Monday, May 11, 2009

What to write on mothers day card?

the first line is you are the light of my world

and i want stuff like you are...

just lovey-dovey type things


What to write on mothers day card?
Dearest Mother,

Here's another year of me thanking you for being pro life...but what was up with naming me COREY, anyway?

Yours truly...

(fill in preferred name here)

XOXOXO (%26lt;-- by the way, this is the lovey-dovey part)

Reply:happy mothers day
Reply:"f I fell and scraped my knees, You’d dry away my tears. And when I had a nightmare, You came to calm my fears. As a child I always knew, You’d be there when I’d call. To comfort me in the dark, And catch me if I’d fall. And now that I am older, I value your love more. And know that you’ll still be there, ‘Cause that’s what moms are for! "

"You've always been my biggest fan, Encouraging me to be the best I could be. You cheered me on as I achieved my goals, And comforted me during my disappointments. But of all the gifts you've given me in my life, The most precious one is your love. Thank you for believing in me. I love you. "

"When I was a child, I never doubted that you were with me every step of the way. Whether I was at home or away, I felt your presence, supporting me in everything I did. Now that I’m a parent, I’m even more aware of the sacrifices you made for me. I can only now truly appreciate the strength of the love you have given me all of these years. As time goes on, I know your example has empowered me to be the best parent I can be. Because of you, I’m able to give my kids the same priceless gift that you gave me: Yourself."

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