Saturday, May 2, 2009

School head bans mothers day cards!!??

Here in the UK a school head has banned primary school kids from making mothers day cards for fear of being insensitive to kids without mothers.

We've made mothers day cards in school for years, i dont see what the problem is really, I lost my dad, but I still pop to the cemetary to see him on fathers day, surely its wrong to wrap kids up in cotton wool so much that they are not allowed to even think of their mum on a day when all other kids are?

What do you think?

Is he right or wrong?

School head bans mothers day cards!!??
I think she is being insensitive to kids with mothers........

And by the way it was a woman teacher.
Reply:I'd say he's wrong, but frankly it wouldn't bother me in the least. It's just another "Hallmark holiday" here in the USA. In other words, it's overblown, people's expectations are over the top, and it's becoming more of an obligation instead of a celebration of mother-hood.
Reply:Wrong a Mother's day card doesn't have to be for mum it' could be a step mother, aunt or just someone who takes care of you. I'd be gutted if my son didn't make me a card or have the cahnce to.

I work with children we've been making Valentines card not for romance but saying make it for some one you love care about as it's nice to be told.

Back to the mother's day thing I think it's important to make them, it's a chance to explain to other's that not everyone has one through one reason or another and there are different family structures throughout. It is blind ignorance and if a child has a mother who has died just maybe they want to still remember them and put it on their grave? They could ask the children who would like to make one and who for without assuming they won't, freedom of choice.
Reply:I think thats wrong..even if the child has a foster mum, adoptive mum, or a mum who has passed away, they can still remember their real mums..and maybe alter the cards slightly to take into account the child situation.

When i was a kid i was in fostercare, and made 2 mothers day for my mum, and one for my foster mum, i was never made to feel different, so whats the problem!
Reply:I think you are right. Here in the US that has been done for years. I think it is a shame. Now because they have same sex marriages here in the US we have to teach all children that it is all right to be gay. I think the schools are getting too involved in being politically correct. I still have all the art work my daughter made me in school. She is now sixteen.
Reply:Wrong... the teachers could have easily said those withotu mums can make two fathers day cards or something like that
Reply:Wrong!!! I lost my Mom at 7 and i still think this is wrong if that were the case then we should stop every single thing cause something affects everyone. Kids that dont have a mom for whatever reason figure out a way to deal with it.I know me and my siblings did,yes exactley by going to the cemetary on Mothers day or planting a garden in her honor,This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.I have kids myself they are grown now but the school card for Mommy was something I looked forward to as well as them,What a shame.
Reply:i believe that it is wrong. Life is about learning from experiences, and in some cases learning the hard way.

You cannot sheild children from basic aspects of life. Every child deserves to be able enjoy them selves, and express them selves.

I made a mothers day card in primary school, a freind of mine made a fathers day card even though his father had demised.

He didnt feel left out.

The problem is that in society today, people are protecting children from bad feelings, they are forgeting the important aspects of life, and of childhood.

Surely if a child is feeling a bit upset, about making a mothers day card, then im sure they would be excused from doing it.

In conclusion, every child has parents, and on special days every child has the right to think of them, and noone can tell them otherwise.
Reply:weird and WRONG
Reply:I would definitely file this under "too much PC".
Reply:I have no idea what's going on in the UK, but every time I hear about this in the US, it turns out to be someone being overly cautious.

In this particular situation, there is nothing wrong with having an activity to make mother's day cards. However, allowance should be given for children to recognize others in their lives. Fathers. Grandparents. Dad's Life Partner. Aunts. Uncles. Guardians. Whoever.

Kids without moms understand that they have different situations. And, as long as teachers encourage them to think about those people in their lives that care for them, there is not harm.

What IS wrong is to make a rule that only mother's day cards be made. I've actually seen cases where a teacher will "mark down" a student for making a "grandma" card because it wasn't the assignment. That's wrong.
Reply:I think she was wrong to do that, I completely understand if a child in the School has lost their mother at such a young age may feel a little depressed and sad but that is no reason for others to miss out. Those children could actually help the child by doing the group activity! Being around people at times that would remind you of lost ones is helpful in coping with the loss

Or the teacher could talk with the dad to arrange a trip to the cemetery to take their card
Reply:I agree with you....

The kids can make a card for some other positive influence in their life.....
Reply:Its PC gone mad - we all ahve to be so careful in ase we offend anyone

maybe we should go back tot he 'children should be seen and not heard'?!
Reply:I can see the head's side of it becuase he may think that the children may be imature without the parents in school, but this is an all time low!!

He is VERY wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:It is out of order the kids with mams might end up thinking its wrong to send mothers day cards.Bet the head has not considered that.
Reply:i couldnt believe this either when i read it in the paper. they will be banning xmas easter valentines cards soon what is the world coming to. if a child does unfortunatly doesnt have a mother they should make that child feel better about themselves not ban all the other children from sending them
Reply:Ok you pop in the cemetary to see your dads grave.Good for you but how is a 5,6,7,8,9,10,11year old gonna do this? I always thought that making cards for mom or dad in school was so wrong.Every class has atleast one child without a mom or dad and sometimes they dont have neither.No one is wraping a kid up in cotton.People are thinking of these kids.My kids make me cards at home all the time.They dont need to do it in school.I perfer school to be educational.My kids love me,they dont need a teacher telling them to make a card for me or dad.They do it at home because they love us.
Reply:It was a headmistress I think, and she is definitely wrong!
Reply:Wrong. What next, no universities for fear of offending stupid people? Pregnant women locked up for nine months for fear of offending infertile people? I'm getting really, really fed up with this nonsense, it's time we as a nation clamped down on this political correctness tripe, don't you think?

That is so wrong...

What about all the children who do have mothers?

Has he banned Easter and Christmas and Fathers day cards too, but allows Eid celebrations?

Some people take 'PC' too far!
Reply:Wrong! I have heard so many stories from my sister-in-law, who is a teacher, of how kids who have lost their mom or can't live with them treasure mothers day and the chance to make the special card to send it or leave it at the grave. One of the little girls goes to her moms grave, reads the card and then has daddy take her to a nursing home and asks for a woman who doesn't get much company. She takes the card to that woman and shares about how her mommy is gone and that she wanted to share with a woman who's kids aren't around. The nursing home looks forward to her visit every year!
Reply:i hate this whole being politically correct crap.

if the kids who does not have a mom...they can make the card and go visit their mom in the cemetary. or if that's not the case, the mom ran away...the term "mom" doesn't necessarily mean the woman that gave birth to you. think of the adopted kids...they give mother's day cards to the woman in their life that made an impact in it.

we are not to forget the moms that make an impact in our lives. making mother days card is not reminding the kids that they don't have moms or do have is to show the moms that they are appreciated no matter what.

btw, i can't wait til my son goes to school and makes me mother day cards...i think it's one of the best things that can happen in a mother's life!
Reply:Oh, for God's sake. What next? Banning walking in schools because it offends cripples??? Political Correctness gone mad again.
Reply:I think he's wrong. There's nothing wrong with making Mothers Day cards. For those children who do not have a mother, the teacher can say, they can make it for someone else who is special to them.
Reply:I have a friend who lost his wife to breast cancer, and was left with 4 very young daughters to bring up alone. The oldest was 10 and the youngest just 3. His biggest thrill was when his girls made him a mothers day card, he said it made him feel like he was doing a good job!!!
Reply:i still get mothers day cards from the kids that they make at school its fathers day cards they have stopped due to the single mothers i think its discusting that the kids carnt make there dad a card coz 3 kids in there class dont have one sometimes i wonder what the world is coming to .i sang baa baa black sheep to my niece a couple of weeks ago and was told by my 8 yr old son im not aloud to say black sheep as they have banned it at school they have a differnt version now i just wonder when the madness is gonna end.
Reply:i think it is really unfair to the kids that have mothers. its a nice time for kids to be thinking about there mothers even if they are not still alive.what would be wrong in the kids putting the cards to a grave for there mothers or even putting it in a memory box or something like that..i think its wrong
Reply:i think he's wrong. kids without moms, hopefully, have women in their lives that they can make a card for.

i think i even made a mother's day card for my grandmother and great aunt one year. i made one for my mom too, but i understood that "it takes a village to raise a child" at a young age.

i vote...WRONG!

take care.
Reply:She is soo insane!
Reply:we are becomming too politically correct.

if they are going to ban motherday cards they should then ban father day ones, the making of easter cards so not to offend those who do not beilve inthe rising of christ, the making of christmas cards,

i think it is all wrong the head teacher should be banned

the school is wrong in impossing this stupid ban

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