Monday, May 11, 2009

No fathers day cards from school! Why?

I picked my daughter up from school last Friday expecting her to have made me a Fathers Day card, as her class made cards for Mothers Day . But, NO CARD!!!.

I understand that because a few of the children are illegitimate or their parents are no longer together, cards for us dads are not made. As all the children were obviously "fathered" is this an example of PC rubbish invading our lives again?

What if my wife was no longer present, could I object to Mothers Day cards being made? I would not object to the other children making cards if this was the case.

No fathers day cards from school! Why?
Go to the school and kick the feminist left wing whores between the legs.
Reply:becuz the skool year is really over no one does arts and crafts they r 2 busy tryin 2 get out of skool
Reply:I suggest taking it up with the principal or school borad. They should make both mother's day and father's day cards, or no cards at all.

I know that my dad would throw a fit, if that happened at my school. When I was in the grades that made cards we would make fathers day cards, even though school ended a good 2 weeks before fathers day.

Hope this helps!!!! :~)
Reply:How long before we cannot mention pancake day because some tribes in Africa do not use pans.

When will it be that we carnt celebrate birthdays because we cannot offend those who are born on the 29th of February ( leap year )

What are we? a bunch of bloody cry babies?

Its OK though were still allowed to go to war and kill each other, LOL. Makes me sick!
Reply:i totally 100% respect your question. i have a 5 year old son at school and a 6 yrar old daughter at schol also and for mothers day i got 2 beautiful pop up cards and a clay plaque with my sons hand print in. but for fathers day the school did absolutely nothing for dads not even a small card(which would take all of 10 mins to do if they were short of time). i was disgusted with the little they obviously think of the dads at the school.i aslo felt sad for the children as on fathers day they had nothing to give him and it upset them that school did nothing with them. luckily i went out and bought a small gift for him from them but thats not the point.dads nowadays have equal rights so theres absolutely no excuse. i am very sorry about this and it has got me so het up im going to ask the teachers tomorow why they couldnt be bothered with fathers day when they went to such a big effort for mothers day. ill tell you what they say xx
Reply:That is pretty funny. Hahahaha. sort of sad too though.

Anyway, I know that when I was little school let out before Father's Day so my mother had us make cards at home. But that is pretty crappy that they didn't make a card when your daughter was in school.
Reply:I think it's less about offending the parents than upsetting the children who have absent fathers.

My son's at pre-school and they always do something for Mother's Day but never anything for Father's Day.
Reply:coz most kids in america dont have a father and they dont wanna upset anyone
Reply:That is a very good question. As a widowed single father, whose first grade daughter is without a mother, I could see where it might be very awkward for a child, who has lost his or her father in the recent past, to make a card for their deceased father. My daughter's class was assigned to make mother's day cards, and it was very painful for me and my daughter.

Why must you make a political statement out of someone else's pain? You don't know the reasons why a class did not make you a father's day card. How selfish and petty can you get? I am guessing, as I alluded to previously, that perhaps a widowed mother who recently lost her husband requested that no father's day cards be made to avert any pain for the child.
Reply:I think its because most children live with their mothers these days as i read something about something like 48 percent of fathers dont live or are with the family =[
Reply:Some schools do not have good ideas anymore I know my dad and mum both looked forward to their cards too.

shoe buckles

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