Saturday, May 2, 2009

What do I do with lots of Birthday and Mothers Day cards recieved from kids over the years?


They are all great idea's above. Just running with the idea of video them, you can also scan them on your PC and save the images in My Pictures and burn a CD of them.

What do I do with lots of Birthday and Mothers Day cards recieved from kids over the years?
for sentimental reasons,

you could make a collage out of the cards ect.....

just cut out the pictures on the front of the cards,

cut out one birthday/mothersday wish (from each of your children,the ones that meant the most)...

buy a frame, arrange the card cutouts (on the cardboard under the glass) so that they overlap all over each other, this gives a 3D appearance, finally put the special wishes on, and put the glass/frame on.

(these cards suddenly become a wonderful sentimental photo collage),

it is in- expensive, full of memories, every time you look at it, you remember a special moment that has passed....


glue sticks or elmers school glue (white) works best.. enjoy ......
Reply:There are charities that will reuse them.
Reply:Hi, I would take the cards %26amp; get pics of the kids , and put the kids pic beside the card that they gave you , you'll know who gave it to u with out even having to open it . .Scrap book it ...
Reply:You could cut them apart and make a collage page for a scrapbook.
Reply:If they are special to you, save the front of the card and cut out the signature of the giver. If you like the saying inside the card save the whole thing. Get a scrapbook and use your creative self to make a scrapbook out of it. You can go by year given or category or just whatever. If you don't want them all, save the front of the card and give to a charity or nursing home for them to reuse or to make scrapbooks out of. Never donate the signed part of the card. You can also use the picture on the front of the card to make a new card to send to someone. If you are not sure of charities, contact a church or grade school in your area to see if they want them for children's art classes.
Reply:use the front side of a card and check to see if any writing on back. if not use it a write a note to someone. or scrapbook page with your faves, or reclcye
Reply:put in a scrapbook

choose your favorites

the rest recycle
Reply:Make art out of them?....or you can take video of them then get rid of them because you will still really have them but with less space!...brilliant ... I know!
Reply:In order to lead a clutter free life I have taken to saving only samples of cards and various pieces of fridge art from my kids.

I allotted 10 pieces per child and keep all of my keepsakes in one scrap book to keep them organized and close at hand. I will start a new book for my grandkids when the time comes.

If you are not into tossing old cards look for an appropriate storage box - one similar to a photo storage box that you can organize the cards by year or by child similar to a file cabinet.

A good tip to keeping things organized is to always write the year on the back of the cards as you file them away.

As well one of the cardinal rules of organization is keep like with like. Keep all your kids cards in one area of the memento-box that is clearly defined from the steamy love letters you and your husband have exchanged - heck keep those in a separate box all together. -lol
Reply:You could make a quilt out of them...or a scrapbook. You know, how people put pictures on it that way, but with your cards...Then you could show your kids and they would really love that you did that. It would be very sentimental.

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