funky Bunch. i told my mom sorry but she said it was the best present ever. she almost cried.
Reply:If your mom is like me, she was happy with the call, and to know you were ok and remembered Mother's Day.

What you can do for her? Call her more often! I am sure that would make her just as happy as flowers.
Reply:Send a card and explain that you messed up, apologize, and that she means the world to you!!! Put some cash in the card, or send a gift card too a place she likes to shop at. Good luck.
Reply:send her flowers
Reply:Send her some flowers and on the card tell her how awful you feel but that she's the best Mother ever.

When she calls to tell you she got the flowers don't forget to tell her you love her.....that's really what she cares about anyway.
Reply:Call your mom and come clean. there is nothing worse than getting broken promises form your child. Let her know that you messed up and your sorry. tell her what a good mom she is and how much you appreciate everything you have done. Write her a nice heartfelt letter and mail it to her so she has something special from her child.

If you can get something together quickly make a photo album with old pictures and write a little bit about the memories that you have of those pics. Make her feel special and loved, but most importantly come clean and apologize. then she will know that she did something right.

Next year plan ahead, Mother's day is always in May so it isn't going to be a big surprise when it gets here.
Reply:No matter how old you are here is an idea that I know I would like as a mother. Make her a card or write her a poem, mail it to her and maybe send her some flowers or a gift card. All your mother really cares about it you, but knowing and hearing from you that you appreciate her and all she has done for you in your life will mean the world to her. Don't beat yourself up about this, just do what you think is right and what is in your heart. Mom will always love you no matter if she got a card or not.

choosing loops

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