Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers day different around the world?

I walked into a card shop in the UK to get my mom a mother's day card (may 13th I thought)...and she said the cards had been sent back months ago...since mother's day is in march?!?! I am confused. Is mother's day on a different day in north america than it is in the UK???

Mothers day different around the world?
Yes Mother s Day in UK is in March, in America and possibly Europe in May.
Reply:Thank you for choosing me as your best answer, glad to be of any help. I live in the Uk and my mum is from Malta. In March I have to buy her her card and then send it to her in May. Good luck next year. Report Abuse

business loan

How to get out of "honoring" my step mother on mothers day?

I am 26 years old. My parents got a divorce when I was very young and my father remarried. I have never liked my step mother. She was an angry tyrant. When they got married she isolated me and my sisters away from my dads side of the family. When we did get to see them she referred to them as "my fan club" She was violent and demeaning. Yet, My 2 sisters and I were expected to introduce her as our mother. I have heard her get compliments for looking so great for having 3 kids...."thank you" would be her reply. As children my father would take us to get her mothers day cards and gifts...we would have a big dinner for her on mothers day...etc. I have always resented this and it makes me soooo angry. A couple months ago I had a jewelry party and both my mom and stepmother were there. We went around the room introducing our selves. My mom introduced herself as my mother. When it came to step moms turn, she introduced herself as my mom also. I was horrified.

How to get out of "honoring" my step mother on mothers day?
Ok, have a seat and let's have a little talk.


%26gt;%26gt; I am 26 years old.

%26gt;%26gt; I have never liked my step mother.

%26gt;%26gt; She was an angry tyrant.

%26gt;%26gt; She was violent and demeaning.

%26gt;%26gt; I honestly hate this woman...

%26gt;%26gt; I have decided I am an adult and no one is going to bully me...

%26gt;%26gt; ...this is a big issue with me ...and my sisters.

Hmmm. These are some very strong feelings you have. I'm sure you have good reasons for having these feelings.

I see it like this. She was thrust upon you. You had no choice in the matter. Your dad chose her to be his wife but that didn't make her anything to you. She was not your mother. She isn't now and will never be.

If you don't want to accept her into your life, you shouldn't be forced to or allow yourself to be forced to.

If you want to break ties with her, the best way may be to approach your dad in private without her around and explain your feelings to him. Tell him that enough is enough and you are now putting your foot down and you don't require that he likes it. This is how it is and this is how it's going to be. Period.

I wouldn't say 'jack squat' to her.

That could go over like a lead balloon so make sure you are firm on what your boundaries are going to be with her before you open your mouth.

You know the arguements you are going to get about this. "Oh, she treated you just like her own child. You don't appreciate anything. She bent over backwards for you girls. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Don't pay any attention to them. Stick to your guns and be ready for the consequences. This could get messy.

Your father may counter with, "If you don't accept her, then you don't accept me." With which you should say, "What you really mean is that if I don't accept her, YOU don't accept Me." Remind him that your 26, not ten.

Tell him if that's his choice, then so be it if he wishes to put an outsider in front of his own child. Also, remind him that if that's what his attitude is going to be, he won't be seeing anymore of his grandchildren.

Stick to your guns if she's a bigger pain than what she's worth.

Best Wishes

Reply:You are now an adult. You should have told this woman to "funk off" years ago. I would just avoid her completely from now on, especially on mother's day. She'll get the hint....If you Dad continues to choose her over you, then funk him too! Life is too short to waste on spiteful jerks!
Reply:You are 26 years old. If you don't feel like honoring her, don't. Just ignore her on mother's day, spend the day with your real mom. If your step-mother asks why, tell her. Your a big girl now, you can do that.
Reply:The only way to handle this is to talk with her if she gets offended oh well, she is not your mother and I'm sure it hurts your actual mother for this step-monster to introduce herself as your mother, she needs to be put in her place, it is normal though for her not to tell people she is only your step-mother when they comment on her about looking good because then the person would expect an explanation, which is not important, hope this helps...
Reply:She's NOT your mom. She can NEVER replace your mom. Next time something like the jewelry party happens, correct her. When she introduces herself as your mom say no she is my step mom, or even better say something like this is my dads wife. Get her a step mothers card. who cares if it causes drama NO ONE should bully you into honoring her. You are under no obligation to bend to her demands anymore. Good luck.

I agree with the other posts. Spend mothers day with your real mother.
Reply:I have 3 step children and I treat them as my own however I have told them that I love them as my own but I will never try to take their mothers place but I will be the best step mom I could be, that nobody could ever take their mothers place. What this woman is doing is wrong and I am sorry to say this to you but your dad is wrong also. He should of put his foot down years ago. If you feel this way then get a card that says step mom and let it be and if anything is said then just simply say that you respect her as a step mom but you have only one mother!! And as far as your father he should respect the way you feel. I wish you all the luck because she sounds like the step mother from hell!!
Reply:i totally agree with the first answer... your an adult now and you dont have to deal with her.. she is not your mother and she never will be. if you cant find a way to get out of it then find a card that specifically says "step mother" and underline it. maybe she will get the hint! best of luck to you
Reply:Could you get her a card that say's "To Someone Special"? They do have cards like that because there are so many various relationships these days. I understand she's not your mother and you hate her BUT has she been a good wife to your dad? At least if you can say that about her, that's something positive, if she keeps your dad happy and takes care of him. Try to do something neutral without offending anyone too much or forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do.
Reply:The bottom line is: She is NOT your mother.

She should be ashamed of herself for the injustices she has visited upon you and your siblings.

But more inportantly - your Father should be even more ashamed for tolerating her creepy behavior and not protecting you.

Do not honor her anymore - Your rejection will eventually remove her from her imaginary pedastal.

You have suffered enough - if your father gets mad, tough luck - the truth hurts.
Reply:Giving your step-mom a "Happy StepMother's Day" card would be perfectly fine.

If she or your Dad complains, just tell them calmly that you are done pretending she is your "Mom" and that you have a "Mom" and a "StepMoM" and surely they both can understand the difference.

You don't need to say anything more. If they don't like it, tell them both, "I'm sorry you feel that way," and then let it be.

I am thankful that you still have a relationship with your real Mom, you are blessed to have her in your life.

You are an adult now, and it sounds like you've been manipulated and controlled your whole life by your Dad and StepMom. A good counselor can help you learn to get out from under their thumbs, so to speak, and to do what you feel is right.

By no means should you be cruel or unkind to your Dad or StepMom, because that just stoops you down to their level and no good will come of it. Be polite, respectful, but firm. Stand your ground.

Best wishes to you, I hope this helps.
Reply:I agree with everyone who has posted so far.

Basically- you are an ADULT. Now, I am a mom and a step mom, so I can see both sides of this. I love my step children as if they were my own, but would have to completely respect their wishes to only refer to me as step mom. Forcing anything else on them would be very wrong.

If she were a great step mother and treated you very good, then I would advise you to leave well enough alone and let her love you as much as she does. However, if she has always been violent and demeaning, then she does not deserve the title of "mom" to you.

Respect her as your fathers wife and as someone who loves you, but be up front and honest with her and your father as to how you feel about what she should be called. I do think that as a 26 year old female, it is time to grow up and let go of the resentments. After all, your happiness depends on it!

A lot of people in this worls have crappy parents or no parents at all. You have a lot of people who love you. You're a lucky girl.

Reply:my cousin is in a situation much like this...and she just stopped one year and just spends the weekend at her mother's house rather than with her dad and stepmother. since she is not there and doesn't live there anymore it works. also since they have adopted 2 more kids...she's got enough attention...she'll get over it and if not...have fun with it...if your dad loves you he'll understand
Reply:This is a tough one. I think I would make a card that said something like : On Mother's Day may you enjoy every blessing from the rising of the sun to it's going down!

That is a pretty general sentiment and not too personal. I wouldn't do more than that. Maybe there are some like that in the card shops. You won't regret just sending a card which should keep the peace with your dad.

Spend the day with your bio mom if you live close enough or send her flowers.
Reply:Hi, Kristi,

First I was thinking about how you're a mom to 3+ children and your turmoil about that step-mom of yours. Then, I wondered if there's a way to appease your father and make HER feel special without taking away from your own mother or the awesome task that YOU have undertaken. Here's a site about step-moms. I just did a Yahoo search on it so there may be more appropriate pages for you, but it seems like SHE can have her own day.

The Muse

i would just tell your dad that you're spending the day with your mother since it's mothers day....and do just that....

here in michigan when parents split up and they do parenting time the mother gets the kid on Mothers Day and the father gets the kid on Fathers Day... so my point is,there is nothing wrong with you spending the day with your REAL mother (MOM) because even the courts see it that way...

You don't HAVE to like anyone.....and if you don't like her I'm sure there is a very good reason....and I have known you for quite sometime on here now and I can tell from your questions and answers that you're a very nice woman and a very good mother to your children.

And to that spiteful sounding woman that's a step mom that left you that nasty reply,you should know what you're getting into before you get involved with a man that already has children....those children didnt ask for their parents to seperate,they didnt pick you as their step mom, they were forced into it and you being the adult should do something to fix the issues,not the child....

Also back to you,Kristi

I would try and talk to your step mother

and explain to her how you feel and why

and maybe try and patch things up a bit between the two of you if possible.....just so that things can be peaceful between everyone....

and also tell her how it made you feel when she called herself your mom in front of your mom after your mom referred to herself as your mom,that was very insensitive of her and shows her character right there....

you can tell her that you appreciate every good thing she has done for you(if anything) but, they have the word step mom for a reason,because she is just that,she is your step mom and you would appreciate if she would call herself by such when asked....and your mom is your mom whether she likes it or not.

and if she dont like it,thats just too dang bad!!!

and your dad will get over it....
Reply:I am a step mother to a very spoiled 18 yr old young lady who never gave me a chance because she became jealous of me and her father. She also wanted nothing more than her parents to be together. I am actually a very nice step mother and would do anything for her, but its been real tough and puts alot of strain on my marriage, so I would like to hear your step moms side of this story. And don't worry about mothers day. I'm sure she wouldn't want anything if she knew your so concerned about having to do it. Your 26 I'd say its time to accept your dads choice in women don't you.

Are you going to buy a mothers day card from hallmark like this one?

Are you going to buy a mothers day card from hallmark like this one?
hell no i dont buy mothers day cards my mother left me when i was 3 so thats why dont buy mothers day cards
Reply:No, that's a birthday card, but she would probably put it on the mantle, where it would stay for years, even if she can't read it.

My mom doesn't speak any better Spanish than I do. My Dad sent me a card from his place in Nuevo Vallarta, and it was in Spanish. He then wrote in Spanish, as well. I have no clue why he thinks I speak Spanish. However, when I emailed to ask what he said he said to ask one of my kids to translate for me.

I think my Dad has your sense of humor.
Reply:No, I´ll probably send her one in English from Hallmark.
Reply:ya i prob will....
Reply:yeah that is a really nice card but it is for a birthday not mother's day
Reply:No. My mom's dead. If she were alive she'd smack me up to the side of the head for doing that.
Reply:No because my mom doesn't understand Spanish. My other mom does, but I'll still buy one for her in English.
Reply:No, but it would be funny too.

On mothers day do you have to be a mans mom for him to get you an mothers day gift?

my boyfriend says i'm not his mother so he will not buy me an mothers day card or gift.Ithink he is wrong so i'm not speaking to him , am i wrong and I do have children.

On mothers day do you have to be a mans mom for him to get you an mothers day gift?
I think Mother's Day is for ALL mother's. It isn't called MY MOTHER'S DAY. I've always thought of it this way. All mothers should be cherished, especially on that day. :)
Reply:no you just got to rind the i one who are caring loving understanding Report Abuse

Reply:well, a card would be nice...or flowers at least. sheesh...
Reply:Your boyfriend is out of line this is your day being a mother.The rest of us wish you a Happy Mother's day.%26gt;*_*%26lt;
Reply:yes. if you are a mom than you deserve some type of recognition. and if he feels that gifts should only be given by children than if he has any decency than he would buy you something(gift, card, balloon)and address it from your kids. i'm sure when fathers day roll around he would think he deserves something for helping out with your kids.
Reply:If you have children I think giving you a card or gift is quite alright!
Reply:He should buy you a mothers day gift or at least buy gifts for your children to give you knowing that you will know that he bought it. I hope when I have kids my boyfriend/husband celebrates me being the mother of his children.
Reply:They sell cards for all mothers - you can get your sis or your friend a card because you want to say good job... he sounds like one of those men that don't like holidays or thinks enough about the one that he supposedly loves, but won't take the initiative to get her anything - because men do not find holidays important and we do. JERK!
Reply:assuming the kids are young he should be buying a gift and card on behalf of the children
Reply:i know, my husband and i have 2 kids but he gets me nothing cause im not HIS mom. thats stupid, i agree with you. men can be so insensitive.
Reply:i see no reason for him to get you anything unless he is the father of your children
Reply:If you have popped out a child or two for him or anybody else then yes he needs to celebrate you. Being a mother is a 24 hr seven day a week job that doesn't end when they turn 18 either. So if one day I ask that you reverence me than that should be it.

Mothers day ideas?

my child and i made some mothers day cards out of constrution paper and planted some flowers for all the wowen in our neighbor hood amy other ideas

Mothers day ideas?
That is a very thoughtful idea ,how nice you are! I think that you have done enough, but you can bake a small bread ,or maybe watch their children, so they can have some alone time with their husband.
Reply:Just appreciate you wife you have already done enough.
Reply:tell her how much u luv her. buy her her favorite things. surprise her.

Teeth Problems

What to write on mothers day card?

the first line is you are the light of my world

and i want stuff like you are...

just lovey-dovey type things


What to write on mothers day card?
Dearest Mother,

Here's another year of me thanking you for being pro life...but what was up with naming me COREY, anyway?

Yours truly...

(fill in preferred name here)

XOXOXO (%26lt;-- by the way, this is the lovey-dovey part)

Reply:happy mothers day
Reply:"f I fell and scraped my knees, You’d dry away my tears. And when I had a nightmare, You came to calm my fears. As a child I always knew, You’d be there when I’d call. To comfort me in the dark, And catch me if I’d fall. And now that I am older, I value your love more. And know that you’ll still be there, ‘Cause that’s what moms are for! "

"You've always been my biggest fan, Encouraging me to be the best I could be. You cheered me on as I achieved my goals, And comforted me during my disappointments. But of all the gifts you've given me in my life, The most precious one is your love. Thank you for believing in me. I love you. "

"When I was a child, I never doubted that you were with me every step of the way. Whether I was at home or away, I felt your presence, supporting me in everything I did. Now that I’m a parent, I’m even more aware of the sacrifices you made for me. I can only now truly appreciate the strength of the love you have given me all of these years. As time goes on, I know your example has empowered me to be the best parent I can be. Because of you, I’m able to give my kids the same priceless gift that you gave me: Yourself."

Really good Mothers day e card?

i want to sent my mom a mothers day e card one that moves and sings or plays music with people or something moving.

what are some good sites for those

Really good Mothers day e card?
Reply:the yahoo e cards are good and they offer a few that are free. I found one with 4 dancing and singing babies singing happy happy mother's day happy happy mother's day.... it was cute and my mom liked it. I think the site is But I'm not sure about that. Just go to yahoo and search for e cards.

Flowers to future mother in law for mothers day??

My fiance and I decided to send mothers day cards and flowers as a couple. He said sending seperate cards seperated/divided us and that we were now getting married and should be doing things jointly, which I agree with.

Just wanted some others opinions, is it ok that I sent flowers to my future MIL and my mother from both my fiance and I? Or should I have waited until I am officially her DIL and he is my moms SIL?

Flowers to future mother in law for mothers day??
Sending flowers is a wonderful jester and I agree with your fiance. Your a couple committed to each other so it's perfectly ok to send flowers together. It's never to early to build stronger bonds with your families.
Reply:It is never a bad thing to do something that you mean from the heart.

If it was done to win "points" with either mom then no it should not have been done.

If it was done because you both truly just wanted to do something nice and kind for the women that love you it is not wrong!
Reply:Of course not.....I think its a great idea for the both of you to send Flowers to both your moms as a couple.....You are already together and engaged so you shouldn't feel werid about it. I know both your mom's will be very happy so go for it....

Best wishes....Happy's Mother's Day to Both your Mom's...

Good Luck on your wedding as well.........
Reply:I think that is a wonderful idea. Plus it will show everyone that you 2 are serious about getting married.
Reply:relax...its fine
Reply:Yes, wait til you are officially her DIL.
Reply:No, your fiance had a great idea that saved you a little expense and showed unity of the two of you. I think it's great that your future MIL got flowers and a card from you as well as her son.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
Reply:just send her flowers as a couple and what the big deal
Reply:no i think thats is a good thing
Reply:Thats a good idea. I wish I had thought of it. Now I feel like I should have done the samething.
Reply:no i think this is great idea!it shows unity between the two of you and lets them know you are a couple and both are wanting to celebrate with them.
Reply:I agree with the soon to be husband...why not...I don't see how this could be a "bad thing"...You sound like a great dil already...
Reply:Oh definitely send as a couple. He wants to with his mom and unless you think your mother would find it odd, then it shouldn't be a problem. It's nice to receive a mother's day sentiment from someone even if their not related to you and your pretty much already there.

How do i set up one of those gift cards that are like credit cards to give to my mom for mothers day?

she got one from somebody one time and said she loved it and i want to get her another one how would i go about doing this?

How do i set up one of those gift cards that are like credit cards to give to my mom for mothers day?
You can get a Visa, MasterCard or other gift card at any major bank. You choose the card value you want, and it can be used in any store that accepts credit cards.
Reply:I'm not real sure about it being like a credit card, but almost every store now offers gift cards in any amount you want...from Victoria's Secret, Wal-mart, Pet Smart, Bed, Bath %26amp; Beyond, Hallmark, Books-A-Million, etc. But if you want it to just have an amount on it that you can use anywhere, I'm not real sure about that, perhaps at your bank or thru one of the credit card companies, like Visa or Mastercard. Hope you find it, good luck. And what a sweet idea.
Reply:Many banks and some malls offer them.

Google "visa gift card" for more information


Thoughtful things to say in a mothers day card?

Last year I wrote in my mom's, "Thanks for putting up with me. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." There may be more sentimental things than that, but my mom loved it.

Thoughtful things to say in a mothers day card?
tell her how much you love and respect her. also maybe thank her for an important lesson she taught you.or for giving you life in the first place. Geeze........shouldn't be that difficult to come up with something!

What do you think of my what i put in my mothers day card??

tell me anything i should add or take out ect. thanks :)


To the best mom ever :)

We have done alot of yelling and arguing these last couple years, but in the end we always make up and your always there for me. Thanks for everything, i love you and happy mothers day:) have a good one

What do you think of my what i put in my mothers day card??
I like what you wrote.
Reply:Its very daughter gave me a card today....early, that said " I love you" and nothing else. I feel cheated. Your card is nice....hey, here's something to add " Mom,you are always right, therefore, I am not going to fight with you ever again, and I will never raise my voice, and I will clean my room and hang up my clothes because I love you so dang much" How's that? hello? hello? ok, wishful thinking, but pls tell my daughter to write the above in her card, ok? thx
Reply:Hi Mom! It's your day!! Just a note to say, while we've had our differences, I've always known you are here for me. I love you more than these feeble words can express. I just wanted you to know that 'everyday' in my eyes, is Mother's Day. You are a part of me and I am a part of you___

........That's a good thing.

(I love you.)
Reply:I think it is nice. Might want to check the grammar though, it's "you're" not "your"
Reply:honest at least. i guess it is good to butter them up.

What can I write in a mothers day card?

Im looking for something short,but sweet that is a little bit cheesy,but not very.

im going to end the card with:

Love, [my name].

im kinda looking for a poem...

please no stupid answers.

What can I write in a mothers day card?
Dear Mother....

You filled my days with rainbow lights,

Fairytales and sweet dream nights,

A kiss to wipe away my tears,

Gingerbread to ease my fears.

Happy Mother's Day!

Love,[your name]


Dear Mom,

My Mother, my friend so dear

throughout my life you're always near.

A tender smile to guide my way

You're the sunshine to light my day.

Happy Mother's Day!

Love, [your name]


Dear Mom,

In her eyes

the look of loving,

In her smile

The warmth of caring.

In her hands

the touch of comfort,

In her heart

the gift of sharing.

Happy Mother's Day!

Love,[your name]
Reply:To one who bears the sweetest name, and adds luster to the same. Who shares my joys who cheers when sad, the greatest Friend i ever had. Long life to her for there's no other, to take the place of my dear mother. Have a good day.
Reply:Go to and type in mothers day poems and you can pick the one you want
Reply:For everything you do for me

Especially the things that I don't see

For all the special times we share

For letting me know you're always there

Thank-you Mom! are the greates in the world
Reply:Mom your the best!!
Reply:i love u mom...

No fathers day cards from school! Why?

I picked my daughter up from school last Friday expecting her to have made me a Fathers Day card, as her class made cards for Mothers Day . But, NO CARD!!!.

I understand that because a few of the children are illegitimate or their parents are no longer together, cards for us dads are not made. As all the children were obviously "fathered" is this an example of PC rubbish invading our lives again?

What if my wife was no longer present, could I object to Mothers Day cards being made? I would not object to the other children making cards if this was the case.

No fathers day cards from school! Why?
Go to the school and kick the feminist left wing whores between the legs.
Reply:becuz the skool year is really over no one does arts and crafts they r 2 busy tryin 2 get out of skool
Reply:I suggest taking it up with the principal or school borad. They should make both mother's day and father's day cards, or no cards at all.

I know that my dad would throw a fit, if that happened at my school. When I was in the grades that made cards we would make fathers day cards, even though school ended a good 2 weeks before fathers day.

Hope this helps!!!! :~)
Reply:How long before we cannot mention pancake day because some tribes in Africa do not use pans.

When will it be that we carnt celebrate birthdays because we cannot offend those who are born on the 29th of February ( leap year )

What are we? a bunch of bloody cry babies?

Its OK though were still allowed to go to war and kill each other, LOL. Makes me sick!
Reply:i totally 100% respect your question. i have a 5 year old son at school and a 6 yrar old daughter at schol also and for mothers day i got 2 beautiful pop up cards and a clay plaque with my sons hand print in. but for fathers day the school did absolutely nothing for dads not even a small card(which would take all of 10 mins to do if they were short of time). i was disgusted with the little they obviously think of the dads at the school.i aslo felt sad for the children as on fathers day they had nothing to give him and it upset them that school did nothing with them. luckily i went out and bought a small gift for him from them but thats not the point.dads nowadays have equal rights so theres absolutely no excuse. i am very sorry about this and it has got me so het up im going to ask the teachers tomorow why they couldnt be bothered with fathers day when they went to such a big effort for mothers day. ill tell you what they say xx
Reply:That is pretty funny. Hahahaha. sort of sad too though.

Anyway, I know that when I was little school let out before Father's Day so my mother had us make cards at home. But that is pretty crappy that they didn't make a card when your daughter was in school.
Reply:I think it's less about offending the parents than upsetting the children who have absent fathers.

My son's at pre-school and they always do something for Mother's Day but never anything for Father's Day.
Reply:coz most kids in america dont have a father and they dont wanna upset anyone
Reply:That is a very good question. As a widowed single father, whose first grade daughter is without a mother, I could see where it might be very awkward for a child, who has lost his or her father in the recent past, to make a card for their deceased father. My daughter's class was assigned to make mother's day cards, and it was very painful for me and my daughter.

Why must you make a political statement out of someone else's pain? You don't know the reasons why a class did not make you a father's day card. How selfish and petty can you get? I am guessing, as I alluded to previously, that perhaps a widowed mother who recently lost her husband requested that no father's day cards be made to avert any pain for the child.
Reply:I think its because most children live with their mothers these days as i read something about something like 48 percent of fathers dont live or are with the family =[
Reply:Some schools do not have good ideas anymore I know my dad and mum both looked forward to their cards too.

shoe buckles

What shoud I write in a mothers day card?

You could begin with the following.."Mom I love you and want to thank you for all that you have done for me.and i want you to know that all your kind gestures are appreciated. thank you for being the best and most beautiful mom in the world."...and go on to add all the personalized info, you see.and end of by saluting the wonderful woman that she is.

best of luck.


What shoud I write in a mothers day card?
It's for your mom right, not a mother-in-law? Then tell her how much you appreciate all she has done for you growing up and what an accomplished person you have turned out to be beacuse of her guidance and support.

Of course this only applies if you really do appreciate all she has done! Mom's want to be noted for all the hard work they do. They want the "I'm doing what's best for you" to really end up being true! So if it has tell her.
Reply:tell her how you feel!
Reply:Whatever comes from the heart
Reply:Do I really look like the postman?

I need some cool sayings/phrases for a mothers' day card?

Mom, I love you

You're the best

I'm glad you're my mom

Thank you for being there

Thank you for all of the things you do

I appreciate you

I need some cool sayings/phrases for a mothers' day card?
But in fact, did you prepare anything for your mother?
Reply:Roses are Red,

Violets Are Blue,

I Have (Fill in this Space) Issues,

Thanks to You.
Reply:mom you're worth more then all the precious jewels and diamonds in the world to me.but the one a mother lones to hear is ....I LOVE YOU MOM...and just don't say it it ofter cause mothers won't always be with us.GOD holds caring,kind and loving mothers above everything can find that in the BIBLE. look it up in the index of your BIBLE. and i want to take the time and thank you now for being a child that i think really loves your mom.
Reply:She is you're mother, not ours.

What real meaning is there in it if you use someone else's thoughts or words?

Use you're own!
Reply:do an accrostic poem





"Happy Mother's Day" means more

Than have a happy day.

Within those words lie lots of things

We never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,

Then thanks for all you do.

It means you mean a lot to me,

And that I honor you.

But most of all, I guess it means

That I am thinking of

Your happiness on this, your day,

With pleasure and with love.

i like that poem! OH YA:

your kind and sweet

i hate your feet

Your very funny

i need your money

Happy mothers day

Its time to pay

Ok that poem was horrible but its just something fun i made up!

Name on Mothers day card: Transsexual.?

Hay I need some opinions: should I pit my nasty old Male name on my Mother’s Day (which is tomorrow if any one who is celebrating and forgot) card or my nice new Girl name? It is a group card me and my brother (he knows about me) what name do I put down?

Name on Mothers day card: Transsexual.?
Which ever one you feel most comfortable with. :)

Sorry about all the trolls. Ugh.
Reply:How long has it been since you transitioned? Does your mother know? what name does she call you now?

I guess all that would depend on what you put on the card.

My mother didnt speak to me for 3 and a half years once I announced I was transitioning from female to male. She is speaking to me now, but it took her a long time to use my new name. Its still hard for her sometimes but she has made the effort and I appreciate that.

Dont push too soon if you havent transitioned that long. It takes a long time for us to get used to our children changing- I am trans but if one of my kids did it Ive no doubt Id find it hard just like my own mother.
Reply:yes, does your mother know? is she comfortable using your proper name?

I recived and gave mothers day gifts, using my name, I legally changed it a while ago.. it's not legal for me to use the name I was given at birth.

How to make a mothers day card for free on the computer? has some free cards

for shoe lasts

Need e-cards for mothers' day, extremely nice ones?

You can try

Need e-cards for mothers' day, extremely nice ones?

Had 2 miscarriages and mothers day?

I have been ttc for 5 years now. I have had 2 m/c. The last one was just 2 months ago. (still getting over it....*sigh*) Anyway my question is...women tell me all the time that I am a mother and they send me mothers day cards and flowers. They being sweet and I love them for that, but I don't know how I feel about it. Do you think that a women who has had a m/c and has no childern is still a mother? I would love your thoughts. :)

Had 2 miscarriages and mothers day?
To me you are a mother. A woman who has known the amazement of being pregnant is a mother. To have known that joy and lost it is something any other mother would give the world to be able to make that hurt go away. I think that's why you get the cards and flowers.
Reply:No question.

Whether your child passes a few weeks after conception or a few weeks after retirement, a mother never ceases to be a mother.

Celebrate the lives of your children, however brief they may have been, and the joys they brought you in the days you knew them... in whatever way best suits you.

Know that my family and I will be praying for you and your children -- those you've known, and those you may yet.

Much love and grace to you today.
Reply:I 100% agree that you are a mother. I've had a miscarriage and even though my baby is not in my arms or in my belly, I have experienced the joy of being pregnant, as well as the heartache of losing that child, even if he was just 8 weeks old in the womb.
Reply:I don't know I think it is nice but I would have to say no cuz technically you aren't a mother until you have a child but It's nice anyway and if its ok with you then sure you can still be sort of a mother I mean why not?
Reply:you are a mother once you get pregnant no matter what it was your child..thats the way i feel..
Reply:not really...but that is so sweet!!!!!!
Reply:I so feel for you! I have come to learn that after conception losing a child is losing a child no matter what stage you are in because the love you feel is the same. I gave birth to twins on march 31st this year, and they weren't due til july. Both my baby boy and girl died. I am having the same problem I have been getting calls and texts all day today and yeah it does make a person sad because i sit here and think jesus is taking care of my kids so how am i the mother? I think that if you feel like a mom and i bet you did if those miscarriages hurt you emotionally (i say that cuz i know people who have went oh well i had a miscarriage no big deal) then you are totally a mom. you loved that baby, you cared about that baby, and you are the one always going to be wondering what they would of looked liked, if they would of been boys or girls, and would you of cried their first day of school. To me that makes you just as good of a mother as the lady down the street with 4 kids she sees everyday. Just cuz ur babies aren't with you does not mean your not a mom thats what i have been hearing all day so i thought i would pass it on.

Should I get my boyfriends mom a mothers day card/gift??

We've been going out for 3 years.. I get his mom stuff for her birthday and christmas likewise she does for me, but I just found out that my boyfriends younger brother's gf is getting their mom a mothers day gift and they've only been going out for 6 months. Should I get her something now too or just let it go?

Should I get my boyfriends mom a mothers day card/gift??
A card would be nice or maybe some flowers- something small just to let her know that you are thinking of her, because she will not expect anything-- but don't forget your own mother !!!!!

a card would be nice.

not something like major


just something little.

Reply:yep, you have to get her something, she will be looking for your gift , and maybe comparing too, so make sure it's a good one. good luck
Reply:maybe a card and some cute flowers like mums (a classic mothers day plant)

or a card and a starbucks gift card.
Reply:oh yea fore sure, no cash lol and a card would be great.
Reply:Everyone right!

treat her like you would treat your mom!
Reply:YES. if its been that long then go for it
Reply:YEAH WHY NOT! she wil like u even moreeeeeee!

Anyone know any realy nice verses / poems for a mothers day card?

"Happy Mother's Day" means more

Than have a happy day.

Within those words lie lots of things

We never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,

Then thanks for all you do.

It means you mean a lot to me,

And that I honor you.

But most of all, I guess it means

That I am thinking of

Your happiness on this, your day,

With pleasure and with love.

Anyone know any realy nice verses / poems for a mothers day card?
roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so are you

happy mothers day

Graphics software

Whats something simple i could right in a mothers day card??

I just want want something simple and sweet

(Not something thats actually out of a card!!)

Whats something simple i could right in a mothers day card??
Thank you for being there for me and loving me unconditionally. You are the best mother a person could have and although I might not always show it, I love and appreciate you every day.

How to find free mother's day cards?

They say the best cards are the ones you make yourself!! that what i do, and my mom loves it! seriously it shows that you put more of an effort in on your moms special day!!!


How to find free mother's day cards?
Best thing to do is make one. It's free and your own creativity and home made cards are the best ones you can ever find :}
Reply:Make one. Or send an e-card.

What should i write on the inside of a mothers day card i made for my mom?

i want it to be something cute, like a cute little saying or whatever you can think of :P

What should i write on the inside of a mothers day card i made for my mom?
If you want something cute, how about a little poem you write yourself? You know your mom, what makes her laugh?

"Roses are red, violets are blue,

You're my mother, let's go buy some shoes."
Reply:you should write something nice like...

Dear Mom...

I hope you have a wonderful mothers day. i love you as my mother, i respect you as a woman, %26amp; i trust you as my friend. You mean so much to me and im so luck to have you. I love you very much.

Happy Mothers Day.


Reply:Mommy, I love you

For all that you do.

I'll kiss you and hug you

'Cause you love me, too.

You feed me and need me

To teach you to play,

So smile 'cause I love you

On this Mother's Day.

My, how your life has been taken over!

Oceans have flooded your once urbane hours,

Testing with tumult the limits of joy.

How restlessly rapt your ubiquitous rover,

Eagerly poised on the brink of her powers,

Reaching for all a quick mind might employ!

Mid such sweet turmoil, seared by affection,

So may you savor your first Mother's Day.

Depths are designed for delight, not protection,

As passions sweep over the slightest objection,

Yielding a grace that will have its own way.
Reply:Try this out:

For you mom

with all of my love

have a nice day

during your special time

ILY ( I Love You ) with a heart.

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?
Im not gonna do ya work for u but heres an idea. Start off with a story about how she raised you through all the years. And then finish with how proud she is seeing all the effort she put into your life That now you can take care of ya own and do all the things she taught u. Thats wat i would do but write it from your heart. Hope this helps.

graffiti tags

Would you still send her a mothers day card?

my mum and i had a massive row the other day resulting in both of us hurling horrible insults at each other, its not the first time it's happened an its always my mother who starts it by putting me down all the time like im a child when im 28 with 2 kids nearly, i feel sad as we just dont get on, shoudl i still send her a card even tho she said she doensn't want anythin form me??

Would you still send her a mothers day card?
I would. My mother died when I was 19 and even though I did not always agree with her, and some things she did were downright abusive, I still wish she was here. You never know when she might be gone. If you give her the card then at least you will have done all you can do to mend fences and say I love you.
Reply:My mother and I fight all the time. She always tells me that I don't know what I am talking about even if she doesn't know what she is talking about. It is ridiculous. But she is my mother and even though we fight every time we see each other, I still love her. I couldn't imagine not getting her a card at least for mother's day. Even if she says she doesn't want anything she would probably feel a lot better with one sent to her.
Reply:yes, kill her with kindness, and always remember she is the only mother you will ever have.
Reply:you admit it's both of you.

she says she doesn't want anything from you, but sense i'm a mom, I suspect in her heart, she always will want something.

It's up to you and how you feel when your walking by the Mothers Day cards. If your heart isn't going pitter-patter then you know you won't be buying one.

I need help to write a great mothers day card?

What would u put on this mothers day letter/card?

ok I’m 16 almost 17 I’m NOT pregnant . I have to write a letter to me for my first mothers day as a mother and then turn it in and then give it to my mom so that she can give it to me when ever I have a kid hopefully not soon. It has to be at lest 250 words and I have no clue what the future me would want to hear .and I kind of want to talk about my self now ... like write me a letter for the future u get it '

what would u put? it is for a project grade

I am basically writing a mothers day card to my future self for when I have my first kid!

I need help to write a great mothers day card?
Write what's in your heart. You could remind yourself of what your ideas today are of being a mom and compare them to when you really are a mom. Or things that you don't want to do or say when you're a mother. Good luck.

Is this a good Mothers Day card?

As you know Mothers Day is coming up and do you think this is a good Mothers Day card? Its supposed to be funny, is it funny?

Is it good?

Should I change it?

Please tell me your thoughts!

Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear Mom Say

10. "Because I said so...Okay, you got me. That is a pretty lame excuse."

9. "Are you going out like that? How do you expect to land a man if you don't show off the goods?"

8. "I thought we could use some bonding time. Let's get out navels pierced."

7. "Curfew, smerfew. Just be home by the time your father wakes up in the morning."

6. "No, you can't have a beer. Finish that bottle of cheap wine you opened first."

5. "Don't bother picking that up. I was put on this earth to be your maid."

4. "No clean underwear? Can't you just go without them today?"

3. "As long as you're under my roof, you can pretty much do whatever you want."

2. "Take these scissors to your dad now. Run!"


"This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me!"

Happy Mother's Day to someone who always knows the right thing to say.

Is this a good Mothers Day card?
I am a mom and I think its good.
Reply:2 thumbs up =D
Reply:i love it but the people next to me believe that it could be offensive and one of then just so happens to be a mom
Reply:i think it's awsome!!!

Should i buy my sister (mother of 2) a mothers day card/gift?

I think that would be very sweet! I would love it if my sister or brother gave me a card for Mother's day.

Should i buy my sister (mother of 2) a mothers day card/gift?
If you are seeing your sister on Mother's Day along with your mom, then by all means, give her something. Make it inexpensive like a box of candy. I wouldn't give her the same thing every year. But, if you are not seeing her, you could always send her a one of those musical Mothers Day cards. That would suffice for a sister.
Reply:Yes you should. Also if she has been a good friend to you for a really long time you should at least get her a card. Plus why would you ask people on advice wether you should give ur sister a gift. You should be able to know and not depend on others because giving someone a card means you really respect them. So you should
Reply:no I think you should buy your mom something and lt her own kids get her something....however......if they are not old enough i think buying her something would be nice
Reply:One of my friends is getting her sister something.


If i want to go to make a mothers day card on my computer, where do i go online?

There are a bunch of ones for free...

How does this sound on a mothers day card?

dear mum

happy mothers day! you are the greatest mother in the world, you honestly mean the world to me, you are just a super duper awesome mum.

you mean to much to me, i love you to the moon and back a million times! words can not express how much you mean to me and how much i care about you!


what you think

what else can i add

or take

or fix?

How does this sound on a mothers day card?
Reply:I like it! You sound sincere. What you have sounds great but if you're looking to add more you might want to thank her for something specific like taking care of you when you were ill/ sick, rescuing from bad decision, or perhaps for the great cookies and milk she made served up with a smile
Reply:You have too many mean's and me's and the second mean too much to me is misspelt and should probably read 'mean so much to me' anyway... Cheers, give your mum a kiss from me...
Reply:if thats how you feel about your mum and you are happy with what you wrote, then leave it as is
Reply:is it's written 4m d heart..then leave it as it is

your mom will surely appreciate it!

Can some one translate this in Spanish for me for Mother's day cards I am making?

"What Is a Mother?"

Cover Verse:

What Is

a Mother?

It's the good advice,

the helping hand,

the words of comfort, too,

It's all the warm

and thoughtful things

she takes the time to do...

Inside Verse:

It's these little gifts

of love she gives

throughout a busy day

That make a mother

far more dear

than any words can say.

I never can repay you, Mom,

for all the things you've done,

I can only love you

more and more

for each and every one!

Can some one translate this in Spanish for me for Mother's day cards I am making?
Qué es

una madre?

Es los buenos consejos

la mano amiga

las palabras que consuelan, también

Es todas las cosas cariñosas

y atentas

que toma el tiempo para hacer

Son los pequeños regalos

de amor que da

a lo largo de un dia ocupado

que hacen que una madre

sea más querida/apreciada/estimada

que cualquier palabra pueda expresar

Nunca te podré pagar, mamá

por todas las cosas que has hecho

Solo te puedo querer

más y más

por cada una!

Unfortunately it doesn't rhyme though, is that okay? It's pretty much an exact translation, to make it rhyme I think I'd have to change it a bit. :)
Reply:Que es una madre?

Que es

una madre?

Es el consejo bueno,

la mano ayudando,

palabras consoladoras, tambien,

Es las cosas calurosas

y consideradas

que ella toma tiempo que hacer...

Es los regalitos

de amor que ella da

entre un dia occupado

que hacen una madre

mucha mas preciosa

que cualquieres palabras podrian contar.

Nunca te podria reembolsar, mama

por las cosas que has hecho.

Solamente te puedo amar

mas y mas

por cada una.
Reply:Que es un Madre?

Que es

un madre?

Es los consejos buenos,

sorry that's my skill range....
Reply:yoyo me gusta cesped y espero que llave tu cabezaaaaa
Reply:¿Qué Es una Madre? Es el consejo bueno, la mano auxiliar, las palabras del consuelo, también, Son todas las

cosas tibias y pensativas que ella toma el tiempo de hacer...

El Verso interior:

Es éstos regalos pequeños de amor que ella da a través de un día ocupado Que hace a una madre mucho más

estimada que cualquier palabra puede decir.

¡Yo nunca le puedo devolver, la Mamá, para todas las cosas que usted ha hecho, yo sólo le puedo adorar cada

vez más para cada y cada uno!
Reply:Qué es una Madre?

Es el buen consejo,

la mano que ayuda,

las palabras de consuelo,

también, todas las cosas calidas y atentas

que se dedica a hacer.

Son esos pequeños regalos de amor que nos da

durante un día ocupado

lo que hacen a una Madre tan querida

que no se puede expresar con ninguna palabra.

Nunca podré pagarte Mamá,

todas las cosas que haz hecho.

Solo puedo amarte más y más por todas y cada una de ellas!

It makes totally sense in spanish.

Reply:ainsley gave you a beautiful answer. The other answers are unfortunately not right.
Reply:"cuál es una madre?" Verso De la Cubierta: ¿Cuál es una madre? Es el buen consejo, la mano que ayuda, las palabras de la comodidad, también, él es todas las cosas calientes y pensativas que ella toma la época de hacer... Verso Interior: Es estos pequeños regalos del amor que ella da a través de un día ocupado que hacen una madre más querido lejano que cualquier palabra puede decir. ¡Nunca puedo compensarle, Mamá, para todas las cosas que usted ha hecho, puedo amar solamente le más y más para cada!
Reply:here we go...

¿Qué es una madre?

¿Qué es

una madre?

Es el buen consejo

cuando necesitas ayuda

las palabras que te reconfortan, también

Es todo lo caliente

Y las cosas consideradas

que ella se dedica a hacer...

Son estos pequeños regalos

de amor que te da

durante un día ajetreado

que hace de una madre

más que cariñosa

que cualquier palabra

Nunca podré compensarte, mama

por todas las cosas que has hecho

Sólo puedo amarte

más y más

por cada y todas ellas
Reply:¿Cuál es una madre?

¿Cuál es una madre? Es el buen consejo, la mano que ayuda, las palabras de la comodidad, también, él es todas las cosas calientes y pensativas que ella toma la época de hacer...

Es estos pequeños regalos del amor que ella da a través de un día ocupado que hacen una madre más querido lejano que cualquier palabra puede decir.

¡Nunca puedo compensarle, Mamá, para todas las cosas que usted ha hecho, puedo amar solamente le más y más para cada!

Mothers Day Card Crisis?

hey guys over the years i've realized making a mothers day card is more meaningful then buying one, caz then 1/5% of the mothers get the same boring message! So i made my mom a cute card with hearts and everything but well now comes the crisis i wanna put in a poem!

and well most of the poems on the internet are trashy!

so please you gguys help me out to think of a poem for my mom, i wanna let her know that i would be nothing without her by my side, that im really greatful shes my mother, and that i really truely love her to death!

So please guys help me out!

Mothers Day Card Crisis?
A mother came into my life

slowly without my knowing

in all things everyway good

And as I grew I knew her more-

friend, confidante, confessor,

ally, cheerleader but especially

as Mom.

u r the bomb

theres no other mom like u

and this is true

uve been there 4 me all my life

no wonder daddy wanted to b ur wife

i love u very dearly to my heart

and ive always from the start

and i just wanted to say.....

Reply:I just finished mine if you want to read it:


Moms are there to help us through the bad dreaming

You were there through the kicking and the screaming

Moms helped us tie our shoes

And count by twos

Moms got us here and there

Even when we where elsewhere

Mom we love how you make us feel happy when we’re down

Even if it means acting like a clown

Moms you’ve been there though the laughs and the tears

You always said, “I am all ears.”

You sat through the yelling and the fighting

But in the end you where there still loving

Moms were there for the breakups and make ups even if they didn’t want to be

We screamed and shouted in glee

Over shoes and books and a lot of other things

Even though we all know none of you can sing

You always hit the right note

With the advice you gave from your favorite quote

Mom, I love how you are here

Mom, I love that you are near

Mom, I love how I am just like you

I hate that I cry when I’m really happy but at the same time I love it

I love the shoes you wear

And the close you I act like I can barley bare.

You did all this and you got a thank you

But for those things you should get much of what we knew

That we will always love you

Remember these words that I say to you

I love you mom and I will always stay

On any day, especially Mother’s Day

choosing shoe horns

Mothers Day Card help....?

This is my wifes first Mothers day. I bought a giant card and I want to put my sons hand prints and foot prints on the card. What type of ink/paint can I use to cover my baby's hands and feet with that will suit this task and easily wipe off?

Mothers Day Card help....?
crayola washable finger paints are good......... or the best way i have found and easiest to clean up is go buy the crayola color wonder markers and a pack of the plain special color wonder paper..... color the baby's hands and feet one at a time with the marker and then stamp it on the paper. color wonder markers are invisible markers until they get on the special paper then the color appears.... extremely easy to use and clean up. also all crayola products are made non toxic so they are safe to use.

they also have color wonder finger paints, but they're kind of greasy, but still work well but quite a bit harder to clean up.
Reply:Ah, that's a fabulous and sweet idea!! Any normal ink pad (like they use at the hospital when recording the foot print) will work just fine. They are made non-toxic and generally easy to wipe off with a simple baby wipe as long as you wipe it off right after use.

I think you have a great idea!! Good luck and happy Mother's Day to your wife.
Reply:You could use paints that are designed for children and are safe....they're usually water-based and easily washable. Maybe try Crayola finger paints....just make sure you check the labels first to see if they're water-based, non-toxic, and washable.

What a nice idea by the way!! Very thoughtful!!!
Reply:just look for some childrens paints because that way you know they are safe and dont contain chemicals or anything else that would irritate your child good luck and by the way i think that is a very sweet idea what you are planning to do x
Reply:how sweet! try the options above! =) good luck!
Reply:poster paint

What is a good saying or poem for a mothers day card?!?

I LOVE YOU MOTHER, you are my everything, without you I won't be here in this wonderful world, thanks and I like to be your child in all my next seven births..

What is a good saying or poem for a mothers day card?!?
Here are a few of my favorites, i hope you like!

'Thank you, God, for pretending not to notice that one of your angels is missing and for guiding her to me. You must have known how much i would need her, so you turned your head for a minute and allowed her to slip away to me. Sometimes i wonder what special name you had for her. I call her 'Mother.''

'God can't always be everywhere, and so he created mothers.'
Reply:roses are red

voilets are blue

mothers are the best

and so are you!
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Christian Poem for Mothers Day

Mothers Day Poems for Children

Funny Mothers Day Poem

Short Mothers Day Poem

Poems for Mom


Poems about Nan

Poem to Mother from Daughter

Poem for Grandmothers

Poems about My Love for Mom

African American Mother Day Poems
Reply:Ont the front of the card get a picture of flowers and right underneath them

if mothers were like flowers.....

And insinde the card right

I'd pick YOU!!!!

Color own greeting cards for mothers day?

Yes, but don't stop there. Use stickers, ribbons, velum, etc.

Go to Google and type in Mother's Day quotes. You can add a quote or two to the card.

Color own greeting cards for mothers day?
Absolutely! You can create a card that is one of a kind. How can your mum not appreciate something you have spent time and thought on!
Reply:home made cards have more meaning than bought ones

Reply:ok, go ahead, have fun

Making a mothers day card...?

My dad is making me make a mothers day card for my grandma and he wants it to be "smart" and "original". i need help with what to put on the cover and on the inside where everyone signs it. can someone help out? thanks!

Making a mothers day card...?
Reply:love picture

choosing loops

Mothers Day Card?

A woman is pregnant with her first baby. Her birthday falls on Mothers Day. She is not due to have the baby until after Mothers Day. She wants a Mothers Day card. Should her husband buy her one?

Mothers Day Card?
if there is a baby who has arms legs and a face then she is a mother weather the baby is in her stomach or out side of her. the baby is life and breathing so yes mothers day card. defenetly god bless all of you
Reply:NO be better to celebrate her and the baby can b celebrated when hes born.........why does she even want a mothers day card thats wierd and if th husband doesnt want to get it it makes it even sadder......... a b-day card should be fine
Reply:That would be up to the husband, but, she is not a mother until her baby is born.
Reply:if he loves her and she really wants one then yes because the baby is not born yet does not change the fact she is a mom
Reply:yes i think it is a sweet gesture to make her feel special right before she is having her baby.
Reply:yes he should because she is a mother.and that would be stupid if he didnt.

Mothers Day card, Any Ideas??

I would like to make my mum a mothers day card this year as i don't have enough money to buy one.

Any ideas??

Is there any websites where you can make them on, and get templates etc??

Thanks :)

Mothers Day card, Any Ideas??
go to

here u can find some stuff to write down and to make also for ur card
Reply:Put "Jackie Lawson" into Google - the cards are super!
Reply:Go to I think you can create a new account and make one free electronic card.


Beat this for a mothers day card?

Beat this for a mother"s day card?

a Gibson doubleneck that opens up with a message made it out of card stock beat that!

Beat this for a mothers day card?
Supper gift bet mother love it.Speacial things are hand made, means more than buying a gift. good job.
Reply:Thank for your card, it was nice to think about mothers'day.

What do you think of the mothers day card ban?

just lookin for a general opinion of what people think. personally i think the teacher was right. dont take this too personally just lookin for opinions .

What do you think of the mothers day card ban?
Have to agree - I can't imagine anything more painful for a child than being reminded that they don't have a mummy. I noticed someone suggested that they could make cards for their guardian or Dad - clearly this person does not remeber what it is to be a child. Nobody is suggesting banning Mothers Day but maybe school is not the place for it.
Reply:I thought it was a PC crazy thing at first, then I read the article.

The women has a point. Not sure how many kids are involved, but if there's 200 in the school that 10 kids who will be feeling a lot of pain on Mothers day.
Reply:This headteacher must have to much time on her hands to come up with this bulls**t.
Reply:First i have heard of this

The thing is there has always been children in school who`s mother`s had passed away

i know there were in my school days

But that didn`t stop us doing mothers day cards

At a teacher`s discretion those children could make their card for a dad or grandparents
Reply:I think the teacher was 100% right, I have never sent a mothers day card in my life as I didn't have one to send one to. so what are the motherless children supposed to do in class whilst 20 happy children are painting flowers and writing " I love you mummy" ? This teacher sounds like a very compassionate woman. is a tough one, i guess kids without any mums dont need reminding all the time! but at the same time its not fair on kids who have mums
Reply:Typical teacher trying to place their personal views on the innocent kids. My daughter grew up without her father (he was an abusive man) and she never, ever once felt deprived or hurt on Fathers Day. She wasn't that thin skinned.

If I were the father of a kid at that school I would want her head on a plate for dictating what my child can and cannot do concerning her mother. After all, kids may not have either parent for a variety of reasons:




Unknown parent


None of these reasons are good enough for a child not to be able to make a card, the choice should have been for the guardian parent to decide. This world is getting crazier and more stupid by the day.....
Reply:Stupid idea....You cannot stop so many children who do have amother from amking them a card....I feel for those who dont but the numbers are less then these that have.......Let then make a gramdmothers day card or something different, or even they should have asked the kids wether they minded.....
Reply:Who would initiate the ban? Just don't buy one, and encourage everyone you know not to buy one. I'm sure your mother would understand.
Reply:I lost my lovly mam in May so i know how hard mothers day is going to be but no i dont think it should be banned for those who still have a mum.
Reply:don`t agree they can send to whoever looks after them
Reply:new to me
Reply:I do not agree.
Reply:never heard of it.
Reply:I think its silly really, kids without mums can do father or granny cards instead.
Reply:Absolutely ridiculous. I can see the point but it seems to me that children are losing out on a lot of activities these days due to fear of upsetting other children or fear of parents suing schools/clubs for injurys incurred. Where will it all end - children will be banned from talking in schools to avoid saying something that will upset another child!


What Are Good Ideas on Cards For Mothers Day!?

ok look im running out of ideas, i used to just make my mom normal cards but a few years back i started coming up with new ideas, like last year i tricked her into buying me poster board for a "school project" but i had no project and at night i made it into a giant card for my mom, i cant think of any new creative ideas for a greeting and i dont want to do the same old card! (i'm spenindg 100 dollars on her prsent and taking her out to diiner and doing breakfast in bed in case it helps) Any suggestins on how to make a card like thingy, i remember one year i was going to make a powerpoint put it on a jump drive and give it to her so that shed have to open it and a powerppoint with like 10 slides would pop up for er but i decided im going to do that for my dad on fathers day, so any sugestiong like that?

What Are Good Ideas on Cards For Mothers Day!?
Go on google, yahoo, AOL etc.

Type in free mothers day e-cards.

Then find one you like, and make your own.

Use the idea/phrase whatever. Then make your own personal touch. Like rose petals glued on it. Maybe a picture of you. Maybe a picture of you and her. Or a "family" picture.

You sound creative, so just use this idea, and run with IT.

P.S. you are a great kid. Asking your mom out for dinner, and giving her breakfast in bed!

It is sad to say, but I hear very few things about good kids!

But you raised, my "good kid" rating tonight!

I Hope you and your mom have a great day on Sunday!

Ideas on Mother's day cards to make in nursery?

Any ideas for mother's day cards to make with children 3-4 yrs old. Not too hard and doesn't take long to make, as i have 50 children to get through.

Ideas on Mother's day cards to make in nursery?
the best mothers' day card i ever had was made when my childrem were small

they made handprints and the teacher had printed out something along the lines of:

you may find sticky marks everywhere now but i will soon be grown up and you may need this reminder of me when i was small
Reply:One of my favorite cards I got from my daughter when she was little was a picture of a teapot and inside was a tea bag. If I remember it said to take it easy and enjoy the tea. The teacher also put a picture of each child on the card. This was a very memorable card. One alternative to having the kids draw the teapot is to have cut-outs of teapots and all the kid has to do is glue it with a glue stick. Try it. I think they did it for mothers day.
Reply:Small paper plates, coloured tissue paper cut into 2 inch lengths, string and child friendly glue. Ask the Mums for a small photo of their child and glue this in the centre of the plate. Stick the tissue strips around the edge of the plates to make 'petals' then tape some string to the back to hang it up by. Voila! a flower Mothers day card.
Reply:you could make some cards with flowers on the front not real flowers but like out of card just cut out some petals and stuff and arange them to make a flower stick them on the front and then write inside and you are done.
Reply:Buy a pack of white plate doyleys, poke a single daffodill through the centre then fix underneath with a small elastic band. It looks like a very pretty posy.,,,Mum`s love them.
Reply:what we are doing is we have got some pot pouri the children are going to decorate flowers on the card using this it smells great and they look fantastic
Reply:Not a card but a gift for Mothers day.... On a piece of white paper say 4cm by 14cm write 'Happy Mothers Day Love from' and get the child to write his/her name...(dont forget to add the year - for future reference)

take long strips of coloured card slightly larger making a border to the paper.. say 5cm by 16cm and stick the paper to the card.

Turn over... ask the child to dip his/her thumb into coloured paint of contrasting colour near to the top in the middle...

then get the child to make more thumb prints around the one in the middle with a different coloured paint....

making a thumb print flower effect...

next get the child to draw a long green line from the flower to near the bottom of the card with felt tips pen representing the stem then add two leaves at the bottom .

Allow to dry then laminate.

A wonderful Mothers day bookmark gift.
Reply:Give them a piece of paper and let them draw a picture on it then write a quote that they said about their mom on it. Works every time. :)

Reply:Hand or foot prints on card with a Little message that can be pre- printed and then stuck on. hope it helps


Mothers day Card advice... But for another persons mom?

I realize mothers day is already a bit late, but I need to write a card to someone else's mom for tomorrow, what can you say that isn't to sentimental or mushy but still nice?

Mothers day Card advice... But for another persons mom?
Well, since you are wanting to give this woman a card there must be a reason. Just say why you are giving it to thanks for your help and support, thanks for the dinner invits, etc. Just say whatever the reason is. And good for you for being so thoughtful!
Reply:Happy Belated Mother's Day! Hope it was great! Sorry the card is late!

-Name here.
Reply:sorry the card is late! i hope you still had a GREAT day

How can I safely place babies hand print on Mothers day card ??

Any non-toxic, easily washable finger paints. Crayola would be your best bet!


How can I safely place babies hand print on Mothers day card ??
Get a clean and large sponge....then take some non toxic paint and pour some on top of the sponge and then take your babies hand and press down on the sponge...let her grab it some but not lift it.

Then take the paper...what I do to make sure I get a good print if have a piece of paper and put many different prints...then I cut out the hand prints and glue them on the card....As I will warn you 5 out of 7 times you will get half the hand...or bent fingers or other frustrating instead of doing it right on the card you have some to choose from.
Reply:Tempora paints, found at art stores or teacher supply store, they are washable and non- toxic.
Reply:I love using the new Crayola Wonder paint. It is clear and only shows up on specific paper (which you could then cut out and adhere to card). I like it because a thin layer will allow you to see the cute little wrinkles and creases in the babies hands (or feet), it is non-toxic, and it will not make a mess.
Reply:use some foundation ( or some make-up). at least you can wash it right off with some soap and water.
Reply:use washable ink stamp pads like the hospitals use..
Reply:Non-toxic washable stamp pad.

That was how I did the footprint for my birth announcements.
Reply:use non toxic water based paint, dip babies hand in, put hand on card, and TA DA! there you have it... and she will LOVE it, i promise.
Reply:Non toic paints, and or have you heard of praying hands, or memopry clay. You make a sculoture out of babys print in clay! it always turns out beautifully, all my family has don e it!
Reply:they make stamp pads that are made for this - i have found them at craft stores. otherwise any non-toxic ink pad will do. i use Avery labels (plain white full sheet) to make the handprints into a sticker. that way i can do a few different prints and choose the ones i like. oh %26amp; remember to wash it off baby right after!!

Can someone translate this Welsh from a mothers day card?

Ar Sul Y Mamau

Dymuniadau Gorau Am Ddiwrnod Fawn


Can someone translate this Welsh from a mothers day card?
On Mothering Sunday

"Best wishes for a great day." I think the last word's a typo.

It could also, therefore, be: " Best wishes for a good day."
Reply:On mother's day.

Best wishes . The next bit is incorrect with you but i can suggest this,

ar dy ddiwrnod fawr (on you'r big day)

What is a nice thing to write inside a mothers day card?

my girlfriend and her daughter have had a falling out over her drinking when she was 14.her daughter is 18 now and going to college.(close by)she has stated that she is not ready for any contact with her mom at this time.(her own words)i on the other hand feel the moms pain and would still like to give her a mothers day card as she is a mom and a very special person to alot of people.what do you say in this card?something simple.I JUST DONT KNOW!!thanks for the help.

What is a nice thing to write inside a mothers day card?
Mothers hold their children's hand for a little while, their hearts forever.

It's a reminder that children leave their mother's immediate care. They might even hurt her with their actions, but a mother and child will always be connected in heart. I hope the 18 year old grows up soon and can acknowlege and apologize for the pain she brought to her mother.
Reply:O.K.--REPEAT AFTER ME: I WILL NOT GIVE A MOTHERS DAY CARD TO ANYONE ELSE ON THIS EARTH EXCEPT MY MOTHER. getting a mothers day card from your boyfriend is creepy and wrong. don't do it.
Reply:"Dearest Mom,

For all the pain I've caused, your love has never fade.Its because of your patience, guidance and faith in me, I am a better woman today.

I can never imagine life without you for you have turned all my grey skies blue.You are my angel in disguise and I beg forgiveness from you.

You deserve more than a Mothers' Day. Hence, for everyday in my life and yours, I will love and cherish you with all my heart %26amp; soul.

Oceans of Love to you..Mom!

Forever and lovingly,

(Daughter's name) "
Reply:I would just put in the card exactly what you said...she's a very special person and you just wanted to let her know that*
Reply:Try this ...

Thank you Mother ,for all you've done ,

To help me along the way ,

I'm not sure what lies ahead ,

But to know a mother's love, is to understand a mother's heart .

One that shows ,love and compassion, and instills wisdom

with a little humor each day .

Faith and hope and trust in me , each step of the way ..

A safe and healthy path ,,

My Mother dear,

May your life be filled with happiness

And each day blessed from above ......
Reply:"I know a person can only try so hard...and maybe you've tried as hard as you can...(blah blah blah) (something about her daughter being there) then maybe say " " Somebody just needs a push..."

Sorry..I dont think its MUCH help but its a few sentances maybe you can fill in the gaps lol
Reply:asking for forgiveness for what happened and a promise to make out for the years that gone by during their fight... right?
Reply:how about "I know you aren't my Mom but I want you to know that you are a special person to me and many others! Have a lovely day"
Reply:Try what I do, Happy Mother's Day Mother and you are the best Mother. And I love you very much. And many more Mother's days to you. Love from your daughter. And if she desires she can sign her name. But look up a very simple card to get her. Not one of those big fancy ones that cost a pretty penny and more. A short one with a religious message will do better. I wish you luck and hope this has helped you some. Good luck.
Reply:i love you mom.
Reply:Happy Fathers day.

Feliz Padres dia.

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