Monday, May 11, 2009

Had 2 miscarriages and mothers day?

I have been ttc for 5 years now. I have had 2 m/c. The last one was just 2 months ago. (still getting over it....*sigh*) Anyway my question is...women tell me all the time that I am a mother and they send me mothers day cards and flowers. They being sweet and I love them for that, but I don't know how I feel about it. Do you think that a women who has had a m/c and has no childern is still a mother? I would love your thoughts. :)

Had 2 miscarriages and mothers day?
To me you are a mother. A woman who has known the amazement of being pregnant is a mother. To have known that joy and lost it is something any other mother would give the world to be able to make that hurt go away. I think that's why you get the cards and flowers.
Reply:No question.

Whether your child passes a few weeks after conception or a few weeks after retirement, a mother never ceases to be a mother.

Celebrate the lives of your children, however brief they may have been, and the joys they brought you in the days you knew them... in whatever way best suits you.

Know that my family and I will be praying for you and your children -- those you've known, and those you may yet.

Much love and grace to you today.
Reply:I 100% agree that you are a mother. I've had a miscarriage and even though my baby is not in my arms or in my belly, I have experienced the joy of being pregnant, as well as the heartache of losing that child, even if he was just 8 weeks old in the womb.
Reply:I don't know I think it is nice but I would have to say no cuz technically you aren't a mother until you have a child but It's nice anyway and if its ok with you then sure you can still be sort of a mother I mean why not?
Reply:you are a mother once you get pregnant no matter what it was your child..thats the way i feel..
Reply:not really...but that is so sweet!!!!!!
Reply:I so feel for you! I have come to learn that after conception losing a child is losing a child no matter what stage you are in because the love you feel is the same. I gave birth to twins on march 31st this year, and they weren't due til july. Both my baby boy and girl died. I am having the same problem I have been getting calls and texts all day today and yeah it does make a person sad because i sit here and think jesus is taking care of my kids so how am i the mother? I think that if you feel like a mom and i bet you did if those miscarriages hurt you emotionally (i say that cuz i know people who have went oh well i had a miscarriage no big deal) then you are totally a mom. you loved that baby, you cared about that baby, and you are the one always going to be wondering what they would of looked liked, if they would of been boys or girls, and would you of cried their first day of school. To me that makes you just as good of a mother as the lady down the street with 4 kids she sees everyday. Just cuz ur babies aren't with you does not mean your not a mom thats what i have been hearing all day so i thought i would pass it on.

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