Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mothers day?

do you know that because of comic relief my 9yr old didnt get to make me a mothers day card whilst at school? he went in his pjs for a donation of £1 but no card making

Mothers day?
i just asked me wee one she said it was at school she made hers

i would say to school as bet you not only mother dissapointed at this

they should encourage kids to make cards for such an occasion

we mothers only get one day a year !

happy mothers day to you hon from another mum enjoy rest of your day
Reply:I think mothers day is bad news, it just makes us mums and our families feel inadequate. You get all these women who get spa breaks and roses! All you wanted was a little home made card and all I wanted was a break. I'm a mum but reckon it should be banned! Why couldnt they make cards in their pjs it saves getting their uniform dirty!
Reply:Im 28 I made my mam a mothers day card, because non of the cards had mam on them. Get him to make one, I had loads of fun making mine.
Reply:awwwwwwwwwwwwww................ bet your 9yr old feels terrible today ................HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
Reply:maybe your son could have made you a card when he was at home.
Reply:The school could have made the cards on another day. I think my daughter made hers on Wednesday.
Reply:there's nothing like having priorities set right, is there?
Reply:what you have said is bad, i work in a nursery and have to follow planning and have to include all events something like mothers day is important to children and they understand it more than comic relief and it means more to them, we dressed up for comic relief but still managed to make cards and cakes which is allot to do with 20 three years olds so the school should be able to manage.
Reply:It's part of tradition that young children get to make Mother's Day cards at school/nursery. Shame on that school - have they no organisational skills at all? What's wrong with doing it earlier?
Reply:every penny counts for those pathetic africans

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